Page 23 of Gio's Possession

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“It’s my fault. I should have told you,” she says with a sniffle.

Still frozen with my hard dick lodged inside of her body, I struggle to keep from moving.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t think you would want me if you knew no one else did either.”

What the fuck? “Everly, baby. My angel. I can’t stand the thought of another man touching what belongs to me. You are mine, and now that I know that this is the only cock you will ever have inside of you, I am going to be even more insane and possessive.”

She lets out a giggle. “That’s scary.”

We both break out in a laugh. “I have to move, baby.”

I start out slowly, trying to be gentle with her. I’ve already hurt her, and I hate that I’ve caused her pain, but I’m too selfish to stop. I hold on to her face with both hands. Thrusting into her and staring into her eyes, I imagine her pregnant with my child. The thought turns me on more if that’s even possible. I keep pulling almost out and thrusting back into her warm, wet cunt.

I have replaced the look of pain on her face with a look of pleasure. That spurs me on to pick up the pace. Our breathing is faster, and my heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of my chest. I’ve had sex with a lot of women, but it’s never felt this way before. The pleasure is unbelievable. The possessiveness that I feel over my wife is something I’ve never dealt with before.

She’s jerking her hips back and forth, fucking me back.

“Gio, ah, oh my god. It feels so good.”


My thrusting speeds up as I fuck her hard and fast. Losing control, I feel her pussy tighten and choke my cock. As her release sweeps through her, I give her three more hard thrusts, dreaming of her with a swollen belly. A baby girl who has my eyes and her smile. I have to plant my baby inside of her. I need to fill her with my seed.

I thrust as deep as I can and let go. “YOU ARE MINE.”

Filling her to the brim with my cum, hoping that it takes root and gives me the heir that I need. Not just to have an heir for our empire but to have a bond with Everly that no one can ever take away.

Pulling out, I look down between her quivering thighs. Cum is running back out of her pink, swollen cunt. I reach down and push it back into her. I don’t want it to go to waste. There is blood smudged on the sheets beneath her and her thighs. My dick is stained with her virgin blood. It’s a sign that she completely belongs to me and only me. No other man will ever have her. The thought makes my cock jerk and swell back up harder than it was before I fucked her. The sight of her blood has me ready to go again, but I know Everly is going to be sore, so I restrain myself and go to the bathroom. Grabbing a warm, wet cloth, I clean between her legs. Throwing the cloth in the hamper, I climb into bed, pulling Everly into my body. She’s so exhausted that she’s already asleep.

I look down at her angelic face and watch her sleep. I don’t know how long I watch her before sleep takes me, as well.


Over the next few days, Gio and I fall into a routine. We have breakfast together, and for several days, Valerie and Marcello join us. Each morning, Gio makes my coffee, sits me on his lap, and feeds me. He only stops to take bites for himself when I’m chewing or after I’ve had my fill. He’s always touching me, holding me, stroking my hair, almost as if he can’t stop himself. He hands me my daily vitamin and watches me take it with a cup of juice. He’s really sweet when he is taking care of me. It’s something I’ve never had before, and I’m not sure what to feel about it. Sometimes, I forget the baffling things he’s done. I sometimes feel like there are two of Gio. One who is tender and warm, and the other unhinged.

Val is sweet and kind. She’s so motherly and nurturing. It makes me miss my mother. We spend a lot of time together while Gio and his father run the business. With them being Italian, she’s teaching me how to cook, and she’s amazing at it. We’ve even gone to get our nails and hair done together. The only drawback is that Gio makes us take a guard with us. It’s awkward and hard to get used to. He must be really important, or he’s just crazy protective. I’m not sure which, and it might be a lot of both.

Marcello likes to tease Gio. Knowing how jealous and possessive he is over me, Marcello flirts. You can tell he has no interest in me sexually and is only joking around, but Gio just doesn’t seem to see that. I’m waiting for him to catch Marcello and break his nose one morning. He makes me laugh, and I really like him. He’s also handsome, but not as much as Giovanni. He’s like that older brother who likes to tease and joke all the time. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Gio and Marcello were brothers from the way they act toward one another.

Gio’s father comes to breakfast some, but not as often as the other two. Aldo is more serious than Marcello but still has a sweet disposition. He’s not creepy at all, unlike the men my dad had hanging around. He’s the father that I wish I had when I was growing up. When he speaks to me, he looks and acts like a father. I feel comfortable with him, and that’s not something I usually feel around men. He, Gio, and Marcello usually talk business. Sitting on Gio’s lap as they were doing this was really embarrassing at first, but Aldo, just like Val, doesn’t seem to think there is anything strange about it. He’s supportive even when Gio makes a decision that he doesn’t agree with. He’s so affectionate and caring toward Val. I can tell where Gio gets his love of taking care of me. Aldo looks at Valerie like she’s his world. I dream of someone looking at me that way one day.

They have all mentioned that Gio has a younger sister, Serena. I haven’t met her yet, but this family has accepted me without question. It’s comforting and astounding at the same time. My dream is to be part of a family like this. I keep trying to remind myself not to get too attached because it won’t last forever.

Once breakfast is over, the guys all leave for work, and we ladies clean up the kitchen. Sometimes Valerie stays, and we cook, watch TV, or go out, but she’s becoming someone I really care about.

When Gio gets home from work, we eat dinner together. He showers me and then himself before we climb into bed. Sometimes, I read while he works on his laptop before we fall asleep.

Since the night that Gio took my virginity, he hasn’t touched me again. He’s always affectionate and holds me tight while we sleep at night. He mentioned he was allowing me time to heal, and he knew I was sore. You would think after several days, he would try again. It worries me I didn’t live up to what he was used to. I thought, aside from the pain at the beginning, that it was bliss, but with no experience to compare it to, I am wondering.

With that heavy on my mind, I get dressed for the morning and head downstairs. Val and Aldo don’t join us today, but Marcello is here. As I walk into the kitchen, Gio presses his mouth to mine, gives me a kiss, and hands me my coffee. As I walk away, he smacks me on the ass playfully.

“You two need to get a room,” Marcello says.

“This is our house, dumbass. They are all our rooms,” Gio scolds.

While they are bickering back and forth, there’s a knock at the door. I walk toward it and set my coffee on the table on the way. Opening the door, I expect Valerie has changed her mind and came over this morning. It’s definitely not Valerie.
