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“Oh, don’t you worry. You’ll still be getting your maintenance spankings and plenty of others. But I thought you’d like to have this, especially for times I can’t physically be with you.”

“Thank you, Daddy. I love it.”

She gave him a massive hug, and squished him so tightly she pulled herself onto his lap. He knew she was worried she was too heavy, so he relished these moments when she forgot to be self-conscious. It didn’t last long enough for his liking before she released him and slipped her bottom back next to him.

“You said if I accept it. What does that mean?”

“We dove into this pretty fast. I know we talked about it at the time and you said you wanted to be my Little girl. This is kind of a next step now that we know each other better and you have a better idea of what I want from you, and what your rules will be like. It’s been official, so I suppose you accepting this collar would make it extra official.”

“I like extra,” Cricket murmured, still stroking the metallic heart.

“You sure do, babygirl. So what do you think? Do you want to wear my collar?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’d love to. Extra love to.”

This woman was going to grow his heart three sizes and it hadn’t been small to begin with.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Cricket couldn’t say she’d had enough of petting the beautiful silver heart, but she could still touch it if it was around her neck, and she wanted to feel the weight of it.

“Will you put it on me now, Daddy? Please?”

“I'd love to, sweetheart.”

She handed over her collar and then turned as well as she could so Daddy could fasten the chain around her neck. Once he had, she sighed. The heart rested right at the hollow of her throat and she could rub the smooth metal, warmed from her skin. She never ever wanted to take it off.

When she turned around to look at her Daddy, he had the most satisfied smile on his face. Was it possible that she made him as happy as he made her? She found that hard to believe but maybe it was true.

“I know I already said it, but thank you, Daddy. I love it so, so much. It’s perfect."

“Just like you,” Daddy said, tapping the tip of her nose.

Cricket’s cheeks got so warm they must be the color of ripe strawberries.

“I’m glad you love it. I love how it looks on you. And now you’ll have something else to remind you that you’re mine and that Daddy is always with you—besides a warm bottom. Speaking of which, you still need your naughty girl spanking for refusing your bottle.”

Cricket twisted her mouth to the side. “I was kind of hoping you’d forget about that.”

“Were you really?” Daddy asked, one of his dark brows tugging up like the arch was attached to a string.

Cricket thought about it for a solid minute before she answered. “No. I mean, I’m not looking forward to getting a naughty girl spanking. That sounds ouchie, and I don’t like being reminded that I misbehaved. But…”

Her brows crunched between her eyes.

“I do like that you’re going to do what you said you were going to do. And being spanked for being naughty makes me feel Little and I like that. And it makes me feel like you want to be my for realsies Daddy.”

Her Daddy’s head tipped like he didn’t quite know what that meant, and weirdly that made her happy too. Like maybe he didn’t know any other way. She could hope.

“That sounds pretty good to me, love bug,” he murmured and swiped a thumb across her cheek.

“Yes, Daddy,” she agreed, because it sure did.

“Good. Then let’s get this naughty bottom spanked then I’ll give my babygirl some breakfast.”

* * *

“Daddy’s going to do your naughty girl spanking on the changing table today, Cricket. Please crawl over while I get some implements.”
