Page 27 of Forbidden Desire

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“Got it, Boss Man.”

Then I walk out before he can get any more nosy. I don’t need him finding out the real reason I can’t — or won’t — stay here anymore. I lift my phone from my pocket hoping to have a message from John, but there’s nothing except the time shining back at me — four in the morning.

This was the only way I could make sure Piper was still asleep when I left. I know that if she begged me not to go I would’ve ended up listening to her. If I make a break for it before she wakes up it will be a hell of a lot easier on me later, I hope.

Before I pull out of the drive, I find John’s contact in my phone and press the call button, then punch the steering wheel when it goes straight to voicemail. I’m not sure why I expected anything different, I’m sure one night of rest isn’t going to do much of anything.

I pull out of the drive, keeping my gaze trained forward instead of searching the upstairs window as if Piper would be watching me from it. While my heart cracks with each spin of my tires, I keep moving toward the end of the drive. She’ll probably wake up in a few hours and try to come talk to me again, then realize I left without saying anything. I can’t do it right now though.

Not until I know John would be okay with it, which is exactly what I plan on doing. If he thinks so little of me I’m not sure I’d be able to convince him of much, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try.

You’ve got to give him a little more time, Beau.

Do I have time, or want to give it to him?

If there’s anything I’ve realized since being here it’s that I can’t imagine what it would be like to live without Piper, and the only way I can have that life with her is if her father accepts our relationship. I’m not convinced he’ll ever accept it, though, which is why it’s best if I walk away from it now before it goes any further.

You’re already in love with her, you idiot.

I guess it’s a good thing she doesn’t know that and it looks like she may never get the chance to. All because I took her to the goddamn fair, a way to have fun and get more comfortable around each other.

Just before I turn out of her driveway, I take the chance to look back and my heart stutters when I catch sight of Piper standing in the middle of the lawn, watching me pull away from her.

Hopefully, she understands why this is what I must do.

Chapter Seventeen


I’mtryingtoblinkback the tears threatening to fall down my face as I hurry back into the house, not wanting to believe that he would leave like this without saying anything to me. Why would he go? Judging by the company truck sitting outside my house, I’m assuming he brought someone else onto the project.

How long has he known he was leaving? I was just over there trying to talk to him last night after he got back, and he couldn’t have said anything then? I shake my head and slam the front door shut behind me as I head back to bed. Hopefully, I can get a couple of hours rest before I have to start my day.

I’m woken out of a deep sleep by the sound of my phone ringing and a quick glance at my clock tells me it’s 7am and I instantly remember watching Beau leave in the middle of the night.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I couldn’t get to sleep last night after everything that went down, I never would’ve seen Beau drive away in the first place. But the entire reason he left is now calling me which I choose to ignore.

Dad will be in for a surprise when I skip going into work again and come to his house with a select few words for him. I’m trying my best not to let too much anger out, but the idea of Beau being gone has my blood boiling. He never would’ve left had my dad not acted out the way he did.

What would I do if I were in Dad’s situation? Would I be upset if I woke up to find my best friend and daughter kissing? I’m sure I would, but I would never overreact the way he did, especially in my own child’s home.

When I walk out the back door there’s a man standing outside the addition, eyeing the construction curiously, before looking at me. His frame isn’t as wide as Beau’s, but he’s still got the muscles.

“Hi,” he says, spinning around to face me. “You must be Piper. I’m Romeo. Beau gave me strict instructions to make this place look perfect for you.”

Hearing Beau’s name has my heart stuttering, but I shake it off with a warm smile. At least if this guy is going to be here for the next couple weeks getting everything done on the inside, the least I can do is be welcoming. He may not be Beau, but that’s hardly his fault.

“Hi, Romeo. Thanks for doing this.” I say, walking up to him with my hand outstretched.

“My pleasure,” he says as he takes my hand for a shake. His hair is styled shorter on the sides, while the top hangs over his forehead, waving a little at the tips. If I had to take a guess at his age, I’d say he’s about five years older than I am. “Well, Romeo, I’m heading out for the day. I’ll carry a pitcher of cold tea to the guest house, something refreshing for you to drink when you take a break.”

“Great, thanks. Well, I’ll get started. You have a great day, Piper,” he says as he gives me a small nod before gathering some supplies and pushing through the door to the addition, letting it fall shut behind him. It should be Beau in there right now and my heart can’t help but ache at the thought of him being gone.

I pull my phone out and see three missed calls from Penny, who’s no doubt sitting in my office right now and expecting me to be there any minute. She’s about to have the surprise of her life.

Penny’s breaths are ragged on the other end before she clears her throat. “Piper, finally. Where are you?”

“I’m not coming in today, Penny.”
