Page 3 of Hurt for Me

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“I don’t interact with clients outside of the dungeon. You know this from our signed agreement.”

“I know, Mistress V, but I’ve been seeing you every week for the last six months. Think of how much fun we could have outside of this room. No regulations you have to follow, no limits. You could do whatever you want to me, and then I could be in the right headspace.” He paused. “I know this place that has big parties with no rules, no safe words, and I thought you could come with me and—”

“No, Thomas. No play outside of this room. And if you don’t want to comply with our agreement, I can easily release you from my services.” Rae motioned to the door. “It’s time for you to leave now.”

Thomas slipped his shoes on, his expression hurt.

Before leaving the room, he turned to Rae and said, “I apologize, Mistress. I won’t bring it up again. I’ll see you next week?”

Rae nodded, shut the door behind him, and blew out a long exhalation. What the hell was getting into Thomas, one of her best, most acquiescent clients? It was true that some of her past clients had expected a happy ending to their pain sessions, something beyond illegal in Oklahoma and pretty much everywhere else. There were no happy endings, no sex at all. Her clients could get fully undressed, if she allowed it, but there was no touching beyond placing them in various forms of bondage and during aftercare. Of course, erections happened, and she did her best to ignore them, although many of her clients enjoyed her making fun of their cocks.

She supposed it was an easy assumption for some of her new clients to expect sex. After all, her true work was cloaked in the guise of an exclusive spa, her dungeon space in the back of the business she ran with her best friend, Angel Paisley. If it weren’t for Rae’s daughter and all the unwanted attention it could place on them both, she wouldn’t hide what she really did for a living. There was nothing wrong with it or any other kind of sex work, in her view, as long as it was between consenting adults. In many ways, her work saved her life.

She thought of how Thomas had looked at her, not with his normal respect but with covetous eyes as if he could own her, and her hands curled into tight fists.

Next time she saw him, she’d have her favorite purple whip ready. And this time, he’d find subspace, and the marks she made would last for weeks.

“About time,” Lily huffed out, her backpack slung over her right shoulder.

“I’m actually earlier than what I texted you,” Rae said. Her last client was late, and she’d almost had him reschedule, but she also had Lily’s braces to pay off, so she’d seen him anyway.

Lily plopped into the passenger seat. Like Rae, she was petite and fair skinned, but Lily had brown eyes that blazed like warm brandy in the sun and hair the color of burnt sugar. Rae’s hair had grown darker over the years, but in the sunlight, it was still a rose blonde.

“You know Gabby can drive me home,” Lily said as she buckled her seat belt. “You don’t have to get me every day.”

“Gabby’s only had her license for a month.”

“So? She’s a good driver.”

Rae doubted that. From the time she had first met Gabby, when Lily started high school the year before, she hadn’t been a fan. The girl was rich and liked to throw her privilege around, talking down to adults and her friends like she owned the world. She tolerated Gabby because she knew outright hating her in front of Lily would only drive her daughter to hang out with the girl more than she already did.

“I’m sure she is, honey, but she’s also a new driver.” Rae glanced at Lily next to her. “Plus, if I didn’t take you and pick you up from school, I doubt I’d ever see you.”

“That’s so not true, Mom. Besides, what will you do when I get my license in the fall?”

“Lock you in your room until you’re thirty?”

They both laughed, and Rae almost felt relief. Her daughter was still hers. For now.

They pulled into their neighborhood, which was a few miles away from the high school. It was an older neighborhood, most of the houses single-story Cape Cods or in the two-story Tudor revival style like Rae’s. The homes were old enough to be desirable to investors but not too old to deter young families looking to get into the magnet schools nearby. Rae loved it. She loved how people babied their lawns and checked ontheir elderly neighbors. Her house was the first she had ever owned, and she hoped it would be the last.

She had moved too much as a kid—even more as an adult—never in a place long enough to establish roots. Rae used to lie and say her dad was in the military to explain their constant moves to people. If there was one thing her dad wasn’t, it was a military man. She never had an explanation ready for why her mother wasn’t around.

Rae watched Lily lower the car window to wave at Klo, the neighborhood kid who lived across the street. They were the same age as Lily, had gone through elementary and middle school with her until Klo had come out as nonbinary in eighth grade and changed their pronouns. The schoolkids were relentless, and Klo’s family moved them to homeschooling to avoid the bullying. Rae missed Lily hanging with Klo as much as they did when they were younger and hearing their easy banter and laughter, although Klo did sometimes come over for dinner.

“I’m making tacos tonight, Klo,” Rae said as she exited her car. “You’re welcome to join us.”

Lily and Klo exchanged a look Rae couldn’t decipher, like a secret language of smirks only they understood.

“No, thank you, Miss Dixon. My grandma’s eating with us tonight.”

“Maybe next time, then.”

Lily followed Rae inside, petting their black cat, Iris, and dumping her bag by the door before racing upstairs to her room.

“Hey, Missy! There are hooks in the entryway for a reason!” Rae yelled as she hung up the backpack.

While she browned some ground beef, Iris rubbing against her legs, Rae checked for any messages on the kink-community sites she was a part of. One discussion thread immediately stood out to her: MISSING SUB. She pulled up the thread and learned a young woman, a submissive who was apparently new to the community, had been reported missing by her roommate, who was also a part of the kink group. Theroommate had reported it to the police, but they had done nothing about it so far.
