Page 15 of Gio's Possession

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“It’s legal. I have a signed marriage license.”

“You can’t just fucking marry someone while they are unconscious, psycho.”

“I’m pretty fucking sure that I can since it happened.”

I am so exasperated with this man. I really want to hold a pillow over his face, but I won’t look good in an orange jumpsuit, and I’m not tough enough for prison.

My eyes grow heavy, but I can’t resist throwing one more jab at him.

“You are such a caveman.”

I’m lying safe and warm in Gio’s arms as sleep takes me. The last words I hear him say are almost sweet.

“Only for you, Angel, only you.”


Once my beautiful girl is asleep, I remove the leftover water bottle and make sure I dispose of it properly. I wouldn’t want her to wake up and drink the leftover water in the morning. I already feel guilty for drugging her again so soon, but it had to be done.

This girl is precious. When she surrendered her release to me in the shower, it was all I could do not to fuck her hard against the wall. I had to control myself so that she understood that was all about taking care of her. I will always put her needs before my own.

I’m not sure what Everly has done to me, but I’m completely and utterly obsessed with her. This isn’t just about her beauty, although she is gorgeous. There is more to it. As I watch her sleep next to me, I feel a pang in my chest. I have never believed in love at first sight, but now I wonder if that’s what this is. Maybe it’s just an obsession. Either way, I’m in too deep to stop now.

I pick up my cell phone and dial.

“Doctor. She’s out. Come on in. We’re in the bedroom.”

The Martinelli mafia has employed doctor Carlo Bianchi since I was a kid. He knows that if he doesn’t do exactly what we order him to do, he will pay for it with his life. We compensate him well to leave his morals at the door. I lost mine a long time ago.

The doctor is an older man, probably close to seventy. Even knowing he is old enough to be Everly’s grandfather, I still don’t like the idea of allowing another man to touch her. Unfortunately, she left me no choice when she removed the ring that I had made with the tracking device in it.

I need to know where she is and that she’s safe. Someone hurt her, and I still don’t know who that was, but I plan to find out. I also don’t think she’s accepted that she’s mine yet. In fact, I expect her to run when she has a chance. I’m not taking any chances of losing the most important person in my life.

There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens. The doctor greets me and comes in with a large medical bag. I sent him a text earlier, letting him know what I expected of him.

He sets his bag down on the bed and goes to pull the covers off of Everly.

“Stop. I will move the covers. Don’t touch her more than you have to. If you need to move her or any of her clothing out of the way, tell me, and I will do it.”

“Yes, sir.”

I move over to my angelic girl and pull the covers down. The doctor is preparing a needle.

“Mr. Martinelli, if you can roll your wife over on her side and lift her hair off of her neck, I can place the tracker.”

Rolling Everly over onto her side so her back is facing the edge of the bed and the doctor, I delicately lift her long hair off of her neck, pulling it to one side over her shoulder. Bearing her neck for the doctor, I step aside while he injects the tracker under her skin.

“It’s done. You should be able to access her location from your phone.”

I let out a sigh of relief. I can’t lose her. She doesn’t know it yet, but I am going to make her fall in love with me. I’m going to make her as addicted to me as I am to her.

“I want you to come and examine her in the morning. She hasn’t been eating properly and needs to take vitamins.”

“If we are going through with your plan, then I will prescribe prenatal vitamins,” he replies.

“Be discreet. She needs to think that she is taking regular multivitamins. Do the fertility shot, but make her think it’s birth control. I don’t want her to have any reason to resist me.”

Dr. Bianchi gives me a nod and takes his bag with him.
