Page 25 of Kindness

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Being with Tamara and the guys was hot as fuck; I didn’t think I’d be okay with it, but the way that she staked her claim today had me wanting her there and then. That's why I’m now lying here with my best friends all around the bed, and for once, I’m happy, content even. Fuck! When did I become a sappy bastard? I have no idea how this is all going to work; I’m not exactly known for being the commitment type but fuck it, I can only try, and if I fail, well, at least Tamara has the rest of the guys by her side.

It’s funny how all it takes is one woman who can make you feel whole; growing up, I never had that kind of love, my mum was a cunt, and all she cared about was her next fix. And my dad, well, he was always too wrapped up in the club or club pussy to give a shit about me and yet I want to think that I turned out okay. I respect women, and would never, ever lay a hand on one, not like my father did back in the day. Especially if Mum was high as fuck, they always fucking argued. My earliest memory of them fighting was the night that my dad beat my mum so badly that she ended up with a broken nose and three broken ribs.

Not that she went to the hospital, oh no, she just medicated herself, and within a few weeks, she was back on her feet again.

“You’re thinking too much,” a sleepy voice says beside me. Her hand rests on my stomach as she sighs and snuggles farther into me; I pull her close, holding her tight. “I’m not going anywhere big guy; you can ease up a little,” she says with a chuckle.

“Never, princess. No one can take you from us now, not even the fucking devil,” I state; her body goes lax as she falls back asleep. My thoughts turn to her fiancé; we need to do something about him and fast before he decides to come and try to take her from us.

“Let that be a tomorrow problem, pres,” Jace says from the foot of the bed.

“What?” I ask him because I know that I didn’t say what I was thinking out loud.

“We’re all thinking the same damn thing, but none of us are actually saying it. Her fucking fiancé could come for her,” he snarls, his voice barely above a whisper so he doesn’t wake our girl. “But we can all talk about it tomorrow. For now, let’s enjoy the moment.” The fucker then goes quiet as he, too, falls asleep.

I let everyone's combined breathing lull me to sleep.


The next morning, the guys and I make breakfast for our girl. Just as Slade pours her juice, she pads into the kitchen wearing one of my t-shirts, and damn if it doesn’t make my dick hard all over again.

“Good morning,” she says with a smile as she goes to sit down on an empty seat, but Noah grabs her hips and pulls her down onto his lap.

“Eat,” Jace says as he places a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of her. The rest of us sit quietly, each lost in our own thoughts.

“Nice t-shirt,” Slade says as he finally finds his tongue. It’s funny how one woman can bring us all to our knees and have us lost for words. Tamara blushes under the heat of his stare, and I can tell Slade’s thinking the same thing as I am. It’s a nice top, but it would be even nicer lying on the floor. I shake myself out of my sex-filled haze and finish eating.

“We need to find out if Aiden plans to come for me,” Tamara is the first one to break the silence and shake us out of our heads. “We need a plan in case he does,” she states as she pushes her plate away.

“I’m on it,” Jace says, producing his phone. He begins tapping away as Tamara watches him; she looks completely fascinated as his fingers fly across his phone. A few minutes later, his phone pings with an incoming text, “Dax says Aiden and his father have disappeared; Damon had some guys go by their place and it's deserted.”

“They must have heard what happened to my father and his men when they attacked here,” Tamara says with a small smile. I don’t like it; something seems off. There’s no way in hell that this whole fucked up situation is being left the way it is; no man worth his salt would let a woman like Tamara go without a fight.

“Nah, he’s coming for her,” Slade states as he looks down at his phone.

“How do you know fucker?” Jace asks with a grin; Slade shows him the phone, and then he turns it towards the rest of us. There on the screen is a text from an unknown number,

She’s mine, and I’m taking her back.

Tamara pales; she looks like she’s going to be sick; the guys all move as one from the table. Noah is the only one who remains seated, his face a mask of anger and rage.

“Not without a fucking fight, he isn’t.” That is all he says, and then he goes back to eating his breakfast. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dial Dax’s number.

“Get your asses over here, now. This prick is coming for her, and we could use the help,” I snarl down the phone.

“On our way.”

“They’ll be here soon; until then, we get everyone to the clubhouse; I want us on lockdown,” I leave no room for argument; the guys nod their heads and begin phoning everyone to get them all into the clubhouse. We have to protect our friends and family.

“What can I do to help?” Tamara asks; it fills my heart with pride that she wants to help us out.

“Can you go and make sure Frankie has everything we need? I don’t know how long we will be locked down for?” I ask her as she steps into my arms.

“Of course,” she says as she kisses me and then goes to get dressed.


Within an hour, everyone is in the clubhouse; even the club girls are here making sure everyone is settled. We have some guys on watch at both gates, and I have a couple of prospects scouting from the roof as well. The guys and I are in the sanctuary with Tamara when there’s a knock at the door; Dax and Damon enter the room with a small woman who looks identical to our girl.
