Page 101 of Untold Restraint

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My pussy grips his cock in a fierce embrace, twitching and quivering and pulling each powerful jet of his seed inside, as he spurts at my sensitive limits. The relief is overwhelming, flooding my body with the pleasure that’s been building all fucking day, in an ongoing rush of euphoria that lasts and lasts.

My trembling limbs threaten to give way, and Quin collects me to him and remains seated firmly within, as he lays us with our heads on the pillows. He curls himself around me, as my core continues to ripple around his messy, softening cock.

Click. Click… Click.

He covers my head and shoulder in tiny kisses and shudders a happy-sounding sigh in my ear. “I love you so fucking much,” he whispers and presses another kiss to my neck, as he strokes my big belly.


His position changes slightly, and he tilts his head away. “Tell me you got the shot.”

There’s a brief wait, before the photographer responds. “I got it.”

“There’s an envelope in this bedside table drawer.” Quin points to the one in front of us. “It’s a ten-grand bonus. Leave the camera and any memory cards you used, take the cash, and go.”

I tug at his arm hairs. “Saythank you.”

“It’s written on the envelope holding the giant wad of cash. The appreciation is implied,” he explains, before also mumblingthank youto the departing photographer.

As soon as the door clicks shut behind her, Quin carefully pulls his cock from my pussy and repositions me with my knees up and my legs spread wide, so he can admire the mess he’s made.

“Fucking perfect,” he says with a grin, reaching for the camera.

Click. Click. Click.

“Push some out for me,” he commands, snapping more shots, as I do what he asked.

“Beautiful,” he murmurs, before lowering the camera and meeting my gaze. “Do you have any idea just how much I love every fucking thing about you, Kira Corazon Grant, my girl, my partner in crime, and mother of all my children — past, present, and future?”

“Of course I do. It’s written all over your fucking face.” I grab the camera from him.


* * *

My mind feels like a dreamland.

It could be all the hormones buzzing around my system, but looking at the picture of pure beauty sitting on the end of my hospital bed definitely adds to the feeling of utter bliss.

Quin and Curty are both shirtless, because — as they informed me — they’vedone their researchand know how important it is for the new baby to have skin-to-skin contact.

Quin’s sitting behind Curty, helping him to hold his little sister for the first time. He gives Curty instructions on how to support her neck and hold her firmly — but not too tight — and how to be gentle and make sure to keep her safe.

The sweet man supervises like a hawk, taking care of them both. When he believes Curty’s got it covered, he lifts his gaze to me.

His face softens instantly, and he tilts his head. “Okay, babe?”

I nod and wipe my cheeks. “Happy tears,” I assure him.

He nods once, looks at our two perfect little angels, and then back at me. Our victory is obvious and overwhelming, and his eyes take on a glassy sheen of their own.

“Me too,” he whispers with a thankful and satisfied smile.
