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The peacefulness was in such sharp contrast to everything they’d been through. Lightness lifted Bree’s heart, invading her senses and making her spirits soar. “If you really are ready for a walk, I have something I want to show you.”

Rylan smirked at her over the top of his coffee cup. “I’ve seen it all. In bed last night, and just now in the shower.”

She shook her head sorrowfully. “I always suspected you were a wicked man. Now, I know it for sure.”

He reached for her hand. “But you love me.” There was quiet contentment in his voice as he said the words.

“Every wicked part of you.”

“We could skip the walk while you explore my most wicked parts,” he said hopefully.

Bree burst out laughing. “For someone who is supposed to be taking it easy...”

“Honey.” He drawled the word, while giving her an exaggerated leer. “With you, I’ll take it any way I can get it.”

She got to her feet. “Maybe you do need a walk. You have way too much energy today.”

Hand in hand, they slowly followed the creek toward the boundary with the disused ranch. The dogs streamed after them. Although Jekyll tried to stop the others from getting too close to Bree, his behavior was improving. The little oddball was calmer, and less aggressive.

“It’s because he knows he’s loved,” Bree said.

“Does he?” Rylan raised a brow. “I wonder what gave him that idea?”

When they drew close to the edge of Rylan’s land, Bree pointed toward the abandoned ranch. “Remember when we first came out here, and you talked about all the things you could do if you had that land?”

“Sadly, it was just a dream.”

“Maybe not.” Instead of stopping at the boundary, she carried on walking. “This is our land now.”

He smiled down at her, his expression bewildered. “I don’t understand.”

“After what happened with David, I learned the hard way about using my own name in real-estate transactions. I spoke to my uncle Russ while you were in the hospital, and he got his attorney to approach the owner of this ranch. He kept the Colton name out of it, but he also made it clear we wouldn’t be paying over the market value. We agreed on a price, and the contracts were signed a few days ago. I didn’t want to tell you until it was finalized in case it fell through.” She turned a half circle, sweeping a hand in front of her. “This is my contribution to our animal sanctuary.”

Rylan stood very quiet and still, his lips slightly parted, and his eyes narrowed against the bright sunlight.

“Say something.” Bree felt suddenly nervous. Had she done the wrong thing? Would his pride lead him to say he couldn’t accept a gift of this magnitude?

When he turned to her, his eyes were overly bright, his voice thick with emotion. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“I didn’t have to. I wanted to.” She placed a hand on his arm. “We’re a team now, remember? I want this sanctuary as much as you do.”

He used his good arm to draw her close. “What about the gallery?”

“Wise Gal will always have a place in my heart. And I will always be a painter. I visited Kasey a few times while you were in the hospital. She couldn’t talk because her jaw was wired, so our conversation was me talking, and her texting me her replies.” Bree laughed. “Luckily, it wasn’t the other way around, or I’d still be there composing the first text. I asked her how she would feel about managing the gallery. Obviously, her plastic surgery will take some time, but she was excited at the prospect. I can take on a more executive role, perhaps spending a day or two a week there.”

“That’s my wise gal. You have it all figured out,” Rylan said.

“When I thought you might not—” She shook her head. Those negative thoughts had no place anymore. “After you got shot, I reassessed a lot of things. I know how lucky I am to have found you, and I want to spend as much time as I can at your side.”

“Hey, I’m the lucky one, remember? It’s my nickname.”

“Oh, yes.” She looped her arms around his waist, pressing her face to his chest. “From now on, we can be lucky together.”
