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“Sel- don’t walk away.”

It was too late. She picked up the pace, but I stayed put. I had to look into this before making a move.

I picked up the phone to call William.

“And to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?”

“William, something is up, and I need your help. Can you come to my office?”

“I’ll be there in a minute.” He hung up the phone without saying goodbye.

Shortly thereafter, there was a knock on my office door.

“I’m not gonna lie- it smells like sex in here, bro,” was the first thing he said.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I snapped.

“No, man. I know pussy when I smell it. You got some pussy today, you motherfucker!”

“No. I actually didn’t.” It wasn’t a lie, though I wish it was. “Now, can we get to the matter at hand?”

“By all means.”

I showed William the email and I could see the wheels turning in his head. He must’ve read it over several times because he was quieter for much longer than I thought necessary.

“Well?” I blurted out when I couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

William took a deep breath and looked at me for a minute before responding.

“I don’t know, Daniel. I mean, this could be from anyone, but the fact that they have the name of the actual bank and a partial account number deems it worthy of looking into.” He paused and looked back down at the letter. “If this fucker is lying, we have to sever ties with him. It would make us look really bad. Dammit. This is going to cost us either way, though. If it’s true, then we have to cut our losses, but the firm will take a hit publicly – for representing a fraud- and financially, he’s our biggest client.”

Just as we were deciding our next move, there was a loud knock at my door.

It was my assistant, Mark. “Mr. Sinclair, a woman by the name of Kristiana Flemington is here to see you. She says she represents Charlotte Davenport.”

William and I looked at each other. Our eyes wide. William stood and said, “Oh, well, I was just on my way out.”

We exchanged a knowing glance, and I walked him to the door while straightening my suit jacket.

I met eyes with the tall blonde lawyer.

“Kristiana. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Cut the crap, Sinclair. Let’s chat.”

I motioned for her to enter my office and followed her in.

“It’s been a while. Good to see you.”

“Daniel, let’s bypass the small talk and cut to the chase. I received this,” she placed the familiar email on my desk and continued, “two days ago.”

“Yes, Kristiana, I have seen it as well, but unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to investigate it yet. Whoever sent it obviously wants to get information to us that could possibly lead to defamation of my client, but they didn’t think it was important enough to leave any real evidence.”

“Well, Ihavelooked into it and came across this.” She reached into her briefcase and presented me with another piece of paper that had account numbers linked to Ashton LeVrous.

Over the next half hour, I poured over the documents with Kristiana. I finally asked Mark to get Selena, who was still the paralegal for the case.

“Sir,” he interrupted after a few minutes, “Apparently, she left for lunch over two hours ago and hasn't returned.
