Page 5 of Kindness

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I step out of his hold and look up into his deep hazel eyes, “thank you, Dax,” I say as I sit on my bed. “How are we going to ensure he doesn’t find her?” I ask him because what if Dad decides to visit Mum or sends his goons to check up on her? The whole thing has me more than a little worried.

“The policy is no visitors for the first fourteen days, and if your father wants to visit her after that, we will figure something out. Don’t worry. I will not allow anything to happen to either of you. He went too far this morning, and if you hadn’t intervened, then I have no doubt he would have killed your mum this time, and one of us would have had to cover up the mess.”

By one of us, I know that he means one of Dad’s men because that’s usually what happens; although it’s rare for Dad to actually do the killing himself, he usually gives the command but rarely carries out the sentence.

This is a lot to take in.

“Wait, if you took her to the safe house, who went with you?” I ask because usually Dax and Dexter work together even if Dexter is an arsehole; he manages to get the job done, plus he and Dax are matched skills wise. The only exception is Dax prefers to use daggers where Dexter uses his gun.

“Damon,” is all he says. Damon is Dax’s twin brother and one of the few men we trust from my father’s crew. “Bailey and Marc took the car to the hospital and spoke to Daniella,” he continues. Daniella is Marc’s wife, who just so happens to despise my father; she’s a psychiatric nurse and Mum’s best friend. Daniella knows a lot about Mum’s life with Dad, but I don’t think she realised how bad it had gotten between them, and now that she does, I know she will do everything in her power to ensure nothing happens to Mum.

“I need to get out of here, Dax; I can’t marry that pompous prick; I’d rather be on the run than forever tied to him or his family,” I say as Dax sits on the chair opposite my bed.

“Already handled; you leave as soon as it gets dark when the shift changes. Bailey and Damon will come to get you after your father has gone to bed,” he says.

“Where?” I ask him, not that I care because anywhere has got to be better than here and the future my father has mapped out already, but the fear of being somewhere worse than here is playing havoc with my mind.

“I have some friends in low places. They won’t know your real identity, and you need to make sure that they never find out because if they do, they will either kill you or return you to your father.”

He stands to leave, “It’s gonna be okay, Tamara. I will always have your back,” he kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room. I spend the rest of the day packing my stuff, not packing too much because there’s no point, especially when we are trying to be deathly silent and get out as soon as possible. Maria had appeared earlier with another tray of food, which had once again gone uneaten; she didn’t seem happy at my lack of appetite; however, she did not comment, merely shaking her head and exiting the room again.

As the sunlight fades, I take a look around my room; it’s crazy how much I used to love being in this place despite all the shit with Dad. My room was my refuge. My sanctuary, but now the whole place feels tainted somehow. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t hear the door opening.

“We need to move now,” Damon's gruff tone pulls me from my thoughts. Grabbing the duffel bag from my bed, I follow him silently out the door. Bailey is following behind us; Bailey used to scare me when I was young; the man is a giant at over six foot seven inches of sheer muscle. He has a scar that runs from the bottom of his chin and disappears into his hairline; he never speaks; my father’s men used to say that it’s because his mother cut his tongue out when he was a child because he talked too much. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea.

Now that I’m older, I don’t mind his lack of chatter or the fact that he’s built like the Hulk; his presence gives me comfort. We make it to the bottom of the staircase without any issue; however, just as we round the corner, Daniel appears; Damon pushes me behind him, and Bailey spins, so his back is to Daniel, completely shielding me.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry, Damon?” Daniel asks in his usual smarmy voice.

“Making my rounds before I check on Tamara,” Damon barks back. Damon never liked Daniel, especially not after Daniel almost broke Dax’s arm when they were sparring a few years ago.

“Ah, you don’t need to worry about the precious princess; I’m sure your brother has already been in to see her,” Daniel growls at him. Daniel was always convinced that Dax and I would end up together, considering how close we were, and he hated that Dax would do anything to protect me.

Bailey covers my mouth just as I’m about to blow up, and I bite my lip because I know that if I fuck up, then my father will kill the guys and lock me away until the wedding, so I remain calm and silent.

“Shut the fuck up, Daniel, and get back to work,” Damon snarls at him.

After a few minutes Bailey turns me back around again.

“We need to move,” Damon whispers as we rush towards the house's front door. Once outside, Bailey practically lifts me into his arms and carries me to the waiting car.

“Be careful, and remember they can’t know who you are,” Dax says as he quickly kisses the top of my head and bundles me into the backseat. The journey is quiet, and at some point, I manage to fall asleep.

Chapter 3


Openingmyeyesasthe car starts to slow down, I notice that we are stopped outside a huge, wrought iron fence, and Damon is out of the car, talking to some guy who remains within the gates. I can’t hear what they’re saying from inside the car, so I can only assume that these are the guys Damon and Dax trust and want to leave me with. After a few minutes, Damon gets back in the car, and the huge gates open; the first thing I see when we get through the gate is about thirty motorbikes all parked inside, and the second thing is the huge bear head wearing a crown that has been painted on the side of one of the buildings above that it says Royal Bears MC.

These fuckers decided to hide me with a gang of bikers.

”What the fuck,” I murmur, but Bailey and Damon both chuckle, so I must have been a little louder than I thought. “Seriously,” is all I say to them; Damon parks the car and turns in his seat.

“This is the last place your father would look for you, which means it’s the safest. These guys might look rough and ready, but trust me, they will protect you,” he says as he opens his door and steps out.

“Why?” I ask once Damon opens my door.

“Because they owe me and my brother, big.” He says no more than that as he rounds the car to grab my bag from the boot. Bailey gets out and motions for me to follow him; we walk across the car park, and music flows out from an open door.
