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“That’s true. There aren’t a whole lot of single women where I’m from. Actually, none to speak of. And I’ve heard this Ranch has a bit of magic when it comes to people finding partners. Thought I’d try my luck.”

Derek nodded. “You’re not wrong, we’ve given plenty of people their happily ever afters over the years. People who live in the area, guests… employees,” he said meaningfully. “Word has it you’ve been spending some time with Nova Marchand.”

The dinner thing he’d understood, but how did Derek know about Nova? As if the man had heard Linc’s internal monologue, he said, “You should assume I know everything.”

If Linc had anything but the best intentions, that might’ve made him quail. As things were, he was just a little self-conscious.

“I have been. We actually grew up together. Pretty big shock seeing someone I knew back in Idaho here. But not a bad one. Nova’s great.”

“She sure is. And during her time here, she’s had a few people looking after her. We’re all pretty fond of her.”

Then maybe you ought to take better care of her, Linc wanted to bite off. If there were so many people looking after Nova, why had he been the one to find her crying in her office, to take her outside to build a snowman, to spank her luscious bottom until she was in tears and cuddle her afterward? He’d check in with her later too since aftercare didn’t end immediately after a scene.

“Usually, she chooses to spend some time in the Littles’ Wing with Nanny J, or I can spare some time for her, and the man who runs most of our cybersecurity keeps an eye on her too. However, Nova is very sensitive to her surroundings, especially when in her Little mindset. She can get overwhelmed in crowded or noisy spaces. Also, both Nanny J and I believe she’s been making herself scarce because she’s aware we’re swamped this week between an overabundance of Littles and staff taking vacation time. She’s not one to put herself first even though we’ve repeatedly told her how much she means to all of us at the Ranch. Should I be glad you’re here and taking an interest in her?”

“I think so,” Linc said, sliding his thumbs into his belt loops. “I like Nova a lot, and I’m an experienced Top. One of the best Daddies I know trusted me to look after his babygirl recently. Hopefully that sets your mind at ease a bit.”

Derek nodded but Linc could tell he wasn’t off the hook yet. That was fine. It made him feel better hearing that Nova had people in her corner. He agreed with Derek’s belief that Nova was not one to push herself on anyone if she felt she was a burden. But he also knew what it was like to feel like you were on your own, or really what it was like to actually be on your own, and he wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Especially not a Little, and definitely not Nova.

“All right then. Well, I’ve got some other things to handle, but it was nice to meet you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.”

“I’m sure I will.”

“And if you can, try to get Nova out of her office, will you? She came here on the verge of burnout, and something we try to do is give her a better work-life balance. She oughta be taking some time off, especially around the holidays.”

“Right on,” Linc agreed and shook Derek’s hand once more before Rawhide Ranch’s equivalent of Taj Hovick went off to deal with god knew what.

Chapter 11

Nova actually smiled when the alarm on her phone went off when normally she would’ve sworn or had a fit of pique from her work being interrupted. But no. Even though he wasn’t physically there, she could feel Linc with her—maybe it was the soreness and heat on her backside—and she dutifully signed off, closed up her laptop, and started back to her room to take a nap. On her way there, her phone buzzed with a text.

Are you still in your office?

Why did him checking up on her make her blush?

No, I’m on my way to my apartment.

Good girl. Send me a picture when you’re tucked in.

Part of her was feeling kind of salty and wanted to tell him he could come tuck her in his damn self. But if she did, he probably would. And she was supposed to be helping him find a wife, not monopolizing all his time. This warm, treasured feeling was dangerous enough as it was and she didn’t need him tucking her in to make it worse.

Once she was back in her apartment, Nova changed out of her work clothes and into a comfy, dusky purple sweatsuit which would be good for both nap time and cookie decorating. It was also possible that she could not stop yawning, which she would not be sharing with Linc.

It felt so good to climb into her bed, and it was made even better by her aching backside hitting the sheets. Nova grabbed Custard and held the well-worn pink stuffie to her chest. Before she fell asleep though, she was supposed to send Linc a picture. Which felt painfully intimate. And why? He’d seen her in Little space, seen her naked butt and probably more when she was bent over his knee, played with her in the snow and held her as she cried after he’d spanked her. Why was taking a selfie with Custard making her so self-conscious?

She was tempted to not do it. What was he going to do? Punish her? They didn’t have an agreement like she had with Master Derek and Nanny J. But Linc’s request not only carried that weight but an extra one as well. He’d always been annoying and now he was verging on infuriating.

Well, she wasn’t going to suck her thumb like she sometimes did.Take that, Linc.

And she definitely wasn’t going to take a dozen different pictures and fuss over whether the angle was flattering or her eye was doing that squinty thing. Nope, definitely not. Finally she had a picture she was satisfied with, and before she could either change her mind or fall asleep, she sent it off to Linc. Only a few seconds later, she saw his reply flash on her screen before she passed out.

Such a good girl. And remember, one hour. Sweet dreams, shortcake.

It wassuch a welcome feeling to step over the threshold to the Littles’ Wing. It didn’t make any sense because Nova knew why she hadn’t been visiting for the past couple days and it was all her own fault but… it had still felt as though she’d been banished somehow. Being able to come back without feeling like she was a burden made some of her tension immediately melt away, although she had a teensy spike of envy when she saw Sadie being dropped off by Master Derek at the preschool classroom.

That jab was accompanied by some wishful thinking which didn’t make it any better. She’d woken up to another text from Linc telling her he hoped she’d slept well and to have fun at the cookie-decorating activity. He also asked how her bottom was doing. He was going to make her very fond of him, and it was going to be so painful when he found a woman to marry. Which reminded her, she was not being veryhospitableand she really ought to find someone to set him up with.

Nanny J smiled when she noticed Nova come into the preschool, and that made the feeling of having been banished seem even further away.
