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She raised her brows. “I thought I was supposed to stay here on the ranch? Don’t get me wrong, The Chateau is one of my favorite places, but it is all the way back in Roaring Springs.”

Rylan grinned at her. “You Coltons are not the only ones who have a hot spring on your property, wise gal.”

Chapter 16

They followed the creek on a winding route for about twenty minutes until it reached the spring. It was a single warm pool at the base of a steep cliff, with piled rocks in the form of an oval creating a large natural hot tub right on the edge of the river.

Bree eyed the water suspiciously before studying the surrounding white-tipped peaks. “Are you sure it’s warm enough at this time of year? What about the snow from the mountains?”

“Even with the runoff, it’s like a warm bath,” Rylan said. “Try it for yourself.”

When she’d packed her things for a stay at the ranch, it hadn’t occurred to her that she might need a bathing suit. The only option for this activity had been the shorts and tank she was wearing under her outer clothing. Sitting on a rock, she pulled off her boots and socks, then tugged off her sweater. Standing, she shimmied out of her jeans.

Stepping cautiously over the rocks and pebbles, Bree entered the pool. Rylan was right. The temperature was perfect.

“Oh, it’s glorious.” She turned in time to see Rylan heading her way wearing just his boxer briefs, and Bree decided that glowing accolade also described his body to a tee.

The pool was just wide enough to stretch out and float, but its attraction was the rocky shelf on which it was possible to lie flat, or sit with her legs extended in front of her, and be massaged by the thermal bubbles. Bree leaned back, her skin tingling as she closed her eyes and relaxed. When Rylan joined her, he sat opposite her. Legs apart, he rested his feet on either side of her hips.

She sighed. “Perfect.” He didn’t need to know she wasn’t talking about the water.

Bree’s own feet were close to the inside of his thighs. Every now and then, the movement of the water caused her toes to lightly brush his skin. Through half-open eyes, she watched his reaction. Smiling, Rylan casually reached under the water and took hold of her foot. Slowly, he ran his thumb from her heel to her toes, then back again. The sensation sent tiny darts of pleasure running through her entire body.

Something in her reaction must have drawn his attention, because he paused. “Should I stop?”

Unsure whether she could trust her voice, Bree shook her head. Rylan continued to rub the bottom of her foot in firm circular movements. The action was soothing and sensual at the same time. Lying back, she let the feelings carry her. Warm water, the sounds of nature, soft bubbles caressing her body and Rylan’s touch. She drifted between awareness and bliss.

Reaching a hand to her side, she stroked Rylan’s foot. Running her fingernails across his skin, she continued to lie back and enjoy whatever this was without analyzing it. She had done too much thinking just lately. It was time for a bit of acting on impulse.

Opening her eyes, she sat up straighter. Looking into his startling blue eyes, she smiled. “Can I kiss you?”

“Bree...” There was caution in his expression, but she also saw hunger.

“You wanted to be sure this was about you. Let me prove it.”

Leaning forward, she placed her lips gently against his. When his mouth opened, she moved her tongue inside, exploring every inch. With a murmur of satisfaction, she pressed her hands against his chest as she deepened the kiss. Gradually, she felt Rylan relax. His hands moved to her hair, her face and the bare skin of her shoulders. Instantly, her nipples tightened with anticipation.

Feeling totally unlike her usual reserved self, she continued to take the lead. Reaching her hands around to his back, she slowly raked her fingernails down his spine, enjoying the shudder that ran through him. Drawing his tongue into her mouth, she sucked it slowly in and out, teasing him with the suggestive action.

Rylan gave a groan of surrender. His hands worked their way down from her shoulders to cover her breasts over the material of her tank. Taking each nipple between his fingers, he lightly pinched the sensitive buds. Bree murmured her appreciation, changing position until she was straddling his lap.
