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“He was so mean, Daddy! Why did he have to be so mean?” she sobbed.

“He was mean. And he should’ve been more considerate of your feelings. He should’ve acted like more of an adult even if he wasn’t prepared to be a Daddy.”

* * *

His poor babygirl. Owen had been livid before he’d heard Cricket’s side and now he was… What was more angry than livid? Whatever that was. What an asshole. And it explained a lot. Also made him feel, perversely, so honored.

Given what she’d been through with Mitch, it was a wonder Cricket had given herself to him as freely as she had. Littles could be hair-trigger sensitive but they were also resilient and trusting and sweet.

He comforted his love bug while she cried. Hopefully he could provide her with reassurance that she hadn’t done anything wrong, and that the fault lay squarely with Mitch and not on her heaving shoulders. Poor Little girl.

Owen had known from her reactions that she’d been through some shit but he could’ve never imagined that she’d been abandoned like that. He sure as fuck hoped Mitch would take his advice and leave Littles alone.

In addition to all the sympathy he had for his sweetheart—which was basically limitless—he also couldn’t leave this secret-keeping unacknowledged or unchecked. Cricket needed to get it through her head that she couldn’t keep things like this from him. Not just for his sake, but for her own.

“You broke the rules, babygirl. You didn’t tell me about Mitch. I understand why you didn’t want to, but we all have to do hard things sometimes. I expect you to fulfill your obligations to me in the same way I promise to honor my responsibilities to you.”

“Does that mean I get a punishment?”

“Yes. You’re going to get a naughty girl spanking, and then we’re going to do something a little different.”

He was going to make sure that Cricket kept this reminder with her for the rest of her days, but maybe not in the way she might expect.

* * *

Cricket loved having a strict Daddy, but sometimes her butt didn’t love it. Today was probably going to be one of those days.

“Let’s get this bottom warmed up for your naughty girl spanking,” he told her, and then arranged her over his lap, pulling her snug against him.

Uncle Linc had given her a maintenance spanking each night her Daddy had been away which had been nice. Her Daddy had trained her body and her brain to settle down once she’d had a thorough but relatively gentle spanking, and the warmth in her bottom gave her something to focus on if her thoughts started running away with her.

Of course this spanking would be very ouchie but first it would be perfect. A way to reconnect with her Daddy and their dynamic after he’d been gone. She probably wouldn’t admit it but following her morning procedures had been a good way to get her back into her headspace too. Daddy and his sense-making again.

Daddy started out easy like he always did, and took his time. She loved that he understood that it wasn’t just about how hard he smacked her or how many bruises he left, but the length of time and the quality of the attention mattered too.

She would’ve felt terrible if he thought half a dozen swats to her backside was a sufficient scolding. Which was weird because she was going to be very sore and very sorry in the not so distant future.

After Daddy had warmed up her backside to his satisfaction—Cricket would guess that she was a warm, even pink from just below her cleft to the tops of her thighs, layered on top of the bruising that lingered from her punishment last week of course—he rubbed her bottom and she sighed. A couple minutes later, he sat her up on his thigh.

“That was your warm-up, Cricket. Now you’re going to receive your discipline.”

Daddy tipped her off his lap and then led her to the foot of the bed which he bent her over. It was kind of awkward because her elbows were lower than her hips.

“I don’t want you misbehaving and earning even more punishment so Daddy’s going to help you stay in place.”

Cricket felt a bit off-balance when he buckled cuffs around her ankles and attached them to a spreader bar, and then did the same with her wrists and just above her elbows. He wrapped a belt around her waist and tied that to the foot of the bed, and then added a set of nipple clamps to her tits.

The clamps had a Y chain between them, and he clipped the carabiner on the third side to the foot of the bed too. If she rocked too far forward, her nipples would get pulled and pinched even harder. While she dreaded it, Cricket knew that she was also already wet between her thighs.

After she was bound to his satisfaction, Daddy went through the toy chest and returned with a small paddle. The head was a beautiful light brown with a pretty embossed pattern, and the handle was a dark almost purply-brown wood. So pretty and so ouchie.

“This is the paddle Daddy’s going to use for your naughty girl spanking. It’s going to hurt, and you’re going to cry. You’re also going to apologize for keeping things from me. We don’t do that in this house. There is never going to be something I don’t want to know about you, Cricket. You know your safeword if it gets to be too much, and I trust you to use it if you need to.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Then let’s get started.”

Chapter Forty-Three
