Page 31 of Forbidden Desire

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“Then go get her, Beau.”

I blink a few times. “What?”

He shrugs and pats my shoulder. “It’s going to take some getting used to, but I’d never keep my little girl from being with someone who makes her happy. Even if that someone is you.”

“You approve?” I need to make sure I’m hearing him right before I rush out of the office and head to Piper’s house. I’m not going to waste another minute if he says he’s sure, my meetings will have to be rescheduled.

“I’m lightly approving, but the moment you do anything to hurt her you better watch your back.”

“Yes, sir.” That was weird, calling him that, but it seemed like the best response right now. I don’t even sit my things down at my desk. Instead, I walk over to the office door with a big smile on my face. “Guess I’ll be seeing you,” I say over my shoulder with a smile.

He nods, still a little uncomfortable with the idea, but at least he’s given me the one thing I’ve been waiting for.

His blessing.

And now I can go get my girl back before she thinks I never cared for her the way I made it seem. I’ve spent all this time being too scared to call her, that I’m sure she’s thinking everything I said was a lie. Is she starting to think her dad was right about me? That I’m taking advantage of her?

God, I hope not.

With a deep breath in and back out, the car engine purrs to life and I peel out of the garage with only one thing on my mind — I’m going to tell Piper I love her. Will she feel the same way about me though? That’s the real question.

Chapter Nineteen


It’sbeentwodayssince the addition was finished and I still haven’t been able to bring myself to go inside. Beau was the one who got it started for me and it still hurts to look through the glass windows, let alone actually stepping inside of it. I’ll admire it from my kitchen until I’m ready to go inside.

Romeo was nice enough while he was here, very quiet though. I gave him a tip for finishing the project on such short notice, then waved him away and started crying. It was supposed to be Beau who finished it, and I had imagined that he would spin me around the finished space, then kiss me like his life depended on it.

I’ve been asking my dad what’s been going on, trying to find out if he’s talked to Beau about things, but he won’t give me straight answers. Just keeps telling me that I’ll find out if he’s talked to Beau or not. I’m not even sure what that means, how the hell could I possibly find out?

My launch is in two more days and I’m beyond stressed. Everything seems to be running a lot smoother now that we are getting closer to the date, and ever since I fired Penny. It was a long time coming, especially with how she managed my diet.

Her replacement is quickly becoming one of my favorite people, and she’s actually supposed to come by tonight for a girls' night and she’s bringing a couple of her friends with her. This is something I haven’t been able to have for a long while, friends and quality time with them, and I’m excited to spend time with them later.

Until then though, I’m going to take all this other stress out on the wind. The idea of galloping through the fields has a big smile forming on my face and I quickly get my boots on before hurrying down the small hillside. My horse already has her head poked out of the stall when I get inside as if sensing what’s about to happen, and I chuckle at her.

“Hi there, pretty girl, ready for a ride today?”

She nods her head excitedly and backs up, letting me get the door open, and press my lips to the bridge of her nose. I can’t help but chuckle as she pushes her head into my neck, wanting more attention from me, and I oblige immediately. If there’s one thing that can take all my worries away, it’s the horse standing in front of me.

After I get her saddled up and walk her out of the stables, she comes to a stop next to me and I swing my leg over her back and get myself situated perfectly on her back. I pat her head once, then grab hold of the reins and get her moving. The wind blowing in my face as we race around the grass has me closing my eyes and taking it all in.

Is there anything that could be better than this?

As soon as I open my eyes, they land on a lone figure standing outside the fences for the horses, and I squint to see who it could be. My gaze darts to the driveway, hoping I can get an idea of the car, but it seems as though mine is the only one parked here. I shake my head and lead my horse over to him, jumping off when I come to a stop behind his frame.

“Uh, hello?” When he turns around, I blink a few times as if my mind is conjuring up images, but he stays right where he is. “Beau?”

He smiles and shrugs, pointing at my horse. “Mind a little company?”

I shake my head. “Not at all, you’ll have to get your own horse though.” Maybe it’s stupid of me to give in to him so easily, especially since he had yet to contact me since leaving, but there’s something about the brightness of his green eyes I can never say no to.

“Sure thing, I’ll be right behind you.” He starts walking, but stops as if wanting to say something else, then shakes his head and walks away without another word.

What is he doing here?

There’s a certain level of hope running through me. Is he back for good, or is he here to tell me how wrong everything was and to let me down easy? I’ve spent the last two weeks aching for his touch, but what if he’s been having the time of his life without me interfering with it?
