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She wanted to fuss when he broke their kiss because shewantedhim, and hadn’t she earned an orgasm? But then he ran his hand over her knee, brushing off some rice that had been embedded in her skin, and she sucked air through her teeth. Yeah, that hurt. And not in the enjoyable or cathartic way that spanking hurt.

Nova clung to him as he brushed the remaining grains from her skin, embarrassed by her whimpers and swallowed tears. It was just some silly rice, she didn’t need to be a crybaby about it. But Linc didn’t seem to think she was overreacting or being a drama queen. No, he praised and comforted her.

“It’s okay to cry, Nova. You were such a brave, strong girl taking your punishment. I know it hurt, and I bet it still does. You’re gonna be okay, but you let those tears out if you need to.”

Once he’d brushed away every piece of rice that had been pushed into her skin, he kissed her again, even though she was sniffling.

“That better, little girl?” he asked, combing his fingers through her hair over and over, and skimming his thumb over her cheek with each pass.

He could be so tender and gentle and make her feel so safe it was hard to remember that she wasn’t safe with him, not really. Physically, sure, she didn’t worry about him harming her, but her heart. Oh, that was in danger for sure.

“Not really,” she admitted. “But it will be.”

“Okay,” he said, looking as though it was anything but okay. “Let’s get you turned onto your tummy so we can get that ginger out of your bottom.”

Nova wanted to keep being cuddled, but she also wanted that rooty spice to get the hell out of her ass. She’d tensed her muscles several times during her punishment which made a fresh rip of heat spread through her sensitive tissues and she’d welcome not having to feel that anymore.

Linc turned her over his knee and rubbed her backside for a minute. “You ready to take this nasty ginger out, little girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Her punishment wasn’t technically over, but it felt right to give in and call him Daddy like she’d wanted to for most of the week. The feel of the words coming out of her mouth made her feel shy and small. Little. Which was probably how he wanted her to feel. It was going to hurt worse when it was gone, just like that terrible rice.

“Are you gonna go wandering off alone in the cold and dark anymore?” he asked, tapping the base of the ginger.

“No, Daddy.”

“Good. Because I’m going to tell Master Derek and Nanny J about how I disciplined you, and I’d expect a repeat performance of two-thirds of it if you go off by yourself in the cold and dark again.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, her face getting hot. She couldn’t totally determine whether it was from embarrassment or the blood rushing to her head but either way she didn’t like to think about Master Derek or Nanny J pushing ginger root into her bottom or having to kneel on rice ever again.

“Good girl. Now relax so I can get this out of you.”

Clamping down was the last thing she wanted to do, so she took several deep breaths and that seemed to do the trick.

“There now,” he said once he’d removed the ginger root and put it off to the side. “Your discipline is all done.”

He patted her bare backside and she wanted him to keep going. Harder. Longer. An orgasm would be nice too.

“Is there something you’d like now that you’ve done your penance?” he asked, rubbing her backside in firm circles. “I’m open to suggestions.”

“A-a spanking, Daddy. Please.”

“Yeah?” he murmured, and lifted his hand only to drop it back down in a gentle swat that made her moan.

“Yes, please, Sir.”

“No ‘Sir’,” he instructed, smacking each cheek more soundly. “Only Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He struck her bottom a little harder, and yeah, that felt good.

“What kind of spanking, little girl?”

“I guess that depends.”

“On what?” he asked, punctuated by two more swats, these harder and catching the undersides of her cheeks. She was going to start squirming if he kept that up.
