Page 63 of Alex

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“Same here, but you were right in stepping back. You got Toga home.”

“Along with Luke’s help. It was his informant who led us to that auction house. My C.I. heard they were in Kalispell, but not exactly when.”

“Is Luke married?”

“No. Why?”

“Just curious. He’s very handsome.”

“Yeah, whatever. He’s a good friend, and yes, he’s a cowboy too. He has a small ranch.”

“I already have a cowboy. I was wondering about him for Peyton.”

Alex chuckled. “She won’t like him since he is a cowboy.” He scooted up, and sat against the headboard, and Dylan did the same. “So, you have a cowboy now?”

“I do.” She looked at him. “I’m crazy about him.”

Alex cupped her cheek in his hand. “And he’s crazy about you. Now, we can be together, and take it from here. But I have to tell you, Dylan, I have no desire to see anyone but you. I know it wouldn’t take much to fall in love with you.”

“Oh, Alex, I feel the same. Just remember there are two of us you’re taking on.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I adore Zoey.”

“I’m so glad. I don’t want her hurt.”

“I will do everything in my power to never hurt either of you.”

Dylan smiled, leaned her head against his shoulder, and sighed. This is where he wanted to be. Always.


July arrived and Alex and Dylan spent more time together. She knew she was in love with him, and so was Zoey. Her daughter loved it when he’d come to their house or go to his. Zoey also loved Peaches, and the dog loved her. Alex would bring the dog anytime he came by.

Alex told her the rustlers confessed, but Travis was not involved. Where he was now, was anyone’s guess. She didn’t care. As long as he was away from her and Zoey, she couldn’t care less about Travis Martin. She was happy and if she never heard his name again, it would be too soon.

Saturday afternoon, Dylan helped Zoey dress, and heard a vehicle outside.

“Let me see who that is, Zoey. Don’t move.”

“Okay, Mama.”

Dylan walked to the kitchen, opened the back door to see Alex standing there.

“Hi, what are you doing here?”

“I was driving past and thought I’d stop in and say hi. Hi.” He grinned.

“Hi yourself. Come in.” She opened the door wider, and he entered the kitchen. He kissed her lips as he passed her.

“What are you doing today?”

“I’m taking Zoey to the Halloween costume party at the town hall.”

“Halloween? I think that was months ago.”

“The party on Halloween was cancelled because of the snowstorm, and this was the only day they could schedule it. The kids won’t mind.”

“I see. What is she going as?”
