Page 11 of Untold Restraint

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“Sorry.” I sigh. “Again.” I force my hands to relax and shake them out. “I didn’t mean to vomit all that devastation on you. I don’t usually talk that much in a month, let alone dump my fucking life’s story on someone I just met. I don’t know why I did that.”

Kira brushes off my confusion, like she’s heard the words before. “It’s kind of my gift. Mom had it too. People would tell her the weirdest, most-personal shit, everywhere she went. She said it was a nurse-thing, that people could somehow feel they could trust her with their thoughts and pain. You know?” She looks me over again. “The anger makes a lot of sense, Quin. And I’m sorry your dad’s such a tool. You want me to throw an axe at his head?”

I’m sure she expects me to laugh, but I’m now terrified Jack may identify her as my ally and use her against me. I shake my head so hard it makes me nauseous. “Please don’t. Don’t ever doanythingfor me. Ever. If he finds out we’re friends, he’ll weaponize the connection. It’s how he works.”

The panic builds and builds. “He can’t ever fucking know Ilikeyou.” I look at her sweet face and want to die at the thought of him—

Kira rests her hand over mine, searching my face with kind eyes. “That’s seriously messed up, Quin, but your pain is safe with me. And I like you too — assuming you meant what you just said. It sounds kinda dangerous to be your friend, but I don’t like the idea of you, taking on such an evil a nemesis on your own. We could be secret friends, if you want one? If you feel you can trust someone who made you bleed. You do remember it was me who threw that axe at your head, right?”

I match her grin in a heartbeat. “I deserved it.”

Her smile fades. “You did not. Don’t ever fucking say that again. If you believe the shit he makes you feel, then he wins, so don’t fucking believe it, okay?”

I nod, a little too scared to do anything else.

She’s so fucking fierce, she gives me hope that life could be better.

Kira lets out a soft grunt of approval, then turns her back to me and sweeps her long hair aside. “Would you help me with my zipper? It was a struggle, getting it up this morning, and I think it’s stuck. I didn’t want to admit it, but my favorite dress may finally be too small for me.”

“It definitely is,” I confirm, wrestling with the zip. “Your tits look jammed in there, like… I’d say sardines, but fish don’t have the same effect on my dick.” I manage to yank the zipper unstuck, splitting the fabric open to where the white scalloped top of her cotton panties is just visible above of the waistband of my basketball shorts.

Kira whirls around, her eyes bulging in disbelief. “Did you seriously say that out loud?”

Flames engulf my face, and I squeeze my eyes shut. “Sorry. Did I mention I only have brothers? And that I go to an all-boys school? And that I’m a complete fucking dickhead, who is way too mouthy and unguarded around you? What the fuck is the source of this magical power of yours?” I risk a quick glance at her face. “Is it the eyes?”

She slow-blinks her dark lashes at me, and my dick bucks like a bronco, so apparently, yes, I’m a sucker for a sweet set of brown eyes.

“They’re definitely part of it,” I mutter, looking her up and down again. “And you’re so fucking pretty. Every time you look at me, I just want to…” I shake my head and groan. “I’m sorry. I’m being such an ass.”

“Little bit,” she agrees, whilepeelingherself out of her dress to stand before me in only my basketball shorts. No bra, because she crammed those beautiful breasts into that dress bare. There probably wasn’t enough room in there for anything more.

My mouth falls open at the utter perfection of the first tits I’ve ever seen in the flesh, and any attempt at controlling my dick is beyond pointless.

“It was indecently forward of you to say almost every word you did, but I liked it,” she informs me before pulling my T-shirt over her head.

Her nipples remain obvious through the fabric, and I thank the fucking stars, because it’s definitely not cold in here. I have older brothers, and I attend a school for boys, and I am well aware of what a girl’s nipples are meant to do if she likes me.

She’s telling the truth. Shedidlike it.

Is there more evidence? What’s happening to her panties? Are they wet? Cy’s given us lectures about our massive dicks, and how a girl needs to be turned on and fucking dripping before any of us attempt anything sexual… and I can’t help where my mind is going. Can’t help hoping Kira’s getting wet for me.

What if her pussy is soaking through, to coat the inside of my shorts with her juices?

Just thinking about it feels so good in my wildly overactive, virginal imagination, I want to come.

“Can I see it?” She glances at my covered crotch before meeting my gaze with one so steady, it feels like we’re playing chicken, and I’m going to have to be the one to swerve away before the crash.

But I don’t want to. I want to show her my dick.

“Is this atit-for-tatthing?” I ask, using my hands to shield myself from her prying eyes. “Because you should have stated your terms before you showed me yours.”

Kira laughs. “All talk and no follow-through? Are you scared? Is it small?”

Not one to admit weakness or be out-performed, I unbutton my jeans, and lift my shirt, to show her just how fucking not-small it is.

She yelps and backs up so fast, she bumps into the counter behind her. A nervous giggle escapes her, but she comes right back in for another look. “Holy shit, Quin. That thing ishuge.”

My conscience kicks in, and I quickly tuck my cock away again. “We shouldn’t be doing this. You’re… I’m older, and I should be—”
