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“Bottom drawer. But you don’t have to—”

But he did. He knelt down on the floor, put her leggings back and pulled out the bright chartreuse two-piece long underwear.


“Pants are in there,” she said, pointing to the next drawer up. “Sweatshirts are in the closet.”

“You already have a camisole on?”


He looked at her from under his brows and shook his head. “Good thing I’m here, little girl. You’d freeze your cute little bottom off in no time.”

Linc finished gathering what he’d determined to be appropriate attire for their outing, and she held out her hands to take the bundle into the bathroom.

“I don’t think so. I said I was going to help get you ready and I will. Go use the potty first and then I’ll get you dressed.”

Chapter 5

He’d never thought a flushing toilet would turn him on—bathroom stuff had never turned his crank. And yet here he was, his dick at half-mast from hearing the mundane sound. Nova had obeyed him, and he knew it was that and not the actual noise that had him shifting in his seat because a hardening cock and fleece-lined jeans were not a match made in heaven. Or maybe he was going to have to reexamine his kinks.

Nova was still blushing furiously when she came out of the bathroom, and shuffled over to where he was waiting.

“Good girl,” he told her, and drew her in to give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

The bashful smile he got in reply was worth his weight in gold. “Now we can stay out in the snow as long as we want and won’t have to worry about needing to use the potty.”

“Mm-hmm,” she agreed with a nod, and it hit him with a pang how much he would’ve preferred her to say, “Yes, Daddy”. He had so many questions about what she liked and wanted as a Little but he’d wait a bit before launching into the third degree. Especially since she’d said she was already feeling overwhelmed.

Hopefully, he’d ease her deeper into Little space, she’d have some time to relax, and he’d be able to learn more about her. See if she could actually be a candidate to come back to Enclave. Wouldn’t that be something? In addition to crushing on her because she was pretty and smart and sweet, he’d also idolized her in a way. He sure as hell hadn’t been good enough for her back then but maybe he could be now?

“Next we’ve got to bundle you up so you stay warm while we’re outside,” he told her. “But first we’ve got to get you out of your inside clothes.”

He reached for the hem of her shirt and she flinched, his stomach pitching in response.

“Are you scared of me, Nova?”

“No,” she said, her mouth twisting to the side.

Well, that was a start. He’d been a bit of a wing nut in high school but he didn’t think he’d been dangerous. It would’ve curdled his stomach if she’d said yes. He still needed to know though so he didn’t trigger anything or make her discomfort worse.

“Then what’s with the cringing?”

“It’s kind of weird for you to be undressing me.”

“I could see that if we were a couple of vanillas and going on a date or something. But you’re a Little girl. Don’t Little girls deserve help getting dressed?”

“Deserve?” she echoed looking like she didn’t know the meaning of the word, but her brain was like a dictionary and a thesaurus and an encyclopedia all in one. Maybe she just didn’t understand his logic—which he did in fact have.

“Yeah. Doesn’t having fewer responsibilities and more help and feeling Little for some of your day make it easier for you to tackle all the grown-up stuff you have to handle?”

“Yes,” she allowed.

“And doesn’t it just feel good? I bet you like it when staff in the Littles’ Wing help you, right?”


Maybe he should’ve been insulted by the unbelieving way she looked at him, but he understood why she would be skeptical that he could give that to her. Or wanted to.
