Page 45 of Brett

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“Running us ragged, but we love it.”

She nodded, boxed up the cupcakes, placed them in a large bag, and set it on the case top.

JoJo told him the price, ran his credit card, then handed it back to him along with the bag.

“Thank you, Nick. Have a great day. Tell Paige hello for me.”

Nick touched the brim of his hat and grinned.

“Yes, ma’am. See you soon, JoJo.” He walked out.

“Was that Nick Richards?” Courtney asked.

“Yes. Paige wanted a dozen cupcakes.”

Courtney laughed. “Is she pregnant again?”

JoJo smiled. “I didn’t ask. He seems happy.”

“He’s gorgeous.” Courtney shook her head. “So many good-looking men around here.”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing.” Sloane sighed. “I will never forget meeting Dominic Blackstone. I think I tripped on my tongue.”

The women laughed and then got back to work. Only two hours to go, and JoJo could go home and soak in the tub.


Brett was sweating his ass off. That’s all there was to it. He leaned the rake against the stall wall, took a handkerchief from his back pocket, and removed his hat. Then he wiped his face and the back of his neck.

“Damn, it’s hot,” he muttered.


He stepped into the barn’s aisle to see Nevada striding toward him. Brett removed his gloves and stuffed them in the back pocket of his jeans.

“Hey, Nevada. What’s up?”

“I’m heading to town for a burger. Want to go?”

“I’d love to, but I’m sure I don’t smell too good.”

Nevada chuckled. “I get that. Maybe another time.”

“Definitely. Call me the next time, so I have time to clean up. I’d forgotten how much this works a person.”

“You should hire a couple of men.”

“I only have two horses, Nevada.”

“Is that all you’re going to have?”

Brett chuckled. “Probably not. You could be right, especially when I have to work.”

“It never hurts to have some help. I didn’t want to hire anyone, but I had to once I returned to work.”

Brett nodded. “I’ll look into it. Any ideas?”

“Check out the corkboard in the Clifton Feed Store. It’s to the left of the doors when you go inside. I talked to Sam before hiring them to ensure they were good men.”
