Page 98 of Untold Restraint

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He pats he knee for me to come sit, and when I do, he rubs his hand up and down my back. “This is what we’re doing today,” he says, handing me the naked photo from my baby-bump shoot when I was pregnant with Curty. At the time, I’d done some shots with clothes on, so I could show my baby one day, but the naked ones, I had done with Quin and myself in mind.

“I want to do one for all our babies,” Quin says, setting it aside so he can cherish my body with both hands. “I want to record this beautiful body, each time.”

One big palm comes to mold around my breast, lifting slightly, as if he’s feeling the weight before he lets it settle against the top of my swollen belly again. He brushes his thumb lightly over each of my nipples. They’re both darker now, and my areolas are bigger and darker too.

With gentle fingers, he roams my body, touching on all of the changes it’s gone through in the last nine months, including the stretch marks and the dimples, and the slightly stretched silver scar from my previous C-section. He meets my gaze as his thumb strokes that one.

“It’ll be fine.” I smooth the furrows from his brow and honk his nose, to chase the worry from his eyes. “People have Cesareans all the time, and the doctors get a lot of practice. It’s very usual, to have babies via C-section, after needing one the first time.” In my nurse-voice, I repeat more firmly, “It’ll be fine.”

His eyes soften, and he gives the tiniest tip of his head, but a smile would be better, so I give him a nudge with my elbow. “If you think I’ll get this giant kid out the other way, you’re dreaming. It’ll be a C-section, and you’ll have to accept it the same way I did. Plus, I’m pretty sure you’ll appreciate the lack of damage done to my downstairs afterward. I know how you like thingsso fucking tight.” I rumble the last part in my best impersonation of the growly tone he uses during sex.

He grips my ass hard, making me squeal, then kisses the tip of my nose. “I do,” he says, pushing to his feet with me.

“Pampering time,” he declares, marking off a schedule only he knows about. Your bath is ready, and you have an appointment for hair and makeup and whatever else you want done for the pictures. But be warned — there are two parts to this photo shoot, and once the pretty pictures we can show the kids are done, I’m stripping you bare and messing up your hair, because we’re making a different set just for us, which we’ll keep in the toy box under the bed.”

He leaves me in the bathroom,tinglingwith anticipation.

* * *

Quin kneels before me,kisses me on the forehead, and then uses his finger to draw a cross over his heart firmly enough to leave a subtle pink X on his skin. “I promise, this photographer is renowned for her work and her discretion. She’s signed an NDA, I chose the location and can assure you there will be no filming. We take the memory cardandthe camera immediately, and I will take the last few pictures myself, when we’re alone. Okay?”

I take a deep breath to calm myself, because the personalized, pornographic boudoir photoshoot sounds amazing, and I’m excited just thinking about it.

Quin must mistake my anxious desire for nerves. He lifts my chin and gazes into my eyes, pouring his love into me. “We don’t have to do it.”

I shake my head. “I definitely want to. You’ve been edging me all day, like an asshole, and I want my fucking pussy sparkles, Quin.”

He snorts softly and kisses my forehead again. “You and your fucking mouth,” he murmurs near my ear before tugging it with his teeth and making me shiver. “I’ll give you fucking sparkles.”

The child-friendly pictures are taken, and so are the artistic naked ones with the flowers, but Quin’s desperate for pregnancy-porn pics, and I just know we’ll both enjoy them — now and in the future, because making them is going to be a lot of fun.

Quin stands, bringing his massive cock in line with my face. It’s hard as fuck, veins filled to near bursting, and pre-cum shining at his slit.

He strokes his finger up my throat and lifts my chin. Eyes on mine, he brushes his thumb over my lower lip, tugging it down a little as the camera clicks away non-stop.

“Make sure you photograph Kira’s belly at every stage,” he commands, still looking only at me. “And I want some closeups of her swollen lips near my cock. Bonus points if you capture any saliva strings, connecting us,” he adds, pressing at my lip to guide my jaw open for his cock. “Open wide, baby.”

Click. Click. Click.

I do as I’m told, and the camera sounds mostly fade into the background, as I focus only on Quin — the man who’s held my heart since the day I met him.

I choose to worship at his feet, like he worships at mine.

There’s always been a fire between us. An eternal flame of promise no enemy could extinguish. We’re of the same mind, on the same team, and we have the same values and goals. We conquer each stage of this life together, and we make it our bitch.

I take his cock as he gives it, and I make him understand how much I enjoy it.

Click. Click. Click.

The camera makes me try even harder to please him.Yes. Capture this fucking-hot moment.

Within the minute, Quin’s pulling back and shaking his head. “Keep that up, and it’s going to be a very short photo session, Kira Corazon Grant. Get on the bed.” He help me get my bulky ass off the hard wood floors and onto the huge bed with the crisp white sheets and beautiful brass frame.

The shoot is taking place in a big red-brick-walled loft that’s dim in places and flooded with light in others, from the sun shining through the old-fashioned sash windows along one wall. It’s simplistic, but warm and classy at the same time, and I can’t wait to see how the pictures turn out.

“Like this?” I ask over my shoulder once I’m on all fours, with my ass pointing his way.

He grins and shakes his head, grabbing some of the pillows. “Sit about a foot back from the edge, and hang your legs over the side,” he instructs, putting the cushions behind my back when I follow his directions.

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