Page 4 of Gio's Possession

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“I’m a busy man, Carla. I am working, and I don’t have time to socialize.”

“I wouldn’t call what we have socializing, Gio.”

What in the ever-loving fuck is this psycho talking about? WE don’t have ANYTHING. I’ve never touched the woman and wouldn’t with a ten-foot pole.

My father clears his voice to gain our attention. “Gio, Mario and I have been hammering out a marriage contract between our families. I have given you ample opportunity to choose a wife, and since that hasn’t happened, I think the best course of action for both families is to set a date for the wedding.”

I have never wanted an arranged marriage. I want the relationship that my parents have been able to create. A loving family. The misery that I would face being married to a woman like Carla for the rest of my life is not something I can contemplate.

I always assumed that one day, I would meet someone and fall in love. We would have a couple of kids and live happily ever after. I did not plan to marry a vapid human being like Carla Esposito or join our families. Her father, Mario, is a snake in the grass. He has some shipping routes that would benefit our family by running our guns and drugs, but just mildly. We have more money than we might spend in our lifetime, so it’s not like my father needs this deal. We make enough from money laundering through our businesses that we never have to worry about money again.

“With all due respect, Father, I am not interested in a marriage contract.”

Carla just can’t keep her mouth shut and has to chime in. “Gio, it’s time. I want to be pregnant by next year. Our families need an heir.”

She gets up and walks over to me, standing in my personal space. Her hands, with her blood-red manicured fingernails, reach up and run over the skin on my neck.

“I know a man like you has needs, Gio. I can make sure those needs are met,” Carla adds as if it’s a foregone conclusion.

I toss her hand off of me and move her back out of touching distance. “Yeah, Carla, and I get those needs met just fine without your help.” Was it a low blow insinuating I am fucking other women? Maybe, but women like Carla only hear you when you are harsh.

Mario stands from his chair and makes himself known. “Gio, you will not disrespect my daughter. We all know men like us have whores on the side, but we don’t throw them in our women’s faces.”

“Mario, with all due respect, your daughter is not my woman. We have no relationship and won’t be having a relationship. I am not interested in a marriage contract with Carla.” I look at my father to help de-escalate this situation, but he looks down.

“Gio, I am giving you an ultimatum. Find a wife and produce an heir, or you will marry Carla. Your mother and I aren’t getting any younger, and I am ready to step down.”

“Aldo, you are wasting my time here. We have decided to bond our families together through Gio and Carla,” Mario adds.

My father looks at him right in the eyes and makes it known he is not happy with his outburst. “We have signed no contract, Mario. Until we have, you will do well to remember who you are speaking to. I will give my son a limited amount of time to get his affairs in order, and if he does not do that, I will sign the contract.”

“This is bullshit, Aldo. My daughter wants this marriage, and I will make sure that it happens.”

That’s why Carla is a conniving and manipulative bitch. Her father hands her whatever she wants, no matter what it is. It’s sickening.

Her nasally whining pulls my attention from our father’s argument. I really want to tell her to just shut the fuck up. “Get the fuck out of my office and wait for my call,” my father booms.

As Carla trails behind her father in her expensive designer dress that barely covers her ass and her too-high stripper heels, I know I’ve dodged a bullet, but for how long, I don’t know.


Iimmediately got dressed and made my way to the bus station. I knew I had to save enough to get at least some food in my stomach. I packed what I could into one duffle bag and ran. With the weather getting cold at night, I made sure I brought my warmest coat, which isn’t much.

The town I made my way to was only about an hour away from my dad, but I don’t plan on staying long. I found an alley to sleep in. I hid my stuff behind a dumpster while I went door to door the next day begging for a job. Once I make enough money, I plan to get further away. My dad is going to come after me.

He obviously owes Oliver a good amount of money, and I am the one who pays for him to spend his days drinking and gambling. I don’t know what to expect of Oliver, but I don’t trust that he won’t come after me as well.

I made my way into a local bar, and the bartender looked at me with pity when she saw me limp in. I ended up with black eyes, a busted lip, and bruising all over. I didn’t tell them what happened, but I’m sure they thought a boyfriend beat me up. I let them think what they wanted to and used their sympathy to my advantage. They offered me a job waiting tables. I wasn’t moving very well from my injuries, so the manager told me to get some rest and they would see me on Monday. That gave me a day to recover. I hoped I could do my job by then, but the soreness was disabling.

I smiled and thanked the manager for the job and left the bar. I stopped at a little gas station and bought a small bag of chips. After buying the bus ticket, I only had a bit of money to survive the next few days. I had to be tight with my money, which meant going hungry again. I went into the bathroom to the sink and used my cupped hand to bring sips of water to my mouth. I drank until I had sated my thirst. Buying expensive gas station drinks was a luxury I just couldn’t afford right now.

I left and went back to the dark alley where I had hidden my duffle. I put my coat on because the night air was really getting chilly this time of year, and I used the duffle as a pillow. I was hidden behind the dumpster so that, hopefully, no one would see me from the road.

I sat and ate my chips and savored every crumb. It didn’t fill my empty stomach, but it killed the hunger pains for the moment. I can’t remember the last time I ate until I was full. There aren’t any nutrients in the chips, but it’s the best I can do for now. I hope one day soon I can actually eat until I feel like I’ve eaten Thanksgiving dinner. Now that I don’t have to keep my father and his friends in beer, I can afford to take care of myself. I just have to make it until I get paid again.

I lay down exhausted and hurting on the cold pavement in the alley and try to get comfortable. This is my home until I can do better, and I’m going to make the best of it. I reach into my duffle and grab the over-the-counter pain medicine I snagged from the medicine cabinet before I left the house. I remember I bought nothing to drink, so I have nothing to swallow the pills with. I put them back and try to go to sleep, knowing there will be no relief from the pain tonight.

