Page 48 of Make You Want Me

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“Hello,” I answer cautiously.?

“Ah, glad I caught you, Emerson. It’s Debbie from the DSS.”?

“Hey, Debbie, what's going on?” I wonder if the Robbins have finally had enough of me… Is she calling to tell me to pack up my shit???

“I have some interesting news to share with you, if you have a moment.”?


“Well, we’ve recently had a woman reach out to us, claiming she’s an aunt of yours. She left her information with our office and asked us to pass it along.” My mind whirls with this new information.?That’s certainly unexpected, but why now? Why not five years ago, when I was in need of someone?

“Oh, um—sure. Send me the info, please. Thank you.” I’m not really sure how to respond, but I know I don’t want to disregard this.?

“Sure thing, sending it now. You have a good day, Emerson. I will talk to you soon,” Debbie says, hanging up.?

I release a long sigh after putting my phone down. Do I want to hear what this aunt has to say after all these years??

My phone chimes again, but this time, it’s Nox telling me he’s ready and waiting in the driveway. Grabbing my bag, I dart out the door, making sure that it’s locked behind me.?

Making my way across the lawn, I can’t contain my smile as I see Nox with a small bouquet of sunflowers.?

“Hey there, sunshine.”?

“You’re so cheesy,” I tease, grabbing the flowers once I'm in the passenger seat, secretly loving the fact that he got me a bouquet. Something I’ve never received before in my life.?

“You know you love it.” He smirks back at me.?

“Actually, yellow is my new favorite color.”?

“Oh yeah, why’s that?” he asks, studying me.?

Touching his face, I stare into his eyes. “The green of your eyes is so strikingly unique, but it’s the yellow specks that I could get lost in for hours.”?

His palm comes to rest on top of mine cupping his cheek, his eyes searching mine. “Baby, I’d gladly get lost with you forever if you’d let me.”?

“Lennox…” His name escapes my lips in a whisper, all other words lodged in my throat. He means the world to me, but I fear if I give him this last piece of me, I’ll lose myself. I’ve survived so long without needing anything more from anyone, but with every day that passes, I know I need him more and more.???

Nox’s lips are on mine before I can release my next breath, the kiss needier and more frantic than usual. As if he knows his words evoke a sense of fear within me, and his mouth will help tamp it down.?

When he breaks away, and I am left a panting mess, he smiles again. “You ready for our date, Miss DaVina?” His hand finds mine, and he laces our fingers together.?


The drive takes us about an hour, but it’s a beautiful scenic route through the mountains. We talk about everything and nothing at the same time. I fill him in on the call from Debbie and, of course, in true Nox form, he’s encouraging me to reach out to my aunt. He tells me we have something else to celebrate tonight, not only his recent birthday, but that Isla finally filed for divorce. I couldn’t be happier for his family. This is such a big step, but it's for the best.?

We pull up to Stonewells, a quaint but well-known steakhouse nestled amongst the mountains. The sun is still up, allowing me to take in the breathtaking views. Then my eyes shift to the handsome man sitting across from me. He’s staring at me like I’m the main course this evening, and it takes a lot of restraint not to climb into his lap right here and now.?

He lets out a small chuckle, knowing what his gaze does to me, causing his entire face to light up with life. Damn, he’s gorgeous. Sitting there in his button-down with the sleeves rolled up, showcasing the scattering of tattoos along his corded forearms, I basically drool for him. He’s leaning back in his chair, no doubt with his legs set wide apart, just begging for me to come join him. I am one lucky lady to be able to call him mine. Not only does this man love me, but he loves all the broken pieces of me as well.?

“What are you thinking about, Sonny?”?

“How lucky I am, and how happy you make me,” I say, beaming a full smile.?

“You’ve got that backwards. You see, I’m the lucky one who gets to have you, mind, body, and soul.”?

“Lennox Monroe, when did you become such a romantic?”?

“Since I found someone who was worth my all.”?
