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The line had almost entirely disappeared by the time they joined it which was just fine with him. The only thing he didn’t like about that was that it didn’t give him the same kind of excuse to be close to Nova, to lean in when he talked to her, to “accidentally” brush against her.

But why should it have to be accidental? It was perfectly fine to have his hand resting at the small of her back while they waited a couple minutes to finally get mugs. Better than fine.

At long last, he picked up two mugs and handed one to Nova who looked downright giddy. She plopped a scoop of cookie butter into the bottom of her mug before filling it about three quarters full with cocoa, then put another scoop of cookie butter on the top before making her way down the line where she stuck a few Biscoff cookies into the butter—very meta. They looked like flower petals, and she grabbed a few stroopwafels, broke those in half, and started using the half-moon shapes as more petals.

Meanwhile, he’d gone for a much more minimalist approach with some cocoa diluted by milk, and a shot of peppermint schnapps. He made it festive with a candy cane.

“Last time you asked for whipped cream,” he reminded her, and picked up a large metal canister with a spray top. “And this looks made from scratch to me. I bet Chef Connor even sweetened it a touch since he’s met you Littles and he knows you’re all sugar fiends.”

“Not all of us,” Nova said defensively, as she broke apart another stroopwafel and shoved the halves into the top of her mug, then drizzled caramel over the whole thing. Linc wasn’t sure he’d eaten that much sugar all week. Maybe not even all month. Damn.

“Uh-huh. Name me one Little you know who doesn’t have a sweet tooth. Not one you’ve heard a rumor about, not a friend of a friend of a friend, not one who lives in Canada.”

Nova narrowed her eyes and pinched her lips together.

“That’s what I thought. So how about that whipped cream?”

“It sounds so good, but I don’t think I have room.”

Oh, she looked so confounded. Adorable Little girl.

“I already put so much stuff on here. I think whipped cream would just fall off if I tried and I don’t want to make a mess.”

“There’s more than one way to have whipped cream,” he told her with a grin, and took her mug so he could set it alongside his own on the edge of the table.

There were half a dozen canisters and he shook them all, finding the lightest one. He had to imagine it was almost empty. Holding on to the canister, he led her around the corner of the table where they’d be partially shielded by the ridiculous, multilevel spread Chef Connor and his staff had set out.

“Open your mouth, little girl.”

He cupped her nape, and when he squeezed, she tipped her head back slightly and obeyed.

There was something absolutely fucking filthy about spraying whipped cream into Nova’s waiting mouth. Or maybe he was just a first-rate pervert. If he was, he thought Nova was right there on the medal podium with him because her pupils were blown and he could swear her nipples were beading against the snug top of her dress.

Would her pussy be as wet and welcoming as her mouth? He knew damn well it would be if this was turning her on as much as it was him. His dick strained uncomfortably against the fly of his jeans. He was gonna be walking as bowlegged as a barrel hoop if he didn’t get his act together.

Nova’s kneeswere weak and she thought if Linc’s hand wasn’t still cradling the back of her neck, she’d collapse. This was somehow both wholesome and wildly inappropriate, which she supposed was a good way to explain her entire existence outside of her work.

“Swallow, little girl.”

Goodness, he was a wicked man who knew exactly what he was doing, and she’d be lucky if she didn’t leave a wet spot when they sat down. Not breaking eye contact, Nova swallowed her mouthful of whipped cream—which had, in fact, been sweetened and was delicious—and darted the tip of her tongue out to swipe a dot that had been left at the corner of her mouth.

Linc was looking at her like he was ravenous, and she knew for a fact he didn’t like sweets much. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed and she almost hoped he would put her on her knees right here and right now. Which he wouldn’t, but it sure was fun to think about.

“Good girl,” he praised in a voice verging on hoarse before he cleared his throat. “Let’s go find a table to sit at before I bend you over this sideboard and ruin Chef Connor’s spread.”

It felt mean to tease like that but her consolation was that Linc was also depriving himself. That and a quick but firm kiss before he picked up their mugs and led her over to one of the few empty tables.

They enjoyed their drinks in silence for a few minutes—Nova had made herself a cookie and cocoa masterpiece, a monument to sugar and caramel, and she was going to enjoy it. Linc, however, paused after he’d had a few sips of his basic peppermint spiked hot cocoa.

“Anything left on your bucket list for this year?”

“Hmm. I don’t know. Now that I’ve been to the sapphire mines, I think my life is pretty much complete.”

He smiled at her joke. “You sure there isn’t anything else you’ve been wanting or needing that I could help you out with?”

She could think of a long list of things that she’d like from Linc but she couldn’t go needing anything from him. It was a nice treat to have him for the week, especially while she wouldn’t be in the Littles’ Wing as much, but things would be back to normal in the new year. Lincoln Donall couldn’t be relied upon.

But it did seem he could be pressed into service in the short term.
