Page 7 of Kindness

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“I’m headed back to check on Frankie and the rest of those delinquents over the road. You good boss?” I ask Zayde as Edna finally stops yapping, Zayde nods his head, “you know where to find me,” I say as walking out the door heading straight for the clubhouse. The clubhouse is packed with people tonight, the club girls are scattered around the room, Vivica makes a beeline straight for me, she wraps her arms around my waist, but I shove her off. She pouts her lip, trying to look sexy but she just looks like she’s sucking a lemon.

“What’s up baby,” she asks, her voice is worse than nails down a blackboard, it’s all nasally and grates on my nerves. I’ve never noticed how much her voice grates on you, not until now, mind you I never let her speak much, her mouth was usually too full.

“Why don’t you make yourself useful and go fuck one of the other guys, yeah.” I storm away from her heading straight to the bar.

“What was that?” Frankie our bartender asks as she hands me a beer, I look at her, “your interaction with Vivica, she looks like you stomped all over her heart,” she says with a laugh.

“Not in the mood for her shit tonight,” I gruff out. I had every intention of coming over here and fucking Vivica to get Tamara out of my head and then when I saw Viv standing there in front of me, I felt sick. Tamara isn’t even mine and yet I can't bear to be with anyone else, I thank Frankie for my beer and head towards the back of the bar where the rest of the guys are sitting.

“So, what’s she like?” Bryan, one of our newer members asks, Jace elbows him to shut him up.

“She’s just a job, don’t fucking forget that so it doesn’t matter what she’s like. She’s only here because she needs protected, and we owe Dax and Damon for Talia,” Noah, Jace’s twin brother and our other enforcer spits. Noah has his own set of reasons for not being too keen on women, it goes back to his and Jace’s shitty childhood, Noah downs the last of his drink and storms off.

“He okay?” I ask, worried because I don’t want him to let his emotions get the better of him with this task, Tamara is here and will be around a lot because of Frankie getting her a job helping out behind the bar. He can fight his demons on his own time, but he better not let them interfere with this task.

“He’ll be fine, we just have to make sure that he’s not on his own with her. You know since….” Jace trails off as Zayde enters the clubhouse.

“Church in thirty,” Zayde calls out as he heads back towards the sanctuary, church is where we talk about whatever shit needs to be done within the club, only club members are allowed inside our sanctuary. The guys all continue drinking while I decide to find out what the fuck, he needs to call church at this time of the fucking morning when we should all be getting some sleep.

“What’s going on Pres?” I ask him as soon as I enter the room, closing the door behind me and then taking my seat on Zayde’s right-hand side.

“We need to sort out a schedule and decide what to do with her,” he gruffs out, “something tells me that there’s more to her story than Damon told us, “he says leaning back in his seat, running his hand through his hair.

“We will figure it out Zayde and if there’s more to it then I’ll help you kick Damon’s arse for hiding it from us,” the fucker chuckles at me. “As for the schedule I’m sure that we can sort something out, but Jace doesn’t want Noah left alone with her, which is to be expected.”

“I get that but there might be times when Noah may need to suck it up and get on with it,” he says matter of factly. I understand his point but given Noah’s history maybe I’ll be able to convince him to put a prospect on it if no one can be with Noah, it will make it easier for all concerned plus that’s what prospects are for, they do all the grunt work.

The rest of the guy’s filter in, Noah and Jace the last two to walk through the door.

“Okay, fuckers, listen up, we have a new guest for a while and we need to sort out a shift schedule to make sure that someone is with her at all times, you know how I feel about strangers in our compound, but this girl is important to Dax and Damon,” Zayde says once everyone has taken their seats. The guys all remain silent, listening, waiting to find out why we have a stranger in our midst.

“Tamara Clarke is a friend to Dax and Damon and is on the run from an abusive boyfriend and until such times as he’s dealt with then she remains here with us,” he continues as he pulls a sheet of paper from the pile on the table. “She is never to be allowed to roam freely around the compound, we have to protect our families and friends so until we can trust her she has guards.”

“We can pull a prospect or two to help as well, that’s what they’re here for and a couple of them need to start pulling their weight if they wanna make the cut,” I chime in. Zayde and the guys nod their agreement.

“Jace, I want you to do a thorough search on this chick, we need to find out everything. But it can wait until tomorrow, everyone go get some fucking sleep, I don’t want any of you fuckers sleeping on the job.”

The guys all filter out of the room, I stand to leave.

“Don’t think that I haven’t seen the way you watch her Slade, we gonna have an issue? Zayde asks with a smirk; I shake my head.

“Nah Pres, I’m all good, promise.”

Chapter 5


“What’shisproblem?hewas fine a minute ago?” I ask Damon as Slade shoulder checks him on his way out the door, Damon grins like a Cheshire cat but says nothing. I don’t understand what the fuck is happening right now, one minute Slade and I were having a nice chat and the next he's storming out of here like the demons of hell are nipping at his heels.

“Bailey and me are gonna head back before anyone notices that we’ve gone, be good and stay out of trouble okay,” Damon says as he pulls me into him for a hug, tears prick the back of my eyes but I refuse to let them fall because I know that this is for my own damn good and that’s what I need to remember, if the guys hadn't gotten me out I’d have been forced to marry Aiden and that’s a life I really don’t want. No sane person would want to be tied to that pompous, spoiled arsehole, I’m still shocked that dad thought a marriage would be a good idea.

Shaking my head to pull myself back into the moment because if I don’t, I’m gonna end up losing my shit and demanding that Damon takes me back home so I can have this argument with Dad. I walk Damon back along the hallway, Bailey pulls me in for one last hug before they both head for the door.

“She will be fine, I’ll make sure of it,” Edna reassures the guys as they seem to be having trouble leaving me, they both nod.

“If you need anything, make sure you call us,” Damon says as he follows Bailey outside back towards the car, I stand on the porch and wave them off, my heart cracking slightly. I feel like part of me is missing the second that their taillights are out of view, Edna ushers me back into the house.

“You must be exhausted dear, why don’t you go and get some sleep. It will all be different in the morning.” I want to tell her that it’s all different already, everything changed the second that the guys left. I trudge along the hallway, closing the bedroom door behind me and flop down onto the bed.
