Page 29 of Kindness

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I find Zayde and Slade already sitting at the table as I enter the kitchen.

“Might need to have a conversation with her, don’t you think?” Zayde chuckles, and the realisation slams into me like a truck. Shit! We haven’t discussed contraception; I mean, the thought of our girl pregnant with one of our kids makes me grin from ear to ear, but that might not be something she’s ready for.

“I’ll talk to her in the morning; if needed, I can take her to the pharmacy,” I say as I start sorting what I need to make waffles. I work in silence, both the guys watching me. Usually, it pisses me off when they hover, but I don’t mind tonight. “I’m fine, guys. Seriously.” I tell them, watching as they both nod, then leave the kitchen.

After eating, I wash the dishes, leaving them to dry and pad back towards our room; standing at the door, I take in the sight before me. Tamara has her head on Jace’s chest as Slade has his arms wrapped around her, Zayde on the other side of Jace; they are all fast asleep. I slide in behind Slade.

“Keep your dick away from me fucker, or I’ll cut it off,” Slade says with a chuckle, then he says ouch.

“Leave Noah’s dick alone,” Tamara chastises him sleepily as she turns to face us, her smile lighting up her gorgeous face, “I’m attached to it,” she says as she closes her eyes again. Both Slade and I chuckle.


I’m too fucking hot. Peeling my eyes open, I discover why it seems I’m in the middle of a biker pile; it’s hard to tell who’s legs belong to whom because we are all a tangle of limbs. Someone’s phone rings; Noah scrambles to move but ends up falling out of the bed, which has me laughing as he lands with a thud.

“Shit! That fucking hurt,” he grumbles as he rummages around, looking for whoever’s phone, “pres,” he says, trying to wake Zayde, who just grumbles and flips over onto his back, almost falling out of the bed himself. “ZAYDE!” Noah yells which makes Zayde sit up faster than lightening. “Spider,” he says as he hands the phone over.

“You need to bring Tamara to the hospital; Talia is in labour and is demanding that Tamara be here with her. She’s refusing to push this baby out until she gets here.” Spider sounds panicked; I climb over Slade and start getting ready as Zayde reassures Spider and tells him we are on our way.


Thirty minutes later, we pull up outside St Prince’s. I don’t even wait for Jace to turn the engine off. I just jump out of the car and sprint towards the main entrance, locating the main board, which tells me where to find the delivery unit, which, of course, is on the seventh floor, and there are only two working lifts. Tapping my foot on the floor, I wait for one lift to arrive, and just as it does, the guys all join me.

“Next time, let me at least park the damn car, baby girl; you could have been hurt,” Jace chastises me like you would a child; I just grin at him. Excitement coursing through my veins at the thought of meeting the new arrival today. The lift doors open, and we all pile in. As soon as we reach the delivery floor, Spider practically grabs me and hauls me along the hallway behind him, which, of course, makes the guys all growl.

“Shit, sorry, but my wife is in pain, and it’s fucking killing me,” the big guy apologises.

“Ignore them now where is she?” I ask as I follow him along the hallway and into the third room on the left, where I find one of my best friends currently with a sheet over her top half, legs exposed to give the midwives a better view of what’s going on. My guys all mumble their apologies; covering their eyes, they stumble back out of the room. “What’s this, I hear? You’re not delivering the baby until I’m here,” I say to my friend, hugging her.

“You’re fully dilated, Talia. Let’s get this baby out,” One of the midwives says. Talia grits her teeth and starts to push, panting hard as she does. I watch as Spider holds her hand, whispering reassuring words in her ear. I’ve never witnessed a baby being born before, but it’s one of the most magical and unique experiences ever. However, having to watch my friend struggle in pain makes my blood boil.

“Can’t you give her something for the pain?” I ask another midwife, who shakes her head at me.

“No time; the baby is almost here.”

Less than five minutes later, Talia is holding her gorgeous baby girl. She’s like a mini version of Talia, but she has Spiders nose. The guys all crowd around the bed, but of course it’s Slade who gets in there first, demanding to hold his niece; he sits down in the big armchair that’s at the side of the bed, holding the tiny bundle in his arms he looks so happy and content, it makes me wonder if he wants kids of his own.

He grins at me as I sit on the arm of the chair beside him, looking down at the gorgeous baby in his arms.

“She’s perfect,” I whisper as Talia’s eyes close. “Let’s give your sister and her husband some space,” I say as Slade stands and places the baby in her little plastic cot. We leave the room; a midwife directs us to the family room along the hall. I don’t miss the way that she shakes her ass as she walks in front of my guys; it has a low growl bubbling up my throat.

The guys all grin and slow their steps; Jace takes my right hand as Slade places his hand in my left, intertwining our fingers. Zayde wraps his arms around my shoulder as Noah places a kiss on my lips. The midwife eyes bug out of her head, and I swear her eyebrows practically hit her hairline.

“Happy now,” Noah asks with a grin.


The midwife opens the door to the family room and then leaves without a word.

“Think she’s trying to figure it out?” Noah asks us as we all flop down onto chairs. Slade looks at him, raising his eyebrows in question.

“Nah, dude, she went straight to the nurse's station; you can bet she’s telling all the others about our unconventional relationship,” Jace says with a chuckle.

“So, speaking of relationships,” I start to say, but I have no idea how to ask them how they feel about kids or the future for that matter, and it scares the shit out of me. I decide to rip the bandage off so to speak, “do any of you want kids? Because if not then I need to go on the pill,” I state matter of factly, each of the guys grins at me.

Chapter 20

