Page 52 of Hurt for Me

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She felt strange, like it was all a dream, and she wanted to be everywhere at once but also inside him, to be in his lungs breathing his air, to feel what he felt touching her and her, him. She knew this feeling, and the realization pulled her from the moment. She needed to say something to him, but she didn’t want it to stop.

“Dayton,” she breathed into his ear between kisses. “I think they drugged us.”

He didn’t stop kissing her, so she said it louder. He pulled back from her.

“Shit.” He seemed to assess how he was feeling. “I think you’re right. I feel weird.” He looked confused. “But I ... I’ve thought of you ... and this.”

“I’ve thought of it too,” she admitted without a second thought. “I think they gave us ecstasy or something like it.” It was one of the many things Clint used to give her to make her more compliant for his customers. “It can take a few hours to pass. We won’t be safe to drive until it does.”

“We should stay here until it wears off.” His hands were still on her, his fingers gripping at her hip hard like he wanted to open up her skin and crawl inside. He moved his hand over her stomach and up to the center of her chest, the heat from his palm seeming to go through her.

“You’re right. We should stay here.” She unbuttoned his shirt and lowered her hand, gripping him through his pants; the soft groan he made she swallowed with a kiss.

He pushed up her lacy top and kissed her breasts before running his teeth along one of her nipples, lightly biting her and sending a ripple of pleasure straight between her thighs. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

She wanted to tell him he was, too, but she was beyond words now. She could feel everything passing through her, his warm breath against her neck as he kissed her, his hands tugging her latex shorts down, over her knees, her legs opening to the balmy evening air, his fingers finding her tender, wet ache for him. It was all so dreamlike, the way she didn’t see him removing his clothes, yet she was running her hands over his broad chest, stroking his hardness, their bodies pressing tighter as a breeze danced over their nakedness. She found herself straddling him, closing her eyes as he slid into her, and it felt like he was reaching, spreading into every part of her.

The night sounds surrounded them—the soft hoot of an owl in the distant woods, a zephyr rustling the leaves in the trees, the sharp chirp of crickets—joining their ragged breath as fast as the blood pumping through their veins with the bright golden moon overhead.




Viv stopped shaking on the couch, but her face remained pale, so Rae wrapped her in a throw blanket. She didn’t know Viv had ever been married, and she didn’t understand why her friend had never mentioned it.

“I should’ve told you about him,” Viv said. “I thought I was done with that part of my life.”

“What did he want, and what did he mean by ‘one week’?”

Viv let the blanket fall off her shoulders. “He means I have one week to give him the money I made on the sale of the house I owned in California. That’s why I was there and how I met you. I was completing everything for the sale after my divorce from Mark.”

“Was it his house too?”

“No,” Viv said. “It belonged to my great-aunt who left it to me after she died, which was after the divorce was finalized, but Mark believes everything I own belongs to him. He found out about it somehow and thought I hid it from him. I was already renting here in Albuquerqueto get away from him, and I had a realtor friend help me sell the house in California so I could put money down on this place.”

Viv rocked herself on the couch. Rae had never seen her so scared.

“He’s a dangerous person, Rae. And now he knows I’m here. I don’t know how, but he found me.” Viv took Rae’s hand. “I don’t think he realizes you’re living here with me, but he’ll find out soon enough. And I’m worried he’ll do something like hurt you to get at me.”

Rae instinctively cradled her baby bump. “Can’t you file a restraining order or something?”

“I will, and I have before,” Viv said, “but he’s violated them so many times in the past.”

“What do the police do when he violates them?”

A sour expression crossed Viv’s face. “Not a goddamn thing.”

Here Rae had been agonizing over the bad men possibly finding her and killing her for helping Katelyn escape, and now she had to worry about Viv’s ex. She wasn’t sure if there were any good men left in the world. Except for her dad, she reminded herself, but even he hurt her by leaving her alone with nowhere to go after he died.

“Still, you need to report it so there’s a record of what he did to you,” Rae said, standing up to get her purse. “And I’m a witness. Let me drive you to the police station.”

Viv didn’t move. “He has everything of mine. He already took all the furniture, my old clothes I had to leave behind. The ’78 Chevy Nova I loved. It’ll never be enough for him.” Rae saw a fierceness in her eyes. “I’m not giving him one more thing. Not one goddamn thing.”

Rae nodded. “Let’s make the report then. And they can take pictures of your neck where he grabbed you.”

Viv finally got up. “Okay.”
