Page 3 of Untold Restraint

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“Why not?” Curty whines at his mom. “I build heaps of things out of Lego, and Quin just showed me how to make stuff with wood.”

Kira rolls her eyes. “You made a shelf, dude. That’s totally cool, but it’s like… the smallest part of a house you could build. A treehouse needs to be safe and structurally stable. You’re nine years old, and you need adult supervision,” she says with a frustrated growl. “I’m not having you break your neck because you didn’t secure a handrail well enough or something.”

Curty turns back to me. “Would you have time to come over and do safety checks as I go, so Mom doesn’t freak out about it being dangerous? Maybe if you help me design it so it’s safe, she won’t worry so much? I’ll work really hard and do everything right. I promise. I really want a treehouse, Quin.”

I open my mouth to respond, and then lift my gaze to Kira.

Her eyelashes flutter against her freckled cheeks, and she takes two deep breaths before opening her eyes. She lifts one shoulder, and I gulp — she’s giving me permission to sayyesif I think I can pull the right strings to make it happen.

“How far from the house is this tree?” I ask her, measuring every foot of space between us while I gauge how much exposure to her gorgeous body and soul I’ll be able to handle before needing to excuse myself to jerk off.

I can’t get near her without imagining her ass raised in the air, with her sweet little cunt ready to be bred. I still want to whelp a whole fucking tribe on her, the way we talked about. She looks like heaven when she’s round, and I’ve always wanted to know how her fruitful body would feel in my arms or riding my cock.

I shudder a little, and my inner thigh is starting to tickle from the pre-cum that’s now dripping from my cock. My persistent erection keeps trying to return to a ready-for-fucking stance, and it’s aching from being forced into a completely unnatural position, but it’s still having too much of a good time.Fuck. I will have to get my shit under better control if I’m going to commit to this.

Kira shrugs with both shoulders this time. “Maybe thirty feet?”

I start nodding before the words find my mouth. “I’ll take a look, kid. I was hoping to take some vacation time this year, but I have no real plans. So if the tree is in good enough shape to handle a treehouse, I’ll figure out a way to help you build it. That way, your mom won’t have to worry about it falling down with you in it. Sound fair?”

My boy jumps for me, knowing I’ll catch him in a hug. “Thanks, Quin. You’re my best Monty bro.”

I give him a squeeze and set him back on the floor. “Yeah — well — don’t let the others hear you say that, or they won’t help us, and we may need their muscles to lug in materials.”

“Nah.” Curty pokes one of my biceps, and then pulls a bodybuilding pose. “We’ve got all the muscles we need.”

Kira snorts and steps into the center of the elevator, waving her keycard at him. “Come on, Champion Muscleman Deluxe — junior edition. Let’s get home, make dinner, and get some vegetables inside you. Did you saythank youto Bo, for the cookies?” Her voice takes on a slightly scolding tone, and I’m proud of the way she’s bringing him up to be a well-mannered young man.

My grown brothers and I do the best we can to support our father’s younger sons and minimize the impact of his influence, but Curty is just the sweetest, gutsiest, hardest-working kid, and that’s all from Kira.

“Of course,” he says, before his movements get all excited again. He’s practically running on the spot, with the urgency of what he wants to tell his mom. “Bo let me touch her big belly, and the babykickedme. It was so cool.” He demonstrates by punching his palm. “Did I do that? Kick inside you?”

Kira smiles. “Like the freakin’ Karate Kid. Why do you think I got you into soccer the first chance I got?”

“You said it was to wear me out, so I’d sleep.” He sounds confused.

I laugh with Kira, and when we lock eyes over Curty’s head, I swallow hard and raise a hand to grip the door frame, so I don’t charge over there and taste that fucking giggle straight from her mouth.

She shakes her long, shiny hair again and gestures for Curty to join her in the elevator. “Thanks for letting him spend time with you guys,” she says to me. “We both appreciate it, but Curty really enjoys hanging out with his big bros when it’s not some formal command to attend Jack’s gatherings. Most of the time it’s just the two of us hanging out at home, and this helps remind him he’s got other family around who care about him.”

Her words hit me in the guts, and I lower my gaze to meet Curty’s. “Nobody likes Jack’s family events. They’re weird and uncomfortable, and they remind us how little we have in common with the man. But all of your brothers love you, and don’t you ever forget it. And Daisy, too. Don’t forget we have a sister, just because she spends more time with Cy than the rest of us…Huh.”

I glance back to where I left my siblings.

Daisy and Cy seemed very friendly during the nursery renovations — kind of like they shared a secret they didn’t plan on letting anyone else in on. And Cy is the happiest I’ve seen him.Ever. Interesting.

“I wish I had brothers that lived with me,” Curty says with a sigh. “Then we could do cool stuff all the time.” He looks up at Kira, and he’s getting so much taller he doesn’t have to crane his neck that far anymore. “I know I have a ton of brothers to other moms, but it’d be cooler if we had some at home who are just for us.”

The sweetest blush blossoms beneath Kira’s freckles, and she clears her throat. “Yeah. More family to fill our big old house would totally be cool, sport, but we’re missing a few key ingredients, so maybe not this week or whatever. Okay?”


My balls are fucking throbbing to give her what she needs, and when her heated gaze meets mine, my cock jerks against my leg.

“If you’re talking about a husband, you could get one anytime you like,” Curty informs her. “You’re really pretty and nice. Right, Quin?”

I just about choke. Ready to wholeheartedly object to Kira’s finding a husband, I nearly get whiplash from the sharp U-turn I have to take so I can agree about her beauty.

“Yeah, Kid.” I nod. “Your mom’s gorgeous inside and out, and any man would be lucky to have her. But that shit’s up to her. She says when and how and whom she builds a life with, so I wouldn’t go putting pressure on her to make babies with a stranger because you want more brothers. The right man needs to be kind and loving and good at taking care of a lot of things, including you. You don’t want just any guy for the job. Your mom deserves the best, and so do you. Got it?”
