Page 5 of Hurt for Me

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“Are you still with him?” her mom asked now, pulling Echo from her memory.

“I left him.”

“Are you pregnant?”

Echo thought about lying, but it wouldn’t matter. “Yes.”

“Well then.”

She waited for her mother to say more, and when she didn’t, Echo’s voice sounded small as she asked, “Mama? Can I stay with you? I’m in Santa Monica, but I have a little money. I can get to Sapulpa if you can send me more.”

“I’m not in Sapulpa now.”

“Where then? If you can’t send money, I can get rides there.”

“Listen, Echo, I can’t. I can’t take you in.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.”

“But why?”

But then she heard a little girl’s whining voice on the other end of the line, her mother’s hushed “In a minute, honey,” and she knew.

Her mother had moved on. Without her.

Echo hung up. She could still hear her mother’s voice, the sudden shift from cold to warm when she spoke to the little girl, whoever she was—daughter, maybe stepdaughter. For a long time, she remained on the edge of the firm bed, completely numb.

She didn’t have enough money to stay another night in the motel, so she packed up her things in the duffel bag and started walking toward the pier, the April sun warm on her face.

When she got too tired, she sat on a bench and ate a bag of Fritos, drinking some of her water as she watched tourists file on and off the boardwalk, the wild screams from the amusement park occasionally startling her.

As the sky began to fade from blinding blue into mottled pinks and purples, storm clouds in the distance inching closer, Echo walked to the shoreline. She took off her shoes and dug her feet deep into the cool sand as she searched the ocean waves for answers. Her stomach tightened with hunger, and fear reached a hand into her chest.

Whatever happens,she thought as she rubbed her abdomen,I will never leave you.




“How old were you when you first touched your tiny, disgusting cock?” Rae asked her client, a sixty-year-old CFO for a big local payroll company.

“Mistress V, I ... I can’t remember.”

“No, you remember. Tell me the truth because I’ll know if you’re lying.”

The client hung his head as if in shame. She enjoyed it when her older clients put on a show for her by delaying their own gratification. They were delaying hers as well. Her few younger clients were almost too eager to please her, but not as many of them enjoyed receiving the kind of pain she loved to inflict.

Rae lightly tapped the man’s hairy ass with the heavy paddle she’d used on him, letting him know she was done with theatrics. It was near the end of their session, and she needed a quick way to wrap things up while still giving the client what he paid for.

“I’m sorry, Mistress. I was ... I was eleven the first time.”

“Eleven. See, was that so hard?” She lifted his head and forced him to look her in the eyes. “I’m feeling generous today. Would you prefer the paddle or the cane?”

She was already lifting the slender piece of bamboo when her client quickly said, “Cane, please, Mistress. Thank you.”
