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“Filthy,” I even went as far as to lean against the marble of the bar so my cleavage had that extra lift. “Think you can do that for me, Greg?” I looked down at his name tag and then back to his eyes. They were a muted blue-grey that didn’t hold a candle to—no, no, we are not doing that tonight.

Greg winked and got to work on my drink. I had been hoping to irk Danny Boy, who was on my right, and with luck on my side, it worked. He huffed heavily, blowing out hot steam, and stalked over to the couches. Even in a room filled with people, he commanded the space. It wasn’t because he was the tallest man or likely the richest, but every stride exuded power and demanded your attention. It was no wonder that half the females on the first floor were craning their necks to get a good look at him.

“Did it work?” Greg handed me my drink.

“Did what work?”

He nodded his head in Daniel’s general direction but kept his eyes locked on mine.

“Making him jealous?”

My mouth hung open for a few seconds before I corrected myself. “I wasn’t…I mean he is just—how did you know?”

He leaned against the white marble and gave me that boyish grin that likely worked for him with other women.

“The man literally perked up like a meerkat when you walked up. And though you are quite the sight to behold, your man is more my type than you are.”

Oh, well that was…something. My gay radar is usually immaculate.

“He’s not my man. He’s just a pain in my ass.”

He gave me this knowing look. “Pain in your ass, or you want him in your ass?”

I nearly choked on the bitter martini. Greg simply threw his head back laughing and I glared him jokingly.

I could feel Daniel shooting daggers at my skull. My skin was practically burning under his gaze.

“I can assure you, I want no part of him in or around me. He’s an asshole and I’m…it doesn’t matter.”

“So why make him jealous?” He challenged. “If you want to fuck him then just do it and be done with it. The sexual tension between the two of you is suffocating. I could barely breathe.”

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. He reminded me a lot of Claire in that regard.

“I can’t sleep with him; he’s my boss, and the last thing either of us needs is sex getting in the way of our already complicated relationship. Besides, it’s against company policy.”

“A forbidden office romance? How scandalous,” he clapped his hands together, “you should definitely do it then. Who doesn’t love a little added spice in their lives?”

I dared to look over my shoulder at Daniel, who had his hard gaze set on me. I lifted my martini glass in his direction and took a sip before I turned back to Greg.

“The love of the thrill will kill Greg. It’s a lesson I had to learn a little later in my life than most.” I downed the martini and pushed the glass to him. “Another, please. A little stronger this time.”

If I wasn’t going to get fucked tonight, then I might as well get wasted.


I was three martinis in and I was already dancing on the tables. There were men from my office here looking up at me like they had seen their dinner, and they were starved.

The male gaze was something I was used to. I never sought it out intentionally, it was just something that came to me. But tonight, the only pair of eyes I wanted on me were forest green and filled with danger.

It had been a bad idea to drink; now, my most intrusive thoughts were peeping through. I needed to reign in control. If I wanted that itch to be scratched, then I could pick from the plethora of men currently ogling me. I moved my eyes across the section, looking for someone to scratch that said itch that I was currently trying to scratch. But I made the mistake of wondering too far to my left and making eye contact with a pair of green eyes that had taken on a much darker shade.

He sipped on his expensive whiskey as he stared at me. He didn’t hide the fact that he was shamelessly looking at my body. I don’t know why, but it made me insanely mad for some reason.

We held each other’s gaze, dead locked in a standoff. I could see the challenge in his eyes, he was daring me to do something.

The nerve.

A woman came up to him, but his eyes stayed on me. She placed her hand on his chest and she whispered something in his ear to which he turned his head. She smiled, feeling successful. She managed to garner his attention.
