Page 27 of Kindness

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The guys grab Aiden’s arms, wrestling the weapons from him. I watch as a flash of silver glints in the camera. I grab the radio, getting ready to warn Slade, but it seems that Noah has reached them; he grabs Aiden's hand, knocking the knife to the floor. Aiden tries to fight the guys, but it’s no use; there’s one of him and three of them. His head drops in defeat as the guys drag him back to the clubhouse.

As the guys re-enter the clubhouse, Jace stands and goes to unlock the sanctuary door. I instantly rush out, checking the guys over for injuries, but I don’t spot any.

“Take him to the fucking basement.” Zayde roars the words in a dark voice, sending a shudder of excitement down my spine. Damn, I like the bossy side of him. Two of his guys grab the dude and drag Aiden through the clubhouse and towards the basement. The guys all turn, inspecting everyone else. Everyone is OK, none of Aiden’s men made it through the clubhouse doors.

“You want to stay here?” Zayde questions. It’s cute that he asks, but hell no. I’m not staying up here. I want to know why Aiden was so hell-bent on trying to take me from here.

Shaking my head at him, I start following the grunts. A hand lands on my shoulder, halting my feet.

“Baby girl, this isn’t going to be pretty,” Jace says as he spins me to face him. “He has to die, but not before we find out if anyone else is coming for you,” he says, hinting at something he thinks I don’t understand.

“I know, and it’s okay. I stayed while you guys tortured my father, and I have no intention of leaving now,” I state as I turn and start walking towards the basement; Slade and Noah both chuckle while Zayde nods his head in approval. I hear a faint, “She’s ours now.” I’m unsure which one of them says it, but they’re right. Each of them owns a piece of me, making it harder just to walk away from them. Once I reach the basement stairs, I pause, questioning if I can genuinely watch this. Again.

“No one would blame you if you changed your mind, gorgeous,” Noah says as he comes up behind me, hands circling my waist, pulling me into his chest.

“Nope, I can do this,” I say with more confidence than I feel. The fact that there was no judgment in his tone if I decided I didn’t want to do this was the factor that cemented my resolve. I descend the steps to the basement; as I walk along the corridor, I think about the fact that Aiden is someone’s son, but then I remember his father and his ideas to make me marry Aiden against my wishes as if we were living in the eighteen hundreds. When women were expected to do as they were told, their fathers chose who they married, all in the name of making alliances; straightening my spine, I walk confidently to the room at the end of the hall.

Aiden hangs on the same hooks where my father was just days ago. He somehow seems less intimidating now, and I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of me. The guys who brought Aiden down spin to face me.

“Sorry,” I say as they both smile at me. They say nothing as they exit the room. The guys all enter the room; Aiden’s eyes widen when he realises just how fucked he really is. Once the basement door is closed, Slade approaches the table. Aiden struggles against the restraints, but he’s locked down tight. Jace’s dark chuckle fills the room, and the smell of piss permeates the air.

“You okay, trouble,” Slade asks as he pulls a chair over for me; I’m sure this is the same chair I sat in when my father was down here. I smile at him, nodding my head, which seems to satisfy them all; they all turn as one and stare at Aiden.

“Well, well, well. I guess being the big bad wolf didn’t work out so well for you now, did it?” Zayde spits at him, Aiden tries his best to look nonchalant, but he fails. There’s no hiding the fear that is currently overcoming him. His body trembles, albeit ever so slightly, but it’s still there.

“Let me go, and you can keep the bitch,” Aiden pleads. The wind gets knocked out of him as Slade punches him in the stomach while Noah grabs his chin, forcing him to look at me.

“Talk about our queen like that once more; I fucking dare you. I’ll cut your tongue out and feed it to you.” Damn, Noah is scary when he wants to be; his threat sends a shiver of need through my body; I rub my thighs together as a gush of liquid floods my panties, damn what the fuck is wrong with me? How the hell can I find torture and violence such a turn on?

Zayde approaches Aiden with a set of bolt cutters as he hums,This Little Piggy went to Market. He grabs Aiden’s hand and puts his Pinky in between the cutters' blades. “Now, I have some questions for you, and if you answer correctly, you can keep your limbs. Well, most of them, anyway,” he says as he cuts Aiden’s finger off. Aiden roars in pain as blood spurts from the wound. Barker palms the blow torch and fires it up. Once it’s good and hot, he passes the flame over the wound; Aiden screams this time as the smell of burning flesh permeates the air.

“Can’t have you bleeding out before we get our answers, now, can we?” Zayde says as the smell of burnt flesh assaults my nose.“Now, who else is coming for our queen?” he demands.

“N, n, no one,” Aiden stutters as Zayde pulls a scalpel from the roll of tools on the table behind me; something tells me that Zayde doesn’t believe him. Zayde brings the scalpel down and tears the fucker’s shirt wide open before he makes an incision from Aiden’s sternum down to his belly button. It’s not too deep, but deep enough that Aiden roars in pain.

“You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?” Zayde says with a chuckle; I watch in morbid fascination while he draws another line with the scalpel, this time just below Aiden’s ribcage. Aiden furiously shakes his head; he looks at Zayde, his eyes silently pleading with him, but Zayde and the guys have no intention of allowing him to leave this room. Well, he's not alive anyway because I guess he will leave the room at some point.

A gunshot rings out through the room, making my ears hurt in the process. I look over to see the double-crossing prick now has a hole through his skull. Slade stands with his hand still shaking as he lowers the gun. I approach him slowly like you would a wounded animal.

“It had to be done,” he says as he drops the gun on the table and storms out of the door. The guys all look at each other. They all have various looks on their faces, everything from shock to understanding. I follow Slade out the door along the hallway and back up the stairs, where he heads straight for the bar.

Frankie pours him a shot of whiskey and places it in front of him; as soon as she sees me, she flies out from behind the bar and throws her arms around me.

“Are you okay?” I love that she wants to check on me; nodding my head, I pull away from her slightly. “Is it done?” she asks; this question is a little cautious, almost as if she’s scared of the answer.

“It’s done; your whole family is safe,” I reassure her. She looks at me with a frown.

“You mean our family and friends because, let’s face it, you’re one of us now,” she says with a chuckle as she goes back behind the bar, grabbing me a tin of juice she places it on the counter then she makes herself busy by cleaning while she pretends that she’s not making sure Slade and me are okay.

“You, okay?” I ask him as I place a hand on his thigh.

“Your safe, and that fucker is dead, so yeah, I’m peachy, trouble. Don’t worry about me,” he says, his tone teasing and playful as he drinks his whiskey. The other guys soon find us; we can hear Zayde barking orders at the prospects; poor guys get left to do all the dirty work.

“That’s what they’re here to do, gorgeous,” Noah pipes up as he joins us at the bar; his statement makes me aware that I must have spoken out loud, my cheeks flame with embarrassment. Mum hugs me; I didn’t see her when we came back up here.

“Your mum can stay with me,” Frankie says. Mum's eyes light up at that.

“You mean I can stay?” Mum asks; the guys all chuckle.
