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But she made it to the side of the crib.

“Did that feel better, babygirl?”

She nodded.

“I bet. See, crawling is better for babygirls in diapers. You can do it again tomorrow but now it’s time for Daddy to tuck you into bed. Can you kneel up?”

Daddy helped her onto the edge of the crib mattress and after putting her mask back on, helped her lay down and gave her Bandit to cuddle. She was really glad she hadn’t gotten Bandit messy because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to sleep without him. As things were, she was sleeping soundly in a couple of minutes.

Chapter Nineteen

In the morning after he’d worked out and showered, Cricket’s mask-muffled voice came over the monitor.

“Daddy? I’m awake.”

It warmed him more than his time on the treadmill had to hear her voice. Owen headed to the nursery with a smile on his face, eager to see his babygirl.

He made quick work of her mask and wiped it and her face off, and noticed that the snaps on Cricket’s diaper cover were crooked. While he could absolutely make mistakes, he was certain he’d put the waterproof layer on correctly last night—it was her first time being diapered and he’d wanted to do it perfectly.

“Such a good girl keeping your mask on for the rest of the night,” he praised before patting the front of her tummy where the snaps were askew. “But it looks like someone was fussing with their diaper.”

Cricket frowned but didn’t lie or try to ignore his observation. “I was worried, Daddy.”

“Worried about what?”

“About having another accident.”

“You don’t have to worry when you’re in your diaper, that’s the point.”

“But what about…poop.” Her eyes had gotten big, and she whispered the last word as if anyone was listening.

He had to swallow a laugh. That was probably the least scandalous thing a person spying on this house would hear. “That’s why we plugged your bottom, babygirl. You’re still worried about having an accident?”

“Yes,” she admitted, hugging Bandit tight to her chest. “I…I don’t think I can deal with having poop in my diaper. Ever. It’s too much. Please, Daddy. Please can I use the potty for poop? Please?”

“I think that can be arranged. However, if you refuse to use your diaper for bowel movements, we’ll need to make sure you’re near a potty when you need to go. That means Daddy will be giving you enemas so you have bowel movements regularly and at an expected time. Have you had an enema before?”

“No, Daddy,” she muttered, looking down at Bandit’s soft pinky-brown head. “I’ve been curious about them but I’ve never had one.”

“That’s easily fixed. First things first though. Did you use your diaper?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Then you need to. It’s one of the first things you should do in the morning when you wake.”

Her mouth and her forehead pinched in a frown. “I don’t want to.”

“Did I ask you if you wanted to?”

“No, Daddy.”

Cricket’s voice was small and meek. From embarrassment, he thought, not from fear. He didn’t want to scare her but he did want to exert power over her, and this was one of the most intimate things about a person one could control.

“You don’t have to do this alone. I’m happy to help you, babygirl. And you don’t need to be embarrassed even though I understand why you would be. Controlling your potty needs is one of the things I want from you. I warned you I was strict and demanding.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Be a good girl and wait right there. Daddy will be back in a few minutes. If you get out of your crib and use the bathroom, Daddy’s going to give you a naughty girl spanking.”
