Page 29 of Forbidden Desire

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I guess when he puts it that way I can understand his reaction to the news, especially when no one ever said anything in the first place. Maybe it would’ve been smarter if we had told him about the attraction immediately, rather than doing things behind his back.

“I’m fine, I promise. You don’t have to worry about that, this is the first time anything has happened and he was scared to lose you in his life. Just talk to him, okay?” I don’t even care if he goes to Beau and demands that he never speak to me again, as long as things stay the same between the two of them.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He clears his throat and gives me a small smile. “Want to talk to me about it?”

“About what?”

“Things between you two. Do you want to tell me about it? I’d like to know how you managed to fall for him, even if it’s a little weird right now.”

I shrug. “It wasn’t anything spectacular, just something I knew as soon as I saw him again.”

“And he feels the same way?”

“I wouldn’t know, he left this morning. There’s a new guy working on the addition now, that’s why I came over here. I hoped talking with you would help us out a little bit.”

He curses and shakes his head, guilt shining in his eyes. “Piper, I’m sorry, sweetie.”

It’s okay because I’m determined to get him back. No matter how long it takes to do so.

Chapter Eighteen


It’sbeentwoweekssince I last talked to, or saw Piper and I’m slowly going insane over it. I’ve been lashing out at my assistant most days, irritated that I’m letting these feelings get in the way of my work, but I’m determined not to let that happen today.

My staff doesn’t need to deal with this attitude every day.

I give the security guard sitting behind the front desk a small wave as I make my way through the lobby, slipping through a crowd of people chatting a few feet in front of the elevators. I’ll never understand why people feel the need to have conversations right in the middle of a walkway — step off to the side, at least.

As the elevator doors close and it starts its ascent to the top floor where my office is located, I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. My blood is already pumping fast, so I know this is going to be another bad day, but I’m hopeful the deep breaths will help me get through it.

I’m not sure what I expected from Piper after I left. Maybe that she would call and try to get me to come back? Fight for me? As soon as I walked through my front door that day, I immediately regretted my decision and almost called her. She deserved an explanation for why I left so suddenly, but the idea of John still being upset with me and thinking the worst kept me from making the call.

Still, weeks later, the only thing I can manage to do is get home every night and stare at Piper’s contact on my phone. Each night I hover above the call button, only to stop and throw my phone onto whatever surface is closest to me. John still hasn’t got in touch with me, which only makes me feel worse, and I’m not sure what to do anymore.

My assistant is standing in front of me when the doors open, and she gives me a bright smile. Her eyes dart to my office door, which is closed, before looking back at me. “There’s a man waiting for you in your office. He said that you told him he could stop by this morning?”

“Did he give you a name?”

She shakes her head and sinks her teeth over her bottom lip. “Sorry, I figured if you knew he was here that you’d want me to just send him in. I can ask him to leave.”

As much as it annoys me that she let a random man into my office without gathering more information about him, I’m trying my best not to be a hard ass today. I give her a strained smile and shake my head. “That’s not necessary, I’ll handle it, thank you.” While I walk straight ahead, she turns to the right and takes a seat at her large desk, fidgeting on the computer chair slightly.

Who could possibly be meeting me this early? I try to pick through my brain and find the moment when I scheduled a meeting for this morning, but I’m coming up empty. It must be important if they’re willing to lie about why they’re here, so I square my shoulders and push through the large office door.

My breath stills and the color drains from my face when I catch sight of John standing at the large floor to ceiling windows. “J-John,” I stutter, making my way over to him on shaky legs.

What the hell is he doing here? And without giving me a heads up? This cannot be good. I pull at the tie around my neck, suddenly feeling as though I can’t get any oxygen, and wipe at the sweat forming above my brow. My button up is already starting to stick to my back and I’m hoping this will be quick.

If he wants to hurt me, I can handle that.

When he spins around to face me, a frown on his face, I squeeze my eyes shut in preparation for the hit. I’m caught off guard when a hand falls to my shoulder gently, not aggressively like I had assumed. I peel my eyes open slowly and he nudges his head toward the sofa sitting in the center of the room. “Can we sit?”

I nod, then lead him over to the small space before walking over to the drink cart. This moment calls for something a lot heavier than water. “Drink?” I’m surprised that it came out clear as I'm a mess on the inside.

John shakes his head and leans back into the cushions, casually waiting for me to finish pouring my own drink, and it only intimidates me further. “What brings you here?”

He runs a hand over his face and says, “I’ve been trying to decide if I should do this or not, but I’ve got a very convincing daughter. So here I am.”
