Page 48 of Untold Restraint

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“When?” I demand to know. “I need to know exactly where she is, if I’m meant to stay away from her.”

“She’ll be at the next family gathering I force her to attend, making you squirm like an awkward little bitch until you beg me for more work to do, so you can escape. Oh, this is going to be fun. Not as much fun as when the baby is born, though. I’ll be wanting you to lay eyes on the new addition immediately, of course.”

“You’ll be wanting me to hate it and wish it dead, you mean,” I mutter, making sure to keep my distance while I take one last look at Kira before I go. “I’ll fucking love the poor kid, just to spite you.”

“Then I’ll add the kid to the shit-ton of leverage I have, to keep you in line. Have you learned nothing?” he splutters, rolling his eyes. “You talk a big game, but I don’t see how you could appreciate seeing the product of your secret sweetheart’s being fucked by Daddy. Hmm… Maybe I’ll force you to spend time with the kid, to really fuck you up, since you’d never harm a little baby. Would you like that?” His smile is smug, as he shoves me out the door, to leave him alone with Kira.

“Ten feet, Quintus. Best you stay the fuck away.”



Istare at the papers in front of me. What will my life look like now?

I’d been so sure, once upon a time, but I can’t even picture it anymore. When I imagined myself as an adult, I thought I’d be free to work and play and fuck whenever — and whomever — I liked.

But I’m a toy. A plaything, for a rich asshole, so he can wield enough power to take over the world.

He literally told me that’s his goal. A month ago, I would have laughed in his face, but I can see how his world works now, and the notion doesn’t seem nearly so laughable.

“I can still be a nurse?” I ask.

“You can. Just not one who can treat Quintus Montgomery.”

I stare at the list of terms and turn the page as casually as I can, to re-read the rest. “What if he’s dying?”

“Then you can watch from ten feet away,” Jack says with a smile. “Or call out life-saving tips, I suppose. I’d advise calling an ambulance, so someone other than you can help him. It’d be a shame, to let him die and waste his mind for business. He’s more pig-headed than a literal swine, but he’s a valuable asset to the company, and I’m not a monster.”

Again, I could laugh at such a claim — more because he seems to actually believe it — but all my energy is gone, and I just want to get out of this hellhole.

“What if I meet someone else?”

Jack looks me up and down. “My cum is still swimming inside you, and you’re already looking for your next lay? Do you need me to bend you over this desk and give you one, to go? Does Quintus know he’s thrown his life away for a needy little slut?”

I swallow my immediate response and raise my chin. “I meant in the future, after theyearsof fucking therapy I’ll need, to get over my introduction to adulthood,” I say as evenly as I can. “Will I be able to take the bracelet off then?”

“I’ll think about it.” He leans back in his chair and assumes a pensive pose. “I’d have to meet the guy. Monitor you both for a reasonable amount of time, to make sure it was a legitimate relationship, and not some six-year marriage, to tick a box, so you can then run away with Quintus.”

I stare at him. “Six years?”

“Of marriage,” he confirms. “And if it was serious, I’d expect you to date for several years and enjoy a long engagement prior to tying the knot. I would think around twenty years of monogamy to this hypothetical future husband might be enough to convince me of the validity of the relationship, but I doubt you’ll be rushing into anything. I’ve probably left you gun-shy of the whole sex-and-marriage situation, so I expect you’ll be well past desirable, by the time you’re ready for any kind of commitment.”

I nod. “You’re probably right. You’ve done a lot of damage. I don’t think I’m going to want you near my child, even this much.” I point to his custody terms.

“It’s the basic clause my most recent wives have come up with. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for you.”

I stare at his non-negotiable requests. “So, every year, you want my child to celebrate the fact you were born, and you also want to fuck up every one of my Christmases until you die? Why wouldn’t I just find a way to kill you?”

Jack holds his stomach, as he laughs out loud. “I do think you’ll be my favorite ex-wife, Kira.”

“Answer the question,” I say calmly.

He wipes a tear from his eye and takes a few chuckling breaths, before waving a flippant finger in the air. “Because it’s all stitched up, beautiful. You kill me, someone kills you. It costs a lot for those kinds of things, but I have money. And without you alive as leverage, your father gets taken out… there’s a whole chain reaction. If you want, I can change a few things around and make it so nobody dies — sometimes that’s more fun, anyway. I could mess with Quin or your kid or anyone else you want to care about. That hypothetical husband or your patients, maybe?”

His expression becomes thoughtful again. “I mean, we could definitely rearrange some things if you like. Should we delay your murder until you’re successful in your field, and then make it look like you’ve been killing patients instead of saving them? We could do that even if you don’t find a way to kill me.” He makes a note on the nearest piece of paper.

“Nothing is set in stone,” he continues. “Beyond the fact that I have the power to control everything, of course. I can do as much or as little to you as I like. It will probably depend on how you behave, so I wouldn’t test me, sweetling. If you went to prison, I’d get full custody, and that might be a really good idea. Our kid will be in need of my guidance, at some stage.”

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