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After she was clean and dry, he had her turn over so he could remove her plug and insert an anal hook. His babygirl had gotten used to being plugged a great deal of the time and he thought she enjoyed it. But there was something about anal hooks that pushed the taboo buttons in her brain, and he’d make use of that wiring this evening.

Owen left her dress and stockings on but didn’t replace her diaper. He helped Cricket down, and was satisfied by how she shifted her weight, trying to get used to the hook.

“Uncle Linc is going to be here any minute. You need to walk over to your corner and wait there silently for me to give you more instructions. I’d suggest holding the end of the hook so it doesn’t fall out while you're on your feet. Go.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

His babygirl’s agreement was pathetic, as was the way she shuffled over to her corner, her generous backside on display. It was no doubt mortifying for her to hold the hook in her ass, but it’d be more embarrassing if it fell out.

Speaking of Linc, the porch light flicked off and on a few times. Cricket’s future babysitter was here, and this was going to be a very interesting evening.

Chapter Thirty-Two

After letting Linc in and briefing him on why Cricket was having corner time, Owen poured them a couple glasses of water and sat down with his friend on the couch where they had a great view of Cricket holding the end of the hook with both hands behind her back, and her voluptuous bottom and thick thighs looking like a buffet. Time for Linc’s tutorial while they drank in their fill.

“When Cricket has earned a disciplinary spanking, I try to punish her as soon after her infraction as possible. Tonight’s circumstances won’t allow for that but given the severity of the punishment she’s earned, I doubt she’ll be forgetting this anytime soon.”

He wouldn’t be lecturing Linc the entire time—there was really nothing like a practicum—but this conversation portion would both embarrass Cricket and let her know what she was in for.

“As we already discussed, maintenance spankings are given with her over your knee and on her bare bottom. No implements, just your hand. The goal is a nice even rosy pink with some warmth and a little sting. It can take however long it needs to—sometimes she needs a longer spanking after a rough day—but it should never be less than fifteen minutes.”

Being a good Dominant—and especially a good Daddy—was so often about devoting time and attention to your partner. Anyone could make a Little cry, but even when they were being punished that wasn’t the point. Anyone who thought so needed to go back to Dom school, if they’d even been in the first place.

Littles and subs were often so willing to give their tops everything, but the savvy ones—or maybe the ones who’d been hurt before—knew not everyone was worthy. The least a top could do was to demonstrate that his partner deserved time and consideration. If Owen couldn’t be here to give Cricket his time, then he’d at least make sure she got attention.

“In addition to reminding her who’s in charge and what her place is,” he continued, “it’s also bonding time. As such, she receives aftercare following it which, at a minimum, is to include being wrapped up in her diaper, given her night bottle, and cuddles. It can also include an orgasm or story time or some other pleasurable activity at your discretion.”

Linc nodded. “Got it.”

Owen would never leave his babygirl with someone he didn’t believe could care for her, but he thought this would be good for Linc too. His friend was a rolling stone but Owen thought he might be ready to stay still for a bit, or at least slow his roll. He was taking caring for Cricket seriously and given a bit of time and more confidence, Owen thought he’d be a great Daddy for some lucky Little to find an HEA with.

For now, he still had things to go over for while he’d be gone. Of course Linc would be able to get him on the phone if he needed to, but Owen wanted to give him enough information that his friend could handle most everything on his own. Looking after Cricket wouldn’t instill self-assurance if he had to be on the horn every ten minutes.

“Disciplinary spankings are different. I’ll usually still do the warm-up over my lap to settle her down—that position makes her feel submissive and it recalls the relationship you’ve built through all the maintenance spankings. Once the warm up is over, I generally bend her over the side of the couch or over some pillows on the bed, or put her on the changing table, and the disciplinary portion is given with at least one implement. You can choose, or you can give her a choice of multiple implements.”

He showed Linc a few places in the cabin where he could find implements—bedside table, a canister on the kitchen counter, a drawer of the changing table, the trunk at the foot of the bed—and continued his instructions.

Maybe he should compile a manual for when he was away:The Care and Feeding of Little Cricket. His babygirl would be mortified, especially with how much of the tome would be about her bottom. Maybe he’d tackle that project over the winter. In the meantime, this was going to be more of an oral tradition.

“My goal during a disciplinary spanking is for Cricket to understand why she’s being disciplined. In general, I make her cry. I also expect her to give a sincere and detailed apology. A simple ‘Sorry, Daddy’ is not going to cut it. But you also need to explicitly forgive her and let her know when her punishment is over. She’ll need significantly more aftercare following a disciplinary spanking but I honestly don’t expect you to have to administer one while I’m away.”

Owen looked at his love bug, standing obediently in the corner, and his heart swelled. She was beautiful, and sweet, and his, and he’d do anything for her. Not that he thought Linc would do anything to elicit Cricket tapping out but surprises happened, and he wouldn’t leave either his friend or his Little girl ill-prepared.

“Her safeword is ‘larceny,’” he told Linc. “You’ll respect that immediately and without question. Cricket can be naughty sometimes but she knows better than to use her safeword under false pretenses.”

* * *

“Depending on how severe her infraction was, Cricket might earn a naughty girl dinner or a naughty girl enema in addition to her naughty girl spanking. Given the length and volume of her tantrum this evening, she’ll be receiving both.”

Cricket had never thought of herself as having a humiliation kink but she might have to rethink that. The idea of having Uncle Linc witnessing and partaking in her consequences was both awful but also exciting in a way that made her more turned on. She could feel her arousal slipping down the inside of her thighs while she stood in the corner, the anal hook on display.

“She’s usually wet after a spanking, so you’ll need to put an absorbent pad down before putting her in her highchair, and also snap a cloth around the strap that goes between her legs. Can’t have that getting all soaked with her juices. I might ask Gav to modify this so the straps can come off and be washed though, because this Little girl is always making such a mess with her pussy.”

Had she ever been more embarrassed in her life? Probably. A girl didn’t go through life being heavy without a lot of mockery, and she’d experienced some bullying too. But that was humiliating in a bad way that made her feel terrible at her core. This was different somehow. Mortifying, but she’d never been turned on when playground meanies had tormented her. Plus, she knew Daddy loved her and this was part of the games they played. If she told him anything really hurt her and made her feel bad, he’d apologize and never do it again, she was certain.

The men had stopped talking about her, and turned their attention to fixing their meal. She could hear her Daddy getting things in order, but she tuned out their conversation about preparing naughty girl dinner, thinking about what it would be like to be alone with Uncle Linc for the next few days.

Daddy would never hand over her care to someone he didn’t trust, and of course everyone else would still be here, but it would still be strange. Maybe in a kind of exciting way if she could survive missing her Daddy anyway.
