Page 43 of Untold Restraint

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On the surface, the Montgomerys look like a happy, handsome, and successful family, but once you’ve seen the dark side, you can feel the unrest in the dining room.

The conversation is polite, the smiles are strained, and the tension is palpable. It’s obvious nobody wants to be here, though Jack seems delighted by the state of us all.

We’re obedient puppets he can manipulate at will. What kind of leverage must he hold over the rest of his sons? Only Lucius and Quin are forced to live in their father’s house permanently at the moment, but Jack’s other grown sons obediently show up to his Seattle mansion each Sunday, for the evening meal, and I have to smile at them and pretend I married their father voluntarily.

It’s the hardest I’ve ever had to work in my life, and that includes letting him fuck me on command. On closer inspection of my contract, the terms of my obligations are clear. I will not be permitted to leave this place until I provide Jack with a positive pregnancy test, and I’ve never wished for extreme fertility so hard in my life.

It’s the third Sunday since my arrival, and I’m late — to the table, and for my period.

It could mean something or nothing at all. I’ve certainly been through enough stress to disrupt my cycle, but maybe I’ll be the teenage mother I promised Mom I wouldn’t be.

If she’s watching, I hope she understands the extenuating circumstances.

My stomach is a tangle of nerves, as I approach the dining table. I feel on the verge of throwing up, but it’s too early for morning sickness.

“Ah, my beautiful wife.” Jack greets me with a doting smile. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

I glance around at the silver domes over the plates, and the sullen expressions of the other Montgomery men, who are obviously wishing they could be anywhere else. I bow my head in apology and scuttle to my seat next to Jack’s. “Sorry to keep you from your meals.”

Jack rests his hand on my thigh. He glances at Quin across the table before squeezing my leg and addressing me. “You’re worth waiting for, my darling.”

I shudder and have to pawn it off as a shiver, rubbing at my arms, as if I’m cold. “Chill in the air tonight,” I mumble when Jack raises an eyebrow at me.

“I’ll be sure to warm you up soon, then,” he says with a wink before looking out at his sea of sons, likely checking that they’re watching. He likes them to think he’s a sex machine, I’ve noticed.

Luckily for me, he’s not nearly so active with his dick as he’d have them believe. I think most of it is an act, to get a rise out of Quin, but my man only ever looks unaffected and bored of everything Jack says, disappointing his asshole father every time.

That subtle rebellion only makes me love him more.

Jack grunts softly and places his hand atop my plate’s silver dome while ordering everyone else to remove theirs and start their dinner.

Apparently, I’m to wait until mine’s removed for me, because that makes him look well-informed of etiquette and a chivalrous gentleman. The ruse is beyond pointless, when we all know he’s a monster, but they’re his rules, so we’ll play along or pay the price.

“You boys will no doubt know I’ve been treating this sweet little thing to a lot of bedroom time.” He gives me a nudge, as he glances around the table.

That’s my cue to smile, and I play my part, though I’d rather snort in derision whenbedroom timereally means I’ve been told to stay in my room all day, except for the one hour I’m permitted to walk through the gardens in the fresh air.

“And I’m sure you’ll appreciate her contribution to our empire when she’s proved herself productive,” he says, lifting the dome from in front of me, to reveal a pregnancy test on my plate.

I stare at it.

Does he expect me to pee on it here, in front of everyone? It’s not beyond his power to demand it. What do his sons think of his behavior?

Cyrus is staring at Jack, as if the man’s an ass. Aldus drags his hand down his face and eyes up the exit. Lucius keeps eating, as if nothing could ever faze him. Darius is looking me over with a measuring gaze, like he’s wondering what kind of genetics I could bring to their empire. Julius watches me like he’s trying to figure out why I’d even want Jack’s kids. Thaddeus has stopped separating the food on his plate by color and texture and has gone very pale, and Quin is glaring at his father so hard, he might actually leap over the table and shove the pregnancy test down Jack’s throat.

After I’ve peed on it, hopefully.

I look to Jack, imagining it, and it’s suddenly easier to smile.

He gives me an irritable grunt. “What are you waiting for, dearest? Toddle off and do your business.”

Toddle?Because I’m a fucking child compared to you, sick old man?

I keep my smile plastered on my face and snatch the pregnancy test from the plate. “Should I return here with the news? Or will I be brought my supper in bed, so we can celebrate in private?”

“You seem awfully optimistic, Kira.”

“Well, either I’m pregnant, or I get to have your delightful penis inside me while we try again,” I say through my forced grin. “You’re a stallion, husband, so either way would be cause for celebration, no?” I’m sure I look a little unhinged.
