Page 18 of Gio's Possession

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I give him a nod and decide I like being taken care of by him. His mom and friend don’t seem to care, so why should I?

After we’ve all eaten breakfast, I get up and help Val clean the kitchen while Marcello and Gio continue to talk business at the table over a refill of coffee. There’s a knock at the door, and Valerie opens it.

“Doctor Bianchi is here,” she informs the guys.

“Everly, our family doctor is here to give you a checkup,” he states.

“But I’m not sick.”

“We just want to make sure you are healthy and get you on some vitamins. You could stand to gain some weight, and your bruises haven’t even faded yet. Don’t think that I have forgotten about those. We will be discussing who hurt you.”

With the beating that my dad and Oliver gave me, I decide Gio is just being cautious. He’s right about my diet being shit before I got here. His leaving me breakfast in the alley helped, but I’ve been running on fumes for a long time. I concede and follow him and the doctor upstairs to the bedroom.

When I enter the room, the doctor is getting things out of a large medical bag, and Gio is speaking to him in a hushed voice. “Remember, Doctor, what we talked about last night. If she needs to be touched and it can be helped, then I will be the one to do the touching.”

The doctor gives him a stern nod. I think I see a bit of fear in the old man’s eyes.

“Everly, I’m Doctor Bianchi. I am going to give you a shot in your arm. Your husband instructed me that you will need some sort of birth control. Is that correct?”

Birth control? Why would I need birth control? Then it dawns on me: I am a married woman now, and I guess Gio expects sex but wants to make sure I don’t get pregnant. I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I’m hurt by the fact he is being extra careful not to get me pregnant. He obviously doesn’t plan on having a real marriage that lasts. I feel stupid because I got caught up in the fantasy. He made me feel like he wanted me. I misunderstood, and that is clear now. I was stupid to believe a rich, handsome guy like him would want to knock up someone like me.

“Yes. I definitely need birth control, Doctor.”

The last thing that I need is to get pregnant and end up homeless again once Gio is done with me. It wouldn’t be fair to bring a child into this, especially since I will be unprotected back out on the streets. I don’t know when my dad might find me. I shudder to think of bringing a child into that house around him and his friends.

Gio raises the short sleeve of my shirt so that the doctor can give me a quick shot.

Dr. Bianchi also hands me a white bottle of vitamins with a prescription label, letting me know they are stronger than what I can buy over the counter. I know I’ve been short on nutritious food for a long time, so I accept the vitamins. The doctor puts a stethoscope on, and Gio moves the part that touches my chest into place. The doctor listens to my heart and lungs. He shines a light into my eyes and looks into my mouth. Once the doctor leaves, Gio tells me that he has to go to work.

After finding out he wanted to make sure he doesn’t knock up the poor homeless girl that he found in the alley, I want him to leave. It’s not fair of me to be upset with him. He’s only protecting himself. A lot of women would try to trap a rich man like Gio with a child. That would be a meal ticket to someone like me.

I wouldn’t dare, but he doesn’t know that. Once he leaves, I wander around looking for the clothes that I wore yesterday and the pair of shoes that have disappeared. I find them in the laundry room on the dryer folded. Gio’s mom must have washed them for me this morning.

I cry tears for the fantasy that I started to believe. How stupid I feel now.


Marcello and I work all day going around and checking on our legitimate businesses that we use to launder money through, as well as setting up shipments of our not-so-legitimate products. I really didn’t pull my weight the last few days because I was too busy stalking Everly and watching her sleep, as well as sitting at her work. Marcello and my father kept things going, but I need to work. Now that I am fulfilling my father’s requirement of finding a wife and soon an heir, I need to show him I am ready to take over the family.

I was so preoccupied catching up on work that I didn’t think to check my phone once all day. I knew Everly didn’t have a phone to call me, and I will need to fix that as soon as I can, but I didn’t even check on her tracker, which I would regret when I walk into the house that evening.

When I walk through the door, all the lights in the house are off. Everything is quiet, and I have a terrible feeling in my gut. I search the house, knowing that I won’t find Everly there.

Running back out to the driveway, I jump into my black SUV and pull Ev’s tracker up on my phone screen. Driving toward her location, my rage builds. She left me. I knew it was going to happen, but I had hoped she would realize I was giving her all the things that she needs. She needs to be cared for and protected. Fed nutritious food. Seen by doctors. I am giving her a family. Even though she doesn’t know it yet, I know she will make a good mother. This stresses the fact that I need to tie Everly to me in every way possible. A ring on her finger wasn’t nearly enough. Maybe a baby in her belly will get her to understand we are permanent.

As I get into town, I see that she’s sitting in the park on the same bench I watched her read her romance novel on. It’s dark, so it’s easy to park out of sight and walk up to where she’s sitting. Standing behind her, I move silently until I can reach around and grab her with my hand over her mouth so she can’t scream. She tries to struggle to get away, and muffled sounds are coming out of her. She can’t scream, and she can’t get away. I drag her, kicking back to my car.

She is facing away from me, and I am still holding my hand over her mouth. She can’t see who was kidnapping her. As she continues to struggle, I push her up against the side of my car. I push my dick into her pelvis. That’s when she sees my face and realizes who has her. She stops struggling, and I remove my hand from her mouth. The struggle has turned me on, and now I have a hard dick. I really want to throw her onto the hood of my car and fuck her so hard that she will never forget who she belongs to. My little wife just can’t seem to help herself and is always making my dick hurt for her. I can’t wait to claim her, but now is not the time.

Now that she knows it’s me, instead of being scared, she’s pissed off, which is fine because I’m beyond pissed. “You scared the hell out of me, Gio.”

“Yeah, well, you scared the hell out of me when I got home and noticed my wife wasn’t where I left her.”

“I’m not really your wife.”

“You are more than my fucking wife, Everly. You are my whole fucking world.”

She goes silent and has the intelligence not to push me.

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