Page 41 of Hurt for Me

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“No, but what makes you think I would have access to that party? By all accounts, it’s invite only, and I don’t have an invitation.”

He leaned forward, resting his palms on his thighs. “They invited your friend, so I’m thinking you show up dressed in one of your dominatrix outfits. You could wear a mask of some sort to help disguise your identity and tell them your friend invited you to help her with the, uh ... subs. I’m sure you can be persuasive, and I doubt they’d turn away a beautiful woman.”

Rae couldn’t hide the incredulity from her face. “This is your negotiation? Crash a party? And what would be your role? My submissive?”

He bit his bottom lip before answering. “Precisely.”

“What exactly is the negotiation then? Because this isn’t feeling like a choice.”

“It’s completely your choice, and the trade-off for doing it is that you and Angel could get removed from the suspect list.”

“You could do that now without my help,” she said.

“I wish I could, Rae, but even I answer to a higher-up, and my higher-up says your friend’s story doesn’t hold a drop of water. It’s all hearsay, like I warned you before. Unless we get evidence of wrongdoing at that party.”

Rae shook her head. “I can’t believe this.”

“I’m trying to help you and Angel, but you know I don’t have access to your world.”

“Let’s be very clear,” she said, not hiding the disdain in her voice. “That isnotmy world. We’re talking about a party for rich people who by all reports don’t give a shit about people’s safety. And you want to waltz in there and do what? Record what happens and bring it back to your boss as proof?”

“In a nutshell, yes,” he said. “And if that means dressing up in a gimp suit and pretending to be your submissive to find out what happened to your client and those missing women, I’ll do it.”

What he was asking her to do was insane. She thought about how much Lily and her business had already suffered because of the leak Dayton allowed to happen. She had no desire to put herself in an even worse position than she was already in.

“Well, I’ll make this easy for you.” Rae stood up. “It’s a big hell no. You can go now.”

For several moments, Dayton didn’t move. He locked eyes with her with that intense stare of his. “And what happens if more women disappear? And you could’ve done something to prevent it?”

She wasn’t about to let him guilt-trip her. She had survived in life because of herself. Not the police. And she almost said as much to him before she realized he didn’t know her history.

“Dayton, my job is not to do yours for you. Please leave.”

Without another word, he left.




Rae repositioned her webcam to get a full view of her hog-tied Ken doll she’d nicknamed Bruiser; then she poured chocolate syrup all over him. She moved her camera again, this time up, making sure her midsection wasn’t in the shot. She wasn’t comfortable yet showing her full face online, the thought of someone recognizing her in the back of her mind, so she wore a cheap cat mask on the upper half of her face. She took the syrup-covered doll and got a perfect shot of her shoving him into her mouth as far as possible without gagging, ensuring she showed a lot of teeth as she ripped the doll’s head from its body. She got quite a few customer tips with that move.

Although Rae avoided doing anything too overtly sexual during her live streams, thinking it would lessen her credibility as the Domme-in-training she was trying to be, she realized she earned more if she at least showed her face at times, especially her mouth. She used to hate her pouty lips, which reminded her of her mother’s, but now she loved them. She loved gliding red lipstick across them and seeing them popagainst her fair skin. She loved how they looked as she blew kisses goodbye to her audience after a scene. And she loved that they helped her make money for a better life. She only wished she could kiss herself with them.

As soon as her live stream was over, she cleaned up the chocolate-syrup mess, which was made easier by having wet wipes nearby and a waterproof mat on the floor. Then she got into comfortable clothing, locked her bedroom door, and pulled her laptop onto her bed.

Whenever Viv was out of the condo like she was now, Rae got into the habit of watching BDSM porn on her laptop and masturbating to the images of people being restrained and dominated. She especially loved seeing strong men tied up and helpless and being denied release as a beautiful woman edged them ever closer to coming. It was the middle of the afternoon, but she didn’t care. In some ways, the thought of Viv coming home earlier than expected heightened the experience for her.

Clint had watched porn all the time when she’d first met him. He told her it was normal for guys to watch porn during sex, that it wasn’t as fulfilling for men without it playing in the background, but she knew it was a lie, even when she was fifteen. She’d seen movies, and when people made love, they weren’t watching TV; they were completely enraptured with each other. She knew what romance was supposed to look like. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan inYou’ve Got Mail, chatting online for hours, building a trusting friendship that naturally turned into romance. To love. What she wanted someday. To be held and listened to, to touch and be touched. But her seven-month-pregnant body didn’t care about love. It was horny all the time, and porn and a small vibrator fast-tracked her to orgasmville.

She was about to reach climax when the doorbell rang.Shit.

Rae closed her laptop, pulled up her lounge pants, and hesitantly made her way to the front door. She looked out the peephole and saw a man in a nice suit. Her first thought was of the bad men, but this man didn’t look like any of the men she had seen in California. Still, shedidn’t know him and didn’t feel comfortable opening the door. Just as she was about to turn away and get back to her personal time, she saw Viv walking up the sidewalk to the condo. She greeted the man, her face wary. Rae could tell she didn’t know him either.

She watched Viv and the man speak for a few minutes, her friend’s face appearing concerned; then the man handed her a card and made his way back to his vehicle, which Rae saw was a black Dodge Charger. She quickly moved away from the door when she heard Viv’s key opening the lock.

When Viv saw Rae standing in the entryway, she quickly glanced behind herself toward the man, who was now in his vehicle.
