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“Sure can, sweetheart. I’m not sure who all will be free to go out since it’s last minute but we can definitely ask.”

The way she beamed at him like he’d just told her she’d won the lottery instead of saying they could invite friends to go out fishing with them inflated his heart like a balloon. Cricket was perfect for him, perfect for life out here. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

“What was the second thing?”

“Could I have some baby time, pease?”

Cricket was going to swell his heart so big it was going to burst out of his ribs.

“Of course you can, babygirl,” he told her, cuddling her even closer. “I would love that. I miss my baby so much when I’m away.”

Cricket had been asking for baby time more and more. Bottles instead of sippies, speech restriction that a paci in her mouth would help her remember, no walking, playing with rattles or big blocks with her mitts on. He loved that she was so comfortable with him that she was willing to regress so far.

“How about you can have an hour of baby time, then you can go see to your chickens, and then we’ll go for our fishing party with whoever else can join us?”

“Perfect, Daddy. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, love bug. Daddy will get you a baba now.”

Chapter Forty-Five

“Why do they call it jigging, Daddy?” Cricket asked.

They were out on a boat that was low in the water like a skiff but had a broader, flatter floor, but was still smaller than the Hag. They had so many different boats here!

“It’s actually named after the kind of fishing lure we’re using. A jig is weighted and it’s meant to be jerked up and down in deeper water.”

“Like the lure is dancing!” Cricket exclaimed.

"Yes, exactly. And the sea floor is the dance floor,” her Daddy said with a smile.

“Is that why they call them…rockfish?” Jojo said and then started cackling.

Jojo was so funny and clever, and all the girls and some of the men laughed.

“Oh, there’s this old song Daddy has in his music library that is very appropriate,” Jojo announced. “I’ll play it on his phone.”

She stuck her hand out and Mister Taj rolled his eyes and shook his head but gamely handed over his phone while muttering something about classics and oldies.

Everyone cracked up again when “Gettin'Jiggywit It” came on. Cricket was happy they were out in a bigger boat because if they’d just come out in a little skiff, there’s no way she’d jump up and yell, “Everyone shake your fins!”

The girls all followed her lead, and Uncle Linc stood up and busted a move too. The other Daddies sat there and shook their heads, snorting at the Littles’ and Uncle Linc’s antics and occasionally telling someone to watch their step or to move away from the side.

It was hard to believe sometimes that it hadn’t been all that long ago that she was sitting in a fluorescent-lit cubicle, trying desperately to stay awake because her body wasn’t actually getting any sleep, clocking in and out at a job she didn’t like to make not enough money for her dreams to come true, and longing for a Daddy to take care of her. And here she was, well-rested, having a dance party on a boat with her friends during a fishing trip her wonderful Daddy took her on after she’d tended to her chickens, and only feeling sore because of a firm spanking and energetic sex. It was so much fun, even though she hadn’t managed to catch anything yet. Her life was nearly perfect.

“Alright girls, I think that’s enough dancing for now. Don’t want anyone falling overboard. Besides, I think you’ve scared away all the fish,” Mister Gavin said after the song had played through a few times.

“What do you think, Cricket? Should we head to another spot or should we pack it in for today? It’s your party,” her Daddy said.

“One more spot, please. I really wanted to catch our dinner.”

“You got it, little lady,” Mister Taj said. “Now all you girls sit down so we can head over to this nice honey hole we found the other day.”

“Excuse me?” Jojo demanded, hands on her hips. “You found a what now, when?”

“Don’t scratch my eyes out, wildcat. It means a good fishing spot. That’s all.”

“Yeah, well,” Jojo said, narrowing her eyes. “I better be the only ‘honey hole’ you’re fishing in with that rod, Mister.”
