Page 15 of Enchanted Queen

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I continued to look into her eyes, content to let silence settle in, wanting her to elaborate.

“I wrote the letters for the queen,” she offered shortly.

My eyebrows creased, knowing the state I had seen some of Dra Skor’s Enchanted in. “Is she well?”


I held up a hand. “I did not mean to pry. Forgive me. I have seen some of your Enchanted in our interactions these first few days.” If looks alone could kill, I would be bleeding out on the floor, so I quickly added, “My father put devices on my brother and me which blocked our Enchantment, our magic. I only had it on for a few hours, but a few hours were more than enough. So before you assume I don’t know what I am talking about, I do know what that feels like on a very small scale.”

This seemed to puzzle her, though she was adept at masking her facial features as to not show much emotion. But I could see it in the way she gripped the books in her lap, and the way she’d taken a sharp inhale.

“How did you get out of them?”

Both times I had been in iron gauntlets, the answer was the same. “Jorah.”

“Your queen?”

I gave her a nod.

“They rather fondly refer to her as ‘The King’s Killer’ here.”

I laughed and it felt like the first genuine thing I’d done since arriving at the castle. “It was actually my brother and I who delivered the final blows, but she would be thrilled to hear that.” That was better than my father’s old followers continuing to call herThe Queen of Rags.

Amory went quiet a moment. “You truly do not care that he is gone?”

I looked her directly in the eyes as I said, “I prefer it.” Feeling that we were finally getting somewhere, I leaned an arm over the back of the couch. I wasn’t relaxed, but I was trying to appear to be. “And I will continue to work to right my father’s wrongs. The best thing my father ever did for not only Wylan, but the entire realm, was leaving it with his death.”

She pondered that a few beats and then, “I will talk to the queen about getting you some water samples.”

I still wasn’t sure she wasn’t the queen herself, pretending to be someone else. “As you said, Dra Skor is busy, so we can gather the samples ourselves if need be.”

She shook her head. “That will never work. For multiple reasons.”

“I understand that there is no trust between our countries,” I paused and cocked my head, “but keeping us locked up in cages like animals hasn’t been working either.”

There was a rumble along the floor. And something which sounded suspiciously like a growl.

“I mean you did ask for this,” Amory said on a defeated sigh.

The floor shook with a thump. A chandelier rattled. “Asked for what?”

“To meet with the queen.”


Isaw a blur of black out the balcony and some long black talons on the marble flooring, just before Emric and I were tossed at the wall of books, a few falling out over our heads and crashing to the floor. We dangled there, eight or more feet above the ground.

My magic was crawling and burning beneath my skin as I looked up at the green eyes of a creature I had only ever read about in stories.

A dragon.

We were pinned against the wall, one in either palm of the beast before us. I quickly looked around the scales of the dragon, wondering where the queen was. Amory had told us we were about to meet the queen, had she not?

Emric finally found words, his eyes wide. “Holy—” he cut off and inhaled, “biscuits.” He must have remembered John’s warning to us about being on our best behavior.

But holy biscuits indeed.

The dragon then spoke to us, but not out loud. Ratherinour minds.
