Page 18 of Into the Void

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“I want the void,” she said. “I thought I said that already. Didn’t I say that?” She looked at her companions. “I think that was the first thing I said.”

“You did say it,” the other woman said.

“I knew it.”

“Who are you?” Nick asked.

“Oh, how rude of us,” she said, letting out a soft laugh. “We didn’t even introduce ourselves. I’m Faye, this is Blair, Dixon and Richards.” She pointed to the woman, and then the two men, and she turned back, still wearing that unsettling smile.

“Now, which one of you is the void?”

Brett glanced at Nick, completely confused, and Nick just stared at them with wide disbelief.

“Come on, boys, we know he’s here. There’s no one else in the building, so it must be one of you. Who’s the void?”

“You keep saying that word,” Brett said. “What the hell is a void?”

Faye tilted her head at his question, and then she glanced at Nick and saw the panic on his face. Her smile widened. “We have our answer. And since we don’t need both of you...”

Nick saw something in her eyes, and he threw himself in front of Brett.

Faye lunged forward with blinding speed, and Nick collided with her. It was luck rather than intent, but it kept her from Brett.

Faye wasn’t even knocked back. She grabbed his shirt and bared her teeth, and he knew she could tear out his throat if she wanted to. Instead, she lifted him with unnatural strength and threw him across the room. Nick hit the wall hard and pain lanced through him. He would have yelled in pain, but it felt like all the air was knocked out of his chest.

He fell to the floor, gasping, and he rolled onto his side.

“It’s a good thing he wants you alive,” Faye said. She wasn’t even out of breath.

Brett grabbed a barstool and tried to get between Nick and the vampires.

The two male vampires moved in front of him.

“You’re not worth anything to me, boy,” Faye told Brett. “Drop the stool and get out of our way. I don’t need you.”

“Get out of here!”

“Unfortunate choice,” Faye said, and she walked towards Brett.

“Wait,” the other woman said. Blair. “If we’re wrong, and we kill the void, Samuel will take our heads.”

Faye paused.

“I’m bored,” Dixon said. “Why does this matter? Let’s kill them both and take their bodies back to the boss. He can figure out which is which afterwards.”

Faye shot him a look that could kill, and he went pale. “He wants the boy alive, Dixon.”

“So we take both,” Blair said.

“There’s no point,” Faye said. “Kill the human. I know which is which.”

“Wait!” Nick tried to stand, and to his surprise, he succeeded. “I’ll come with you. Don’t hurt him.”

“You’re coming with us, regardless,” Faye said.

“I’ll cooperate if you leave him alone. Don’t hurt him. I won’t fight you.”

The words came out before he could really think them through. He remembered how scared Cara was. Witches thought voids were dangerous. So dangerous that she almost fled her own home. Maybe vampires thought the same.
