Page 87 of Untold Restraint

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I close my mouth and shake my head. “No, sir.” I bow my head slightly and take my at-your-command-position, standing by his door.

It shouldn’t take long for his drink to take effect, and then we can move into the next phase of his decline.

And I can finally hold my woman in my arms.



Aluxurious car arrives out front for me, as promised, all tinted windows and elegance.

I’m ridiculously underdressed in my sundress, but the strappy lingerie I have on underneath kind of makes me feel like a million bucks, and totally worthy of my Prince Charming, whom I’m about to be reunited with after way too fucking long.

Wait. Prince Charming? That one is Cinderella’s, and I may be more like Rapunzel — finally liberated from my locked tower and ready to live life and be loved by the hero who never stopped trying to set me free.

Is that how it goes? Did someone go blind because of thorns, or was that a different story?

I’ve been watching way more Marvel and Lego movies than princesses, so I’ll have to Google it, later. The point is, I feel important and special and so excited about a wonderful future, where I can live happily ever after.

I practically skip down the front steps toward the fancy car, and as I approach, one of the back doors opens.

Quin steps out on long legs. I first see his work boots, then jeans, and a black, fitted T-shirt that shows every beautiful line of his strong, athletic frame. He runs his hands through his hair, grins, and opens his arms wide.

I run straight at him and leap into his safe, comforting embrace.Home.

His fingers grip my flesh, like they need to find permanent purchase, anchoring in for the long haul. He holds me so close, I can hardly breathe, and I can’t tell if I’m shaking, or if it’s him.

“Oh, my fucking girl,” he moans into my hair, his warm breath spreading tingles across my scalp. “I never want to let you go again.” His voice is hoarse and thick with emotion, as he wraps his arms around me even more securely.

We sink to the ground, the warmth from the sun-soaked concrete path seeping into our union, to heat my skin even more.

I try to speak, but I can’t make my mouth work, and my throat is aching. It refuses to produce any sound, beyond a barely audible, high-pitched squeak.

Quin strokes my hair, my back, and every other part of me he can get his hands on. It’s like he’s taking stock of all he had to leave behind till now, and I break down, press my face into his firm, reassuring presence, and breathe in the scent of him. I’ve missed him so much more than I let myself admit.

He hums softly, and when he speaks, his voice is rough and low. “I got you, baby. You’ve been working so fucking hard, to make our life without me, but I’m here now. I have a lot of things to make up for, but I’ll take good care of you — give you everything you fucking need, from now until forever. You hear me? I’m all yours now, and my only fucking job is keeping you happy.”

I sniff back my tears and nod into his shoulder. “It’s really over?”

“The bad stuff is,” he says, scooping me into his arms. He rises from the ground and carries me toward the car. “The good stuff is only just beginning.”

He sets me into the backseat, and buckles me in, like a child, before going around to get in the other side.

“Hey, Kira,” Loosh says from the driver’s seat.

“Hi, Loosh. Nice wheels.”

“They’re borrowed,” he says with a shrug. “I don’t know what kind of car to buy yet. Quin says I can get anything I want. Six, if I feel like it. I’m going to have to try some out.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I smile at Quin when he climbs in beside me, and then lean forward, to finish what I wanted to say to Loosh. “You could test them all out on a race track. It’d be like playingGran Turismowith Curty, but real,” I suggest, since he was prescribed play, to help him heal old wounds.

He grunts softly and nods.

I lean back in my seat, to stare at the eye-candy next to me, still not quite believing I’m allowed to touch him.

And yet I’m sitting on the opposite side of the car, like an idiot?

“Fuck this shit.” I unlatch my seatbelt and slide toward him.
