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, and as soon as he let go of me, Daniel grabbed him and threw him halfway across the

parking lot.

I fell to the ground, my heart still pounding out of my chest. “Daniel! NO!” I screamed. I watched Marcus get to his feet, his chest heaving up and down, trying to catch his breath.

Without a word, Marcus charged at Daniel, and I closed my eyes, thinking for sure that he would kill Daniel if he got his hands on him. I began sobbing and covering my head, hoping it wouldn’t be me he came after next.

I heard a loud crash and looked up to see Daniel standing over me. “Are you okay?” he said as he knelt down beside me. Confused, I looked over his shoulder to see Marcus on the ground next to a car. The car had a dent in the door about the size of Marcus’ head.

Suddenly, Brandon and Lisa ran up, and everyone was making a big fuss over me. The scene before me was pure chaos, and my world began to run in slow motion. Sounds were muffled, and my brain was trying to comprehend what was unfolding in front of me. The security guard was sitting on top of Marcus, who was bloodied and knocked out. He was trying to handcuff him while yelling into his radio.

“Selena! Selena!” Daniel cried.

Just then, when I heard him call my name, the world came back into focus, and my hearing was restored to normal. I realized that he was safe. My world did not function properly unless Daniel was in it. I couldn’t bear the thought of bad things happening to him. Especially on my account!

I looked at Daniel, and more tears welled up. I began sobbing uncontrollably and couldn’t catch my breath. The last thing I remember was Daniel trying to calm me down, then he screamed to someone to call an ambulance. He picked me up in his arms and held me close. I remember hearing sirens as I was gasping for air, and then the world went black.

Chapter thirty-four

We Are Family


“Idrovefourhourswhile pregnant in the damn torrential rain. I am going to see her.” Claire? Her voice sounded distant in the thick cover of darkness in my mind. “I swear if you don’t move, I will body drop you to the—what do you mean? I’m the picture of calm.”

I heard some hushed muffles. My eyes fluttered open, the harsh light forcing them to close again.

“You will wake her up.” Daniel hissed under his breath. “And you already have. I swear I don’t know how Seb puts up with you.”

My eyes opened once more to see the two Sinclair siblings at a standoff, but one of them had a now noticeable little bump on their belly. She’s showing.

“Don’t you dare bring my husband into this,” Claire jabbed her finger in his chest. “Amelia! Get in here, please.”

Amelia then walked in with her own large belly. “I think you two should keep it down unless you want to— she’s awake.”

Everyone’s heads whipped in my direction. Claire all but flew to my side, and Amelia waddled as best as she could.

“Daniel? What happened? What am I doing here?”

“Oh, babe. I’m so glad you are okay. You passed out in the parking garage after the whole thing with...well, you know.”

“Passed out?” I had no recollection of this, obviously.

“I thought you were having an asthma attack, but the doctors said it was a panic attack.”

“And Marcus? What happened to him?”

“Don’t you worry about him. He’ll be locked up for a while for breaking his restraining orderandhis parole,” he said sternly. “Also, I’m never letting you out of my sight again. So, there’s that.”

“Don’t be silly, Daniel,” Claire chimed in. She’s an independent woman, and that man is back where he belongs. She’ll be just fine now.”

“Anyway,” he continued, “You need rest, but your friends are here, and they want some time with you.”

“Mmmkay, Daniel, that’s enough out of you. We’ve got this,” Amelia said as she nudged him out of the way.

Daniel just rolled his eyes but allowed my friends to have their moment with me.

“I will go downstairs to get you guys some hot chocolate.” He spoke with me through his eyes, “Are you okay?” To which I nodded.
