Page 40 of Alex

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“Do you have any siblings?”

“No. Just Peyton and Marlowe. You?”

“Nope. Mom couldn’t have any more after she had me.”

“Mama? What’s siblings mean?” Zoey asked.

“It means brothers or sisters.” Dylan smiled.

“Oh, okay. I want a sibling.”

Alex and Dylan looked at each other and laughed.

After cleaning up the dishes and kitchen, Dylan told Zoey that had to leave. Alex bit his lip to keep from grinning when Zoey told her mama no and ran to the living room. He looked at Dylan.

“If I wasn’t convinced, she was female before, that cinched it.”

“She can be a little stubborn.”

“Really? A female being stubborn? I find that hard to believe,” he scoffed.

“Very funny.”

Alex grinned. “I try.”

Dylan shook her head. “Zoey! Now.”

“I want to stay with Peaches.”

“You just had to have a dog,” Dylan growled as she walked into the living room with Zoey’s coat. “Zoey, we have to go. Alex said you can come back anytime and play with Peaches.”

“’Kay. Can I come tomorrow?”

Alex laughed until Dylan shot him that look. He cleared his throat and sat on the sofa.

“We’ll talk about it. Come on. I have work to do, and I know CeCe is waiting for you.”

“I want a dog, Mama.”

“Let’s go now.” Dylan held her coat up and Zoey pouted as she put her arms into the sleeves. Then Dylan tugged her beanie over her head. “Tell Alex goodbye, so we can go.”

Zoey looked at him, and he did his best not to grin.

“Bye, Alex. I’ll come back.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Zoey grinned at Dylan then walked to the kitchen. Dylan and Alex followed her, and Dylan pulled her coat on then opened the door. The cold air blew inside.

“It’s cold, Mama. Let’s go.” Zoey ran across the porch, hopped down each step, and to the SUV. She stood beside it, jumping up and down.

“Now, she’s ready.” Dylan shook her head then looked at Alex. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“When can I see you again?”

“Can you come for dinner tomorrow night?”

“I’d love to. Anything you’d like me to bring?”
