Page 17 of Untold Restraint

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Yours. Forever.


Breathing hard,I drop the letter on my bed and stare at my dripping hand.

Another top-notch letter.

And I liked the feeling of being that stretched. I came faster than I ever have before — and I’m already a quick trigger when Quin is my inspiration.

Will it be like this when we’re together?

With my other hand, I close my laptop on the image of him grinning at some event. The man takes a damned good picture, and his online footprint helps me build flesh around his letters by matching his words to the twinkle I sometimes see in his eyes in those photos.

He’s never pictured with any women, and he must go to great lengths, to provide me that reassurance, because when I searched the list of employees at Montgomery Enterprises — where at his father’s behest, he works part-time while studying — at least half of his colleagues are female.

I appreciate his efforts. I’d hate to see some pretty woman on his arm looking like she caught a big fish. He’smyfucking fish, and I give him the courtesy of offering similar assurances that I’m his.

My online presence is basically nonexistent. I loathe big crowds and flashy events, despite my father’s dragging me along to his wealthy-white-man parties, where they love to immortalize their loudly professed brilliance with a million photographs.

I prefer anonymity, and I avoid social media on principle, more comfortable keeping all aspects of my life private. Gossip and misunderstandings can easily start with an innocent picture, and Quin would hate seeing me pictured with some other guy regardless of the context. He’s definitely the possessive type, which is probably at least one of the reasons he’s stalking me.

A thrilling little shudder runs through me, at the thought of his watching me do any number of tragically depraved things I’ve done in the name of pleasure and love.

I glance at the window. Is he out there now? Can he see into my room? Did he see me do as he wrote, like a good and needy girl? Ishishand covered in the spoils of his release?

I walk to the window and stare out into the darkness from my second-floor bedroom. I scan the street, the shadows around each tree, any parked cars I don’t recognize. Is he in one of those?

What could I give him in return for my best orgasm this week?

The certainty of him watching me enjoy his words is a revelation. There’s been no way to communicate with him before, and I’ve felt guilty every day, at how one-sided this relationship has had to be since he forbade me from ever contacting him in any traceable way. I obeyed, because I didn’t want to be a weakness Jack could exploit, but now…

At first glance, I knew Quin was my exact type, and even though our time together was brief, I was madly and irrevocably in love before I left him to nurse his head wound. I thought maybe the feeling would fade in his absence, but my love has grown with every day and every letter, and I thought I couldn’t reciprocate, but knowing he watches me is such a sweet gift, because now I canshowhim I’m more in love with him than ever.

In view of the street, I stand fully clothed, raise my still dripping hand, and lick it clean. Not like a dog laps spilled sauce from the floor, but slowly. Sensually. A seductive tease, where I’m doing to myself what he wrote about wanting to do to me — just like I have diligently performed every other thing he’s written, to feel pleasured by him in his absence.

I hope he’s sees it as a sign that his every letter has brought me the joy and delight he intended. I hope he can see me sayingthank you.

And this thank you is making me horny again. I slip my hand back down my pants.

How will he handle my insatiable sexual appetite when he finally gets his hands on me? Please, God, let him bring me some relief.

The next month is going to be torture. I can hardly wait, but I’ll have to. Quin Montgomery is a calculating son of a bitch with an iron will. He won’t risk coming to me sooner if he thinks it’ll jeopardize my safety, and his boundaries and planning are one more way he makes me feel precious and treasured. I’ll wait for him to make his move.

It’ll give me time to work on my knots, because if Google searches have shown me anything, it’s that Quin Montgomery is a fucking big man now. He’s even taller, and he’s filled out like a fit, war-ready Viking, so if he’s demanding to be restrained, his binds will need to be extremely fucking secure.



It’s the end of the world.

Her clueless father is throwing her a fucking surprise party.

Well, he’s organized some big charity hoopla in her honor the night before she turns eighteen, and he’s invited my whole family — Jack included.

There’s no chance it won’t be a disaster, and I definitely can’t go.

Ever since I confessed to stalking her, she’s been going out of her way to be the biggest cock-tease Seattle’s ever seen, and I know she won’t stop for the night when she’s so close to getting my big cock for her birthday. She’ll tease me from across the room, and I won’t be able to hold back from making a hard and fast public claim to make sure any other fucker enjoying her adorably hot shenanigans knows she’s mine. If anyone so much as fucking smiles at her wrong in front of me, I’ll rearrange their face.
