Page 11 of Gio's Possession

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“David Riley. Thirty-six years old. Married. Has a one-year-old son at home. He’s an investment banker. Thinks his rich daddy can get him out of anything because he is into politics.”

“Well, David, you put your fucking lips on my woman. For that, you lose them.”

His eyes go wide with terror, and his bravado has disappeared as he realizes I don’t give a flying fuck who he is.

“Look, man. You want money? I can pay you whatever you want. My family is loaded.” He stops and waits for me to accept his offer. I don’t, of course. I guess he thinks that’s a sign for him to keep speaking and digging his grave deeper.

“Since my brat was born. It’s nice to go out and get my rocks off before returning home to the bitch. You know how it goes.”

“No, David. I don’t know how it goes. When you have a woman and kid at home, you shouldn’t be out trolling for pussy. You are not a man. A man stays home and takes care of his family.”

I think I‘ve blown David’s mind. He’s probably surrounded by men with the same mindset. Having Everly at home, I know I would never go out looking for sex with other women. I damn sure wouldn’t be risking my family if I had a kid at home. These thoughts are running through my head and I get a vision of Everly with a pregnant belly. Pregnant with my baby. I smirk. I’m sure everyone watching thinks it’s because I’m getting ready to cut this fucker into pieces, but all I see is my beautiful girl, who this fucker put his slimy lips on.

I pull David’s lips out and hold them tight. He looks like the women on TikTok who take selfies making duck faces. I push my blade into his skin as he lets out a muffled scream. Slicing his lips clean off of his face, I explain to him why he earned his punishment.

“You should have never put your lips on my angel’s neck. Her skin was not for you to touch.”

His face is bleeding profusely. I toss the flesh over onto the floor. It makes a wet plopping sound.

“Your hand was between her legs. That pussy that you spoke of belongs to me. Mine to touch. Mine to fuck. No one else gets to put their fucking hands on it.”

I’m in the zone cutting this motherfucker into pieces, but all around me, I hear the other two sniveling fucks scream, begging and crying for me to have mercy on them. It won’t happen. Part of their punishment is watching what I do to their friend and being in fear for their own lives. Once I’m done, it will be Marcello’s turn to play, and just the thought of what he will do sends a shiver down my spine. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.

I get a pair of wire cutters out. I don’t give a fuck what they were intended for. We keep ours razor-sharp. I want to make sure they go right through the bone.

As I’m snipping fingers off and the man is screaming bloody murder, pun intended, my hands are becoming slippery from the bleeding. Once David has nothing but a stub left on his left hand, I move to his right. He’s bleeding torrents of blood and has passed out from the excruciating pain twice already. No worries. Each time he goes unconscious, I wait while Marcello waves smelling salts under his nostrils, waking him back up. I wouldn’t want him to miss out on this experience. I just want to finish up and get back to Everly.

My hands are slick with blood, making it hard to hold on to the wire cutters. Once I’m finished, and David has bled out, I turn to Marcello.

“You take care of his friends. Make sure it hurts. I want you to ensure that Mrs. Riley gets a large sum of money that will help her and David’s son live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Make it from an anonymous donor.”

With that, I turn and leave to get back to my angel.


Gio has been gone for hours. I waited, not knowing what was going on or what to expect, but he never came back into the room. I get up and look out the window to see if I can tell where I’m at. The view is amazing. Green as far as I can see. There’s a paved circle drive with a lavish fountain in the center.

I run over to the door to see if Gio had locked it, but it opens before I can try it. In walks an older lady. She looks to be in her mid-sixties, with sparkling gray strands running through her dark hair. She’s beautiful and shares some of the same features as Gio.

“Hello, dear. My name is Valerie. You can call me Mom or Val. I’m Giovanni’s mother.”

Her eyes are kind, but she must be drinking the Kool-Aid because she’s as crazy as her son.

“Gio kidnapped me. I need help,” I say in a frenzied hurry.

She chuckles. “Oh, I know. Marcello called and told me all about you. My son was too busy chasing you around to come tell me himself.”

“What do you mean by chasing me around? I just met him at my work a few days ago. We had never even spoken. Now he’s saying things that are insane! Like he tried to say that we are married. I’m sorry, but your son needs some serious help.”

“That reminds me, sweetheart. Let me see the ring!” She says this excitedly, like I didn’t just tell her that her son kidnapped me.

Val picks up my hand and eyes the atrocity that is the ring on my finger. “That ring is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. Obviously, my son should have let me help him pick it out. Do you like that ring, dear?”

“Well, no. It’s ridiculous and too big. Too ostentatious.” Then I remember I don’t give a fuck about the ring. I need to get her to understand that I am not married to this man. I don’t know him. “Look, Mrs. Val, uh, Gio’s mom. I need to leave. I am not married to your son. I was at work, and some guy grabbed me, then next thing I know, your son is sticking a syringe in my neck.”

The woman looks at me and laughs. Full-out belly roll laughs. “Young love. Gio is so sweet. You are a lucky girl. My son has never cared about a woman, but I knew that when he finally found the one meant for him, he was going down hard.”

These people are all psychopaths. Someone has to be punking me. No way is this for real. I’m so stunned that I don’t even think about running out of the house. When I looked out of the window, there was nothing as far as I could see. I don’t know how far I would have to walk. I have no shoes on.
