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“I’m glad something good has come of this.” Did she succeed in keeping the bitter note out of her voice? She wasn’t sure. “I’ll get Papadum’s things.”

“Don’t bother.” Blue eyes caught and held hers. “He’s not going anywhere...and neither am I.”

Bree blinked at him. “Pardon?”

“You are in danger. I made a promise to Blaine, and to your parents, that I’d protect you.” He sat back. “It’s going to be a lot easier now that you know about it.”

For an instant, she wanted to laugh. The temptation soon disappeared. Because just who did he think he was? Sitting there with a smug half smile on his face, on her sofa, in her apartment, telling her what was going to happen...

“Get out.” She managed to utter the words despite the rising tide of her anger.

“No.” He started to unlace his boots.

Unsure which of them was crazy, Bree stomped toward the door. “You have two minutes before I call the police.”

“Call them.” Rylan smiled. “I was planning to wait until morning to contact your brother, but I’m sure he’ll come straight over once he knows what’s happened.”

She sucked in a breath. Trey? Now? On top of everything that had happened? She didn’t think she could handle that.

She tried a different approach. “I don’t want you here.”

It was true. She was sure of it. Hurt and humiliation burned through her every time she looked at him, every time she thought of them together and knew their closeness had been based on a lie. But she’d grown used to the comfort that came with his presence. Without him, she wouldn’t feel safe. That was a long way from letting him stay.

“Right now, I have to place your personal safety above your wishes.” There was nothing of Rylan, her lover, in that statement. The man uttering those words was a stranger. A trained, emotionally detached, bodyguard. And maybe that was exactly what she needed when there was a violent stalker on her tail.

She drew herself up to her full height. “I can’t forgive what you did.”

He bowed his head, the stiffness gone from his manner. “Until this guy is caught, or unless you tell me otherwise, ours will be a professional arrangement. Nothing more.”

She regarded him for a moment or two, unsure whether to keep fighting, or be relieved that she wouldn’t have to spend the night with his gun under her pillow.

“You know where the guest room is.” She turned and headed to her own bedroom.

Chapter 7

“I can’t believe Mom and Dad hired a bodyguard without consulting me.” Trey Colton looked like he couldn’t decide whether to be angry or shocked.

Rylan had driven Bree to the sheriff’s headquarters immediately after breakfast. It had been a frosty journey. Now, they were seated in Trey’s office, and Bree had shifted her chair as far from Rylan as she could get.

“They didn’t consult me,” Bree reminded her brother. “Kind of more important, don’t you think?”

For the time being, Rylan was content to observe the dynamics between brother and sister. He could see how physically alike they were. With his light brown skin and golden-brown eyes, Trey’s coloring was similar to Bree’s. When he removed his cowboy hat, his hair was close cropped, but it was the same dark brown shade as his sister’s. Although Trey was tall and broad-shouldered, the siblings also shared the same strong runner’s physique.

There was more to it than a physical likeness. Even though they were clearly in the habit of sparring verbally, he could feel the fondness between them. And it reminded him all over again of what he didn’t have. This was normality. Family. Affection. Caring. The things that would always remain out of his reach.

Worthless. Yeah, like I needed a reminder.

“Yes.” When Trey smiled, he and Bree appeared even more alike. “I suppose you were more closely involved.” His manner became serious again. Rylan thought of what he’d heard of Trey Colton. The Bradford County Sheriff had a reputation for playing by the rules and getting the job done. “Tell me about this gunshot.”

Rylan quickly filled him in on what he knew about the ambush. “Bree needs to tell you the rest.”
