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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Cricket had slept for a long time, and even after a nice long nap, she still felt kind of sick to her stomach. Ugh, she wished she hadn't gotten so sick on the plane because she wanted to go play with the girls.

But Daddy made her rest and have some ginger tea and chicken broth while he cuddled her, and a few saltines and one of the precious bananas they’d brought with them before he tucked her in for the night.

In the morning, she felt a lot better, and it was nice to be able to do her usual morning routine with Daddy. Well, as nice as it ever was, anyway. He’d said she could meet the other people later in the day but most of the men were out working on projects, and he wanted her to take it easy this morning so she could enjoy meeting everyone this afternoon.

She was helping Daddy hang up clothes in the closet by passing him things out of the big rubber tubs they’d put their wardrobes in to be flown up here when there was a knock on their door. Their first visitor! Unless Mister Taj counted.

Even though Daddy had told her several times there was nothing to be embarrassed about, Cricket couldn’t help but be kind of mortified that the first impression she'd made on everyone here was a girl who tossed her cookies when she flew.

“I’ll get it, babygirl. You don’t need to get up.”

Cricket craned her neck to see who had arrived—was it another Little? She hoped it was another Little. But it wasn’t.

It was Mister ’Pollo, and Cricket wanted to hide under the bed. She’d emptied her guts while she was in his plane yesterday and maybe he’d come to tell her she was never allowed to fly with him again. Or maybe there was still a mess to be cleaned up, even though she'd tried to be so careful to puke in the bag Daddy had held for her when she was doing her exorcist impression. But he didn’t look mad as he walked with Daddy into their cabin and over to the bed that she was leaning against.

“Hey Cricket, how you feeling?”

“Um, better,” she said, which was probably obvious given that she wasn’t puking her guts up at the moment.

“Glad to hear it. You were in pretty rough shape yesterday, and I was worried about you.”

“Oh. That’s really nice. Daddy’s been taking really good care of me.”

It was embarrassing that she’d been so disgusting yesterday, but Daddy had been right about people here being nice. If she’d gone home sick from her old job, no one would check on her.

“I bet he has. I also brought you a couple things. Presents.”

“Presents? For me? Why?”

Daddy gave her presents regularly which still felt wildly indulgent to her, and she’d never expect gifts from a near stranger. Especially not one who she’d nearly vomited on.

“I felt bad about yesterday. Flying’s not for everyone, but it’s rough to see someone get sick on your plane. I kinda feel responsible.”

“I don’t want you to feel bad. It wasn’t your fault. It was the weather, and my gut that doesn’t like flying, and it has shit for brains. Literally.”

“Cricket. That’s a naughty girl spanking for language,” her Daddy tutted.

Oh well. It had been so worth it to make Mister ’Pollo laugh. She could tell even her Daddy was having a hard time keeping a straight face.

“I’m glad you don’t hold it against me,” the pilot said, giving her a gentle smile. “Does that mean you don’t want your presents?”

Son of a sea star, it hadn’t occurred to her that if she wasn’t mad at Mister ’Pollo that she wouldn’t get the presents.

“That face! It’s like a weapon of mass adorableness. You gotta be careful with that thing,” Mister ’Pollo told her, and then turned to her Daddy. “How do you ever say no to her?”

“A lot of practice,” her Daddy said wryly.

“I was just teasing, Cricket. As long as your Daddy says it’s okay, you can have your presents.”

Phew! As long as Daddy didn’t say no, anyway.

“Daddy, may I? Pretty please?”

Cricket gave him her very best big Little eyes, and he chuckled.

“Yes, you may.”
