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Had she eaten? He should’ve demanded that she text him what she ate. But was that too overbearing? He was pretty confused about what she wanted from him. Because sometimes it seemed as though she would be his perfect match and he wouldn’t even need a week to find the woman he wanted to bring back to Enclave and make his Little girl. But then she’d told him to go and it seemed like maybe she didn’t want him at all.

He was supposed to be going to a whip demo soon. Linc wasn’t all that interested in actually using whips but he was curious as fuck to see what it was like. Also, if he did start hanging out at Covert with ’Pollo and Toga, he wanted to know what the safe use of whips looked like. Then he wouldn’t freak out and fuck up someone’s scene when everything was perfectly okay. He really did try to have better manners than that, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to help himself in that situation.

Plus, he was interested to see Derek Hawkins in action, and see Sadie actually submitting to him. Mostly he saw her flitting around, talking to anyone and everyone, and he’d heard tell of some of the legendary pranks she’d been a part of. The somewhat bratty Little part of her was easy to see, the submissive less so. Then again, he’d guess Nova was pretty take-charge in a work situation, and he knew what she was like outside of one. Didn’t he?

Maybe he’d go and see Nova and kill some time before that was supposed to start. He had said he’d see her tomorrow after all, and tomorrow was now today. But maybe he could use some advice about that first, and he didn’t know many women. Women who liked him anyway. He’d never been able to be what anyone wanted or needed from him, for long anyhow.

Yeah, he’d call Owen, and by extension, Cricket. Maybe they’d have something useful to say.

“Hi hi, this is Doctor Pierce’s house.”

“Hey, chirp. What’s going on?”

“It’s almost lunchtime. Daddy’s making us some egg pockets, and I’m so hungry I’m going to eat five of them.”

“That’s a lot. Maybe start with two and see how you feel.”

Cricket huffed, and he could imagine the Little redhead rolling her eyes. “That’s what Daddy said.”

“Then maybe you should listen?” he suggested, smiling. “But hey, do you two have a minute to give me some advice?”

“Oh, did you meet a girl? I hope you met a girl. Yes, you should tell her she’s pretty. Yes, you should give her a spanking. And yes, you should bring her home for me to play with.”

“I can see you’re going to be no help at all.”

“Maybe I’m too hungry to think straight. Oh, the egg pockets are ready! Here, I’ll put you on speaker.”

There were some noises on the other end of the call and he couldn’t help but imagine Owen getting Cricket into her highchair. It had been fun to feed Cricket when he’d looked after her, and he thought it would be just as fun to feed Nova. There would still be a weight of responsibility there, making sure she was getting something nutritious, but that would be easier on Enclave than it was here. There was no hot chocolate bar in the Alaskan bush. At least not all the time the way there was here.

He filled them in on what had happened with Nova so far and told them about the dinner last night even though he’d rather forget that.

“So anyway, I was thinking about stopping by her office on the way to that whip demo but I dunno.”

“Why are you talking to us, Uncle Linc? You should definitely stop by her office again.”

“Thanks for the encouragement, chirp.”

“Linc, as much as I’m enjoying this—”

“Cricket’s distracted and you need to get her fed and down for a nap?” he guessed.

“It’s almost like you’ve met her,” Owen replied, his good humor and fondness for his Little evident in his voice.

“Sure have. I’ll let you go then, don’t want your Little girl turning into a gremlin because she’s hangry or didn’t get enough sleep.”

“We’ll talk to you later, man. Keep us in the loop.”

“Right on,” he agreed.

“Good luck!” Cricket called. “Bring me a sister please!”

“That’s not how this works,” he heard Owen telling her and then the line went dead.

Linc headeddown to Nova’s office. It was possible, he supposed, that she wouldn’t be there but knowing what he did about Little Miss Perfectionist from both now and thirteen years ago, he’d be surprised if she weren’t.

A few doors were open on the hallway this time unlike last time, and one of them was Nova’s.

“Hey there, shortcake. Thought I’d stop by and—”
