Page 14 of Kindness

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“Maybe he just likes me better,”

“Or maybe he just knows a bitch when he sees one,” Vivica snarks as she approaches us and tries to wind her arms around Slade’s neck; he grabs hold of her and shoves her arms away, hurt laces her face. Usually, I would feel bad for a girl if a guy reacted like that, but in this case, I don't care what Vivica thinks.

“Tamara,” Frankie's voice pulls me to where she and Talia are currently sitting; she holds a glass up in the air, “Come on, girl, we got drinking to do.” I turn and grin at Slade; I give Vivica a scathing look before turning on my heels and heading towards the girls. I take the glass from Frankie and down it relishing in the slight burn that comes from the vodka, “damn Tamara,” Frankie giggles as she does the same with her drink.

“If either of you puke, I am not cleaning it up,” Talia murmurs from her seat.

“Sorry, but Vivica pissed me off,” I say as I take a seat at the table beside them.

“Never mind her; I wanna know why my brothers’ hands were all over you,” Talia says, laughing as I shrug my shoulders.

“That man has it bad,” Frankie says as she looks towards where Slade stands with Zayde and a set of twins. I recognise Noah, the grumpy arsehole; the other one looks directly at me and winks.

“Fucks sake,” I mumble. Frankie and Talia both start laughing uncontrollably.

“You’re fucked,” Frankie says as tears run down her face from laughing so much, “because not only does Slade want in your pants, but it looks like Jace and Zayde are both the same,” this only makes Frankie and Talie laugh more.

“Not gonna happen,”

“Sure it isn’t,” Talia says as she sputters from laughing so much. She’s holding her stomach which catches Spiders attention, he goes to move towards us but Slade puts a hand on his arm to stop him before he leans in and says something to Spider which seems to make the man rethink his intention. I can only assume Slade reassured him that Talia was fine and didn’t need any help.

“Ladies, another round,” a guy with a prospect patch on his leather vest says as he puts down a tray of drinks in front of us, “Talia, this one’s yours,” he says as he hands Talia a glass of what I assume is juice, he leaves the other drinks on the tray for Frankie and me.

“Damn overprotective alpha males,” Talia mumbles which makes Frankie and I giggle, “laugh it up, clowns,” she sasses as she puts her glass down. “One day, one or both of you are gonna be knocked up, and then we will see if you find it so funny, won't we?”

Chapter 9


Iwatchasshesits and jokes with Frankie and Talia, the club bunnies glaring in their direction; it seems like the girls dislike having ‘her’ here as much as I do. I don’t have anything against her as such, I have no desire to talk to or spend time with her, I’ve watched how Slade and Zayde interact with her and it makes me feel sick because I can already see their possessiveness for her even if Zayde won’t admit it yet.

“Stop staring, brother,” Jace’s voice takes my attention away from the three women.

“Just making sure that Frankie and little T are okay,” the fucker grins at me because he knows I’m lying; however, he makes no comment. He just stands quietly by my side.

“You know, we could see if she’s up for some twin fun,” Jace says with a Cheshire cat-like grin. That is the thing about my brother; he always knows how to get me to give in; the only time I’m with a woman is if he’s there; we always share. It’s the only time I tolerate them touching me, and even then, there are rules. I don’t do kissing, and there’s no cuddling after; I leave the intimacy to Jace. I make them feel good and make sure they come, but everything after is all my brother.

“Not interested, and something tells me neither is she,” I jerk my head towards the area where the girls are sitting and notice that Tamara is currently watching Slade, who is deep in conversation with Zayde and Spider; a prospect has just delivered a tray of drinks to their table.

“Fucker,” Jace curses with a chuckle, “knew he’d get in there before any of the fucking rest of us,” my brother has been dying to get in Tamara’s pants since she showed up; I have no idea why. She doesn’t seem to be anything special, just another piece of ass around here, not like we are lacking in the pussy department; I mean, the club bunnies keep us all satisfied. “Let’s go get a drink,” Jace says as he pulls me towards the bar where the rest of the guys are sitting.

“I’ve contacted Jamee Hunter; he’s the best hacker out there, even better than me; he says he’ll get in touch as soon as he finds something,” Jace tells Zayde. As soon as we are close enough; the president nods. and continues drinking. “Grudge shitting himself yet?” Jace asks Slade; my brother is determined to beat the shit out of the prospect for putting his hands on Tamara, although he would have done it regardless of which woman it was. We have a code in the club, women and kids are off limits, and anyone who hurts or disrespects them gets their ass beat.

“Yup, pretty sure he was thinking of doing a runner earlier, but I stopped him,” Slade says with a chuckle, “never thought I’d see the day that we would lose a prospect for doing dumb shit like he did.”

We watch as Grudge stomps out of the clubhouse, his shoulders tight with tension, he looks fucking miserable, and I can’t help but grin, fucker deserves what’s coming to him. I may not want to get close to the girl, but no man should ever put his hands anywhere near a woman without her consent; I’m amazed that she let Slade get so close when she first got here tonight, but she didn’t seem to mind his hands on her hips that’s why none of us did anything, plus Slade’s a solid guy, he would never do anything to harm a woman.

Jace rolls his shoulders back, downs his drink and stands to his full height; out of the corner of my eye, I catch Tamara looking our way; she watches as my brother strips off his t-shirt, showing off his ripped muscles. We all work out in the gym every morning; since Jace and I work in the garage, we need to be in shape because you need to be able to lift engines and shit sometimes; Jace spots her watching, so he throws a wink her way.

“OI listen up fuckers!” Spider yells to be heard through the fucking noise out here, the music is immediately cut off, and everyone turns their attention towards us, “You know our code and our rules.” Everyone nods and murmurs their answers, “well, one of our own fucked up today and put his hands on a woman who wasn’t interested, so he needs to be dealt with,” Spider says as he glares at Grudge. “Get in the fucking cage,” Spider growls at him; Grudge says nothing, just nods and does as he’s told; he’s already accepted his fate, it seems.

Jace bounces on the balls of his feet and then makes his way to the cage, which has been placed in the middle of the parking lot, we all know that my brother has got this, but I can’t fight the unease that has settled into my stomach, I feel sick because I hate the fact that my brother feels the need to do this, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen this side of him and it pisses me off to no end. Jace only ever enters the cage when he has no choice, but hasn’t been in the cage since the incident with the last prospect.

I think Jace scared even himself that day. I was worried that we would lose him to the anger and guilt, but he hid it well, at least from the rest of the guys. I could see through his facade, but that’s just because I know him so fucking well. I watch as my brother circles Grudge, not making a move. He’s assessing the prospect, watching him like a predator watches its prey just before it pounces; Grudge isn’t his usual smug and smarmy self; he looks wary of my brother.

Jace swings, his fist connecting with Grudge’s nose, blood sprays across the cage floor as the crowd goes nuts; the guys are all bloodthirsty tonight; they want Grudge to bleed and hopefully learn his fucking lesson. The club bunnies are scattered throughout the crowd, fetching drinks or watching the fight.

“I don’t get it; why the fuck is she getting special fucking treatment,” I hear Vivica whine to Leanne, I think the girl's name is. I know, I should know their names, but to me, they are just faces; I don’t remember many names. Viv, though, she took a lot of the girls under her wing because she was one of the original club bunnies, Viv has been here since she was eighteen years old, so she knows the layout, how shit runs, and the daily routine of most of the guys around here.
