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“Something better to do than spank you? I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, Nova, but your backside was made to be spanked.”

“I… did not realize that, no,” she said, folding her hands in her lap and looking anywhere but at Linc’s ridiculously handsome face.

“Good thing I’m here to let you know. I may not know much about blue-pill hackers or ransom-mal or coinmoji or the gray web—”

“Clearly,” she said, struggling not to giggle but losing the battle because he was charming when he was trying to make her laugh.

“But I do know a thing or two about Little girls’ bottoms and how to spank them.”

Oh, she bet he did. For all that he poked fun at himself, Linc was really smart and clever. Not in the same way she was, but that’s what made it all the more impressive, made his skills seem all the more like magic.

“Look, if I’m the problem, I get it. I was on my way to a whip demo and we could go together. Maybe you’d meet a better prospect there.”

He was the problem all right, but not in the way he probably thought.

“Why are you talking to me, then?” Nova asked, checking the time on her laptop. “That’s going to start in five minutes and I can tell you Master Derek does not appreciate latecomers. Especially when he’s dealing with something that takes as much concentration as whips.”

Linc shrugged, and it was funny that he was still on his knees. It ought to seem wrong because he was obviously a D-type, but he’d gotten down on her level, and she could picture him tying her shoe or painting her nails because he wasn’t one of those “Alpha” guys who thought they were too manly for that stuff.

There was a joke that compared alpha versions of software to alpha versions of men, and she tended to agree: unstable, missing important features, filled with flaws, and not fit for the public. No thanks to either one.

“I was curious to watch but it’s not something I’d want to do with a partner. She’d be too far away from me. Plus, I might put out an eye and I’ve been told they’re my best feature. Far less of a chance of that happening with a spanking. I’ll stick to that, thanks. For safety.”

He was truly ridiculous.

“Also, I feel like I was sold a bill of goods about this place. ‘Fulfill all your kinky fantasies, make all your depraved dreams come true’,” he said, waving a hand through the air like he was tracing a marquee. “And I haven’t even spanked a single ass yet. Where is this famous Rawhide Ranch hospitality?”

Nova snorted. “You’ve been here for two days. Also, did you not go to the play party after the Snow Squall dinner last night? I’m sure you could’ve found an amenable ass somewhere in the Dungeon.”

“Is your mouth this foul when you’re in Little space? I hope so,” he told her, his hands resting on her thighs and his eyes dark and hungry.

Okay, he was right. He did have nice eyes.


“Never mind,” he said. “I’ll find out. Just know I expect my Little not to have dirty language coming out of her sweet mouth. I was not at my best during the dinner last night so I skipped the party. No sense in performing badly in front of more people. I was distracted.”

Nova’s face got warm. Had he been distracted by thoughts of her? She felt bad that he hadn’t enjoyed dinner or even tried to find a partner at the play party but also flattered. He’d thought about her that much?

Then again he hadn’t said so. He could’ve been distracted by something else. She really didn’t know much about him so it could be anything. She, on the other hand, was distracted from her rumination by how he was touching her.

Linc slid his hands to cover hers where they were knitted together in her lap. “Come on, Nova. It’s too late for me to make the whip demo. I want to spank someone and you want… no, seems more like youneedto be spanked. If you don’t feel safe with me, I won’t press but that’s the only reason I’m taking no for an answer.”

She was going to regret this, wasn’t she? But people always said you regretted things you didn’t do far more than the things you did so maybe she’d put that theory to the test. What was the worst thing that could happen? The wound carved into her skin in the shape of Lincoln Donall would get deeper?

“Um, okay. If you’re sure.”

It startled her that he cupped her jaw and then slid his hand into her hair to pull her in for a kiss but the way his long fingers sculpted around the base of her head brooked no argument. There was a crackle of electricity when their mouths met and she made an embarrassing little sound that probably told him precisely how much she liked this.

Almost as soon as it had begun, it was over, and Linc was looking at her with a wicked grin. “Oh, I’m sure.”

They’d gone backto her apartment and Linc had towed her over to the couch to talk, clearing it carefully of stuffies before having her sit. Nova didn’t want to talk anymore; she felt antsy sitting there with him and frankly wanted to get this over with so she could be turned over his knee. The responsible part of her could appreciate that he was being cautious, but it was torture to sit here with their knees touching and her hand in his.

“Since we’ve never done this before, I’m going to check in with you more than I usually would during a scene. I want to make sure you’re getting what you need and that I’m not just guessing about how you’re feeling. So I’ll ask on a scale of one to ten, one being ‘are you even touching me?’ and ten being ‘crispy fried, stick a fork in me because I’m so done’. Got it?”

“Yes,” she agreed, and was impressed that he was so conscientious.

It seemed as though high-school Linc had winged most things and perhaps still did, what with the coming to a kink Ranch to find a wife when there were so many more sensible options available, but it was his play that he took very seriously.
